DIY glass mosaic

In landscape design and interiors, decorative panels and glass mosaic elements are especially popular. They look interesting, exclusive, resembling stained glass works. It is especially pleasing that the glass mosaic with your own hands allows you to create masterpieces from improvised tools and transforms any interior. Products from glass fragments will be appropriate in any performance - from decorating flower vases to decorating wall panels. In this article you will find some interesting ideas for decorating such a decor.
to contents ↑Materials and tools for work
Do-it-yourself mosaic of broken glass is combined with different elements, so the source materials for the work can be varied:
- You can use fragments of tiles, tiles or glass.
- Beads, shells, stones and various jewelry are also suitable.
If you are going to professionally or often engage in this type of creativity, it is advisable to purchase special tools that allow you to cut pieces of glass to a given size and give them the desired shape. Moreover, there are not so many of these tools:
- Glass cutter can be of two types: ordinary (cuts the glass in a straight line) and oil (provides curved cuts due to the rotary head)
- Disk nippers can break glass into the smallest pieces, having received thus a chip at an angle in 90 degrees to a surface.
- Breakers come in many forms, they allow you to break pieces of different shapes.
Preparatory phase - sketches, preparation of parts and basics
Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare a sketch of the future masterpiece. Initially, it is important to decide on the object of work: whether it will be a vase, wall decoration, decorative panel or picture. Based on this, already pick a picture. It can be:
- clear geometric lines;
- abstract elements;
- images of animals and plants;
- fantasy painting.
Important! If you are not very strong in artistic craft, you can take as a basis a scheme for embroidery or any finished image.
The next step in creating a mosaic of glass with your own hands is the preparation of the source material. Mosaic made of broken, cut or broken glass. The preparation procedure is quite dangerous, so you need to be extremely careful, or purchase ready-made pieces in stores for creativity.
Important! If you want to get a non-schematic drawing, process broken glass pieces with a glass cutter or nippers, trying to give them the desired shape.
Next, you need to determine the surface on which the mosaic will be located:
- To hold the job firmly, also prepare a base plate, such as a sheet of glass or a table top. It is important that this plate does not warp or hump.
- Apply an even layer of glue to a horizontal plate.
to contents ↑Important! Gypsum or cementitious composition can be used to fill mosaics. For large mosaics, it is useful to add substances that slow down the thickening of the mass, for example, dextrin or alum.
The preparatory phase is completed, now you can go to the main process. So, how to make a glass mosaic with your own hands:
- We translate the drawing to the selected surface.
- We take the glass of the desired color and, lubricating it with glue, glue it to the appropriate place.
- Similarly, we fill the entire space of our scheme.In this case, do not forget to leave gaps between the parts. This will add a three-dimensional look to your product.
- Wait until everything dries and fill the gap with grout, diluted to the consistency of sour cream. This procedure is conveniently carried out using a spatula.
- After drying, remove excess with a damp sponge.
- If desired, you can cover the product with varnish after the grout has completely hardened. This will give the mosaic a stained glass effect and ensure a long service life.
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Do-it-yourself mosaic of broken glass is a great opportunity to surround yourself with unusual and unique things, as well as bring beauty and exclusivity to the interior of any room.
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