Can a pregnant woman kill cockroaches?

Any woman, being in an interesting position, seeks to lead the right lifestyle and protect her body from exposure to harmful substances, so as not to harm the baby. If you have to deal with insect attacks, the question arises whether it is possible for a pregnant woman to kill cockroaches - this applies not only to specific actions and the use of modern substances. There are various signs on this score. You will learn about them, as well as about safe remedies for these pests, from this article.

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Can a pregnant woman kill cockroaches?

The question of whether it is possible for a pregnant woman to kill cockroaches is quite controversial, given the different rules of cultures of different nations and modern hygiene requirements. For example, in all signs of ancient peoples, there is a rule that nothing pregnant can be killed by a pregnant woman, insects in particular. Based on this, we must supposedly put up with such neighbors. But, we categorically do not recommend this for the following reasons:

  1. Ancient people lived mostly in the wild. Accordingly, they were surrounded everywhere by different animals, which brought benefits. So - it was impossible to harm the environment. The current conditions of our residence vary widely: most live in a civilized, if not a huge metropolis. And here the neighborhood of cockroaches is extremely unacceptable.
  2. Cockroaches are far from being such harmless insects as some consider them to be. They cause many psychological discomfort and even stress. In addition, they can creep into the ears during sleep, if the number of individuals in your living space has long been calculated not even in tens, but in hundreds. And this is not only extremely unpleasant and disgusting, but also can cause a disorder of the nervous system. Another fact in favor of the need to fight these insects is that they can carry pathogens on their paws.

Important! Given all these factors, it becomes clear that the answer to the question of whether it is possible for a pregnant woman to kill cockroaches is unequivocal - urgently get down to business. Pregnancy should be calm and take place cleanly, and not in unsanitary conditions. How to do this, so as not to harm yourself, read below.

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How to get rid of cockroaches?

The fight against domestic cockroaches has been ongoing for a long time. In addition to the fact that these insects can eat your food, spoil books, equipment, and even their appearance is quite unpleasant, some types of cockroaches can still be carriers of diseases and parasites. You can evict uninvited guests in various ways:

  • Using the bait.
  • Insecticide.
  • Traps.

The choice is yours, but the answer to the question is, is it possible to kill cockroachesthere will always be one, - it is extremely necessary to do. Otherwise - very quickly they will begin to multiply and in just a week will fill up your entire personal space - not only in the kitchen, in the bathroom, but even in the bedroom.

Can a pregnant woman kill cockroaches?Before you start a fight with cockroaches, take a few initial steps:

  1. Start by looking for a place to live. Inspect cabinets, closets, cracks, and holes in the wall and behind the baseboard.
  2. Keep your house clean and tidy, especially for the kitchen.
  3. Wash dishes, remove crumbs and spilled liquid.Pay special attention to the stove, as cockroaches are very fond of fat.
  4. Place all products in closed containers or plastic bags.
  5. Take out the trash and continue to keep food waste from accumulating. It is desirable to have a bucket with a lid.
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How to poison cockroaches?

You can poison cockroaches in many ways. You can pick up and buy any remedy for annoying insects in all markets or specialized stores. Before buying this or that product, consult with friends, relatives, and also read reviews on various forums. Particularly relevant will be the question of choice, if there is a problem, is it possible for a pregnant woman to kill cockroaches. In this situation, far from all means are suitable: most of the goods on the modern market suitable for this purpose are aggressive, very corrosive and harmful chemicals.

The most affordable and effective tools can be divided into:

  1. Bait (bought at the store or homemade).
  2. Insecticides (sprays and aerosols, liquid concentrates).
  3. Traps.
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Cockroach bait can be made in the form of containers that are protected from children or are a gel containing slow-acting poison. If you mix the bait with delicious food for a cockroach, then they will bring it to the nest, where in the end other cockroaches will die. Place baits where cockroaches are likely to find them:

  • Under the sink.
  • In the corners.
  • Along the skirting boards.

If you are in an interesting position, then you can cook the most home-made bait that does not contain any chemicals. Boric acid must be used.

Method 1

Use boric acid crystals that have sharp edges. The small size of the crystals allows them to easily penetrate between the joints of the outer skeleton of the insect. They erase the cover and cause the cockroach to lose water and die from dehydration. This is the easiest and cheapest way to get rid of annoying insects.

Sprinkle with boric acid in the corners of rooms and in all places visited by cockroaches.

Important! Boric acid itself is relatively non-toxic, and therefore harmless. Nevertheless, when using it, be sure to follow the rules of personal safety and hygiene. Especially if you are wondering if pregnant women can kill cockroaches.

Method 2

To prepare the bait, you will need: 1 part of boric acid in powder (available at the pharmacy), 1 part of flour and 1 part of powdered sugar.

Prepare the bait: mix the ingredients (flour and sugar will attract cockroaches, and boric acid will kill).

Important! Sprinkle the prepared mixture behind cabinets, a refrigerator, under a stove, behind baseboards, under a sink, and in all the secluded places visited by cockroaches.

Method 3

To make a homemade bait you will need: 1 part boric acid, 3 parts flour and 1 part cocoa powder.

Put the prepared powder in a secluded place.

Important! It is better to place the bait only where only insects can get it. In humid rooms, the powder may turn into a solid mass, so place the mixture on a foil or paper stand so as not to damage the surface of the floor or furniture.

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Folk easy way

We offer the simplest way to get rid of adult cockroaches using a soap solution. Proceed as follows:

  1. Prepare a mild soapy solution from soap (ordinary toilet soap) and water.
  2. Pour the prepared solution into the spray bottle.
  3. Spray and spray on cockroaches. Just 2-3 drops of the drug can kill cockroaches.
  4. Throw the lifeless body of the cockroach into the toilet as soon as possible before it is resurrected.

Important! The soap solution creates a thin film and closes the respiratory pores of the cockroach, which leads to the fact that the insect suffocates.

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Can a pregnant woman kill cockroaches?The principle of operation of traps is quite simple: with the help of baits they lure insects and they stick to the adhesive layer.Traps can be bought in stores and installed in the habitats of the Prussians.

Important! Traps are quite an effective method, but it is able to destroy only a small population of adult cockroaches, and not the nest itself. Plus, for this drawback, be prepared for the fact that having tasted your potions, the pests will "get drunk" and begin to work miracles - crawl even in places where they had never appeared before. And of course, the aroma will attract insects, so it is possible that there will be much more in the first week, until at least part of the colony dies.

You can cook traps at home yourself. Let's consider several options.

Option number 1

A simple and effective way to trap insects is to place a can on the walls. Put any bait in the jar, including ground coffee with water. Even plain water will work. Cockroaches will crawl inside and will not crawl out.

Important! If your unwanted neighbors nevertheless contrive and get out of this trap, use the following method. You surely will not leave them any chance to escape.

Option number 2

Make a cup or bottle with a wide neck. The tank must have steep walls. Proceed as follows:

  1. Lubricate the inner walls of the container with Vaseline to the very top so that the insect does not climb out on a slippery surface.
  2. At the bottom of the container, put some food (carrots, bread, etc.).
  3. Inside, place a flap of an old towel soaked in water.
  4. On the outside of the container, use the towel trimmer to bridge the bridges to the edge of the bottle. This will help cockroaches easily fall into the trap.
  5. Throw away the insects by flushing the toilet.

Option number 3

To make a trap, use a plastic bottle, proceeding as follows:

  1. In the bottle, cut off the top - in the place where it narrows.
  2. Turn it over and insert the cut part into the bottom of the bottle so that the top serves as a kind of funnel.
  3. Use tape or tape to secure the funnel.
  4. Pour a small amount of soapy water onto the bottom of the container.
  5. Put the prepared trap in the secluded places visited by cockroaches. Insects will crawl into a trap and drown.

Important! The global disadvantage of all these homemade traps is that you yourself have to kill cockroaches. For many, this is far from a pleasant occupation. Therefore, if you belong to such personalities, do not be shy. Call for help from friends who are less squeamish in this regard. Do not forget that a pregnant woman is not good at killing cockroaches and spoiling herself this. You should always be exclusively in a good mood.

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What to do to prevent cockroaches in the house?

Can a pregnant woman kill cockroaches?In order not to face the problem of extermination and the fight against cockroaches, adhere to preventive measures:

  1. Block the cockroaches entrance to the house:
    • Putty external cracks.
    • Seal the internal cracks of the house.
    • Close up every gap in the kitchen cabinets.
    • Seal cracks around the pipes in the bathroom and kitchen.
    • Close the gaps in the skirting boards, window frames, in door frames, near the wiring.
  2. Install preventative traps at potential insect entry sites: close to ventilation openings, sewers.
  3. Keep your apartment, especially the kitchen, perfectly clean.
  4. Put open packs of food in a bag with a fastener and put them in a box, because cockroaches can live quite a while on crumbs gathering around an open bag.
  5. Loose foods (flour, cereals, sugar, etc.) keep in airtight containers.
  6. Keep pans, pots, and dishes upside down so that insects cannot lay eggs in them. Wash them in a timely manner, leaving no residue on the stove with leftover food or burnt fat.
  7. Cover sewage openings in the bathtub to prevent insects from escaping from there, as well as to block their access to water.
  8. Toasters, microwave ovens regularly clean from food debris and crumbs.
  9. Do not accumulate trash in the house.This also applies to the attic, basement and garage, because cockroaches can nest in anything: from paper to clothes, and you can bring them into your house unnoticed even in your pocket.
  10. If you do laundry in a public laundry, pick up the laundry immediately after washing in a bag and dry it at home. This minimizes the chances of uninvited guests in your home.
  11. Always remove all food and take out the trash at night.
  12. Use natural substances: peppermint oil, citrus fruits, garlic, cloves, cucumber skin to repel cockroaches.
  13. Lay out mothballs in the corners of the house. This will scare away the pests, as they hate the smell of naphthalene.
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Why is a cockroach dreaming?

In this article, we told you how to get rid of uninvited guests in the house, and if they come to you in a dream - what does this mean? Consider several interpretations of such visions.

Dream Interpretation

Living insects and in large numbers dream of happy events. Maybe you successfully change your place of residence.

Living cockroaches in a dream can also mean wealthy guests or - a dream of good luck and prosperity.

If in a dream you see too many living insects, then this can mean rapidly spreading gossip about you.

Russian folk dream book

Seeing a cockroach in a dream - to importunity and trouble.

If you try to catch an insect in a dream, it means that you are doing everything possible to maintain peace and harmony in the house.

If a cockroach fell on you - this is to unexpected trouble.

White Prusak is a symbol of deception and forgery.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

If in a dream you saw a red and mustachioed Prusak, then you will have money, and the more cockroaches, the more money you will receive.

Black Prusaks - to promotion through the ranks.

If cockroaches surround you and attack, then leadership can ruin your life with small nitpicking.

If the Prussians crawl to your feet, then be careful on the street: this is a warning.

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We hope that you have gathered a lot of useful information from this article and have preserved your health and your future baby. We also hope that annoying nasty “neighbors” will never visit you again, even in a dream.


