Sinks for a bathroom

When the bathroom repair is almost complete, it is time to choose plumbing. The only thing left is to get a sink, but only in conditions of a huge assortment it is not easy to do this. Sinks for the bathroom you need to choose very carefully and weigh each of your criteria. Sinks of modern manufacturers are quite presentable, elegant and original, so you should not even compare them with those faceless enameled washbasins that are so familiar to us from childhood. So, what should be paid maximum attention to, what rules of choice to follow, we will consider further.

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Are sinks really necessary in bathrooms?

In any home, it is the bathroom that is considered a special place, so you need to design this room stylishly and rationally, so that everything is in place. A sink for the bathroom is a key element, so you need to choose it carefully. This room, as a rule, is not very large, so attention is paid to details, so that it does not seem too cluttered in the end, and an atmosphere of comfort and domestic warmth reigned in it. Each element should be useful and convenient in its own way.

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What are the sinks for the bathroom?

They are classified according to three main characteristics:

  • Installation method;
  • Material;
  • The form.

Now let’s take a closer look at each category.

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Types of sinks, depending on the installation method

Bathroom sinks are installed as follows:

  1. Hanging option, when the sinks are attached directly to the wall - use brackets as supports
  2. Tulip is the most common installation method, which allows you to hide sewage and plumbing elements from prying eyes. It is ideal for small bathrooms.
  3. Built-in mounting option - makes it possible to carefully hide the pipes and leave a sufficient amount of free space inside the plumbing to store household items, powders, sponges and other things.
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What shape are the sinks?

Almost all modern washbasins resemble a bowl in appearance; the only difference between them is their shape:

  • Round;
  • Oval;
  • Triangular;
  • Rectangular

Important! There are more complex models in their design. But only their price is quite high, and this is due to the fact that for their manufacture you need to create non-standard forms - this contributes to additional work in the manufacture.

nrsv_030Deciding which bath sink is suitable in your case is not so difficult:

  • The most spacious rooms use sinks of a standard rectangular shape, since they can be supplemented with a countertop for use as a dressing table and a cabinet to store various small things there.
  • To save space as much as possible, use triangular washbasins, which can be installed in a corner quite compactly.
  • If exclusively smooth lines and softness prevail in the design, then horizontally oval will be just right.
  • Round - also require a lot of space, although there are also very compact models on sale.
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Varieties of sinks depending on the material of manufacture

Today, sinks for the bathroom are mainly made from the most durable and affordable materials:

  1. Metal sinks are considered the most durable - they fit quite well in modern interiors, but have a lot of specific properties, which are rarely used.
  2. Ceramic models are the safest in terms of operation and unpretentious in maintenance. In production, this material is subjected to glazing, due to which pores disappear in it. But nevertheless, great care is required when using, since such a material is relatively fragile, prone to chips during direct impacts.
  3. Earthenware sinks are characterized by a perfectly smooth surface and do not crack, due to this, dirt does not accumulate in them. Their only minus is a lot of weight.
  4. Artificial stone washbasins have all the properties that the materials from which they are made are marble and other solid minerals combined with polymers. They are very strong and durable; they look stylish and beautiful in appearance.
  5. Glass sinks for the bathroom also firmly established their position in the market of modern sanitary ware. Thanks to the use of tempered glass in their manufacture, they become as durable as possible. Therefore, it is almost impossible to damage them, and it’s easy to take care of them: they can be processed by any chemical means without fear of leaving scratches. It is noteworthy that the glass sinks have a rather large assortment range.
  6. Wooden sinks are considered the most expensive, they look simply gorgeous and noble. The tree used for their manufacture undergoes preliminary processing, thanks to which it is not exposed to moisture, fungus during operation. True, for the price such products will not be available to everyone.

Important! Any material has its pros and cons. Therefore, the choice is left to buyers, because each person has his own concept of beauty, practicality. The main thing is that the sink goes well with other elements of the bathroom.

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How important are sink dimensions when buying?

The sink you have chosen for your bath should fit exactly in size into the space provided for its installation. Therefore:

  • Having a small bathroom, give preference to a neat and tiny sink so that you can use it freely;
  • in a small room, a bulky sink will look rather strange, and moving around it will be extremely uncomfortable.

Of course, owners of a large bathroom were more fortunate, because they can purchase any sink that perfectly matches the design decision as a whole.

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The most popular sinks in terms of functionality and appearance

Consider a few more options for sinks, which are considered the most interesting and multifunctional:

  1. Furniture sinks. They fit perfectly into the rooms, decorated in a classic traditional style, since they themselves are very sophisticated and beautiful. Outwardly, they resemble a furniture set consisting of a sink and a cabinet or cabinet. This is not just a wash basin, but a full-fledged bathroom set. It is not difficult to assemble it, because the sink is installed in the right place and it simply connects the sewerage and water supply systems.
  2. Cantilever sinks are among the simplest and most popular washbasins. They are simply attached to the wall and equipped with special supports to give greater stability. Their main advantages are space saving, compactness, practicality. After their installation, there is still enough free space on the wall under the sink itself and on the floor, where you can put some other necessary furniture. The disadvantage of such models is the impossibility of hiding from prying eyes all pipes and elements that are connected to them.
  3. Overhead sinks for the bathroom will perfectly complement the modern, elegant and stylish interior. Their peculiarity lies in the unusual installation, since they are installed on a special pedestal, pedestal or tabletop. Such shells can have a different shape - from the traditional round and semicircular to ellipsoid.
  4. Built-in washbasins are an option for the rational and practical use of every centimeter of the bathroom. They are mounted directly on the countertop, which helps to save space as much as possible.
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What else to look for when choosing a sink?

In conclusion, I would like to identify several factors that should also be given during the purchase of a sink:

  • The absence of inclusions, cracks, scratches, casting quality of the bowl;
  • Mandatory presence of a special hole responsible for draining water in case of overflow;
  • Give preference to reliable and trusted manufacturers.

Important! Do not buy a sink without taking preliminary measurements, otherwise:

  • at best, it will take up too much space;
  • at worst, it just doesn’t fit where you planned to install it.
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Remember that the sink for the bathroom plays the role of not only a functional element of the furniture set, but also is intended for the comfort of each inhabitant of the house. Since the assortment of sinks today is incredibly huge, you need to be guided to a greater extent by your taste, and also remember to consider the size and design of the bathroom.

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