Is it possible to wash dishes with soda ash?

There are two types of soda: baking soda and soda. Both of these types are very useful in the household: with soda ash you can wash dishes, as well as ordinary dishes, use them for washing, cleaning various types of surfaces, and get rid of unpleasant odors in the house with it. It is an environmentally friendly substance, does not remain after rinsing on things, does not cause such harm as other chemical household products. And in order to get exactly the effect you are counting on, you just need to know how to use it correctly and in what proportions.

Important! In any use of soda ash, it is always more effective than baking soda. This is due to its higher acidity.

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Soda in the kitchen

Many people ask: is it possible to wash dishes with soda ash? The answer to it has long been known. Our grandmothers also successfully used this tool to clean dishes, as well as hard-to-clean surfaces in the kitchen. These recipes are relevant in our days, despite the abundance of special chemicals on sale.

Important! If you have sensitive skin, then use gloves when handling this product.

The methods of using such a tool are not complicated:

  • Abundantly sprinkling soda on the cooking surface of the stove, sprinkle it with boiling water, leave for half an hour. Then wipe the stove. All contaminants will be removed very easily.
  • In exactly the same way, the dishes are cleaned with soda ash. If the contaminants are very strong, then leave the mixture of powder with water on the surface for a longer time.
  • Light dirt can be removed simply by wiping them with a damp sponge and soda.
  • To remove fat, food debris from the dishes, prepare the following solution: 3 tbsp. l soda ash and 1 liter of hot water. Soak the dishes in it. After that, it will easily get a clean look and shine. Rinse the dishes thoroughly with clean water after such washing.
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Soda in the bathroom and toilet

Is it possible to wash dishes with soda ash?Using this powder, you can easily wash all surfaces in the bathroom:

  • Similarly, as with dishes, you can do with a sink, plumbing and bath. After pouring the required amount of powder, rub with a damp sponge.
  • The toilet can be generously sprinkled with soda, pour a small amount of vinegar on top. Leave for a while, and then just rinse and rub with a toilet brush. All raid will go away.
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Washing soda

Soda powder was no less often used for washing or bleaching laundry. These recipes are popular today among good housewives:

  • Often linen is poorly washed due to hard water. To soften it, which means improving the efficiency of washing powder, add half a cup of baking soda or 3 tbsp. To water. l soda ash. If you do not wash it manually, then the soda in the washing machine is placed in the powder compartment or directly in the drum.

Important! You can not use such a detergent for washing wool products or those that require delicate care.

  • For soaking, use a solution of 3 tbsp. tablespoons of soda ash and 10 liters of water. Leave things in such an environment for 2-4 hours, and they can be removed without much effort.
  • You can prepare such a spray stain remover. Mix 1 cup hot water with 0.5 cup baking soda.Stir until the soda is completely dissolved, add 0.5 cups of hydrogen peroxide. Pour such a mixture into the spray bottle and treat the stains. Leave stained spots after treatment overnight. After that, just stretch the thing.
  • For bleaching linen, soda ash is perfect. For 5 kg of white linen, only 1 glass of soda is needed. With this calculation, load the machine, set to the appropriate washing mode. After that, wash the laundry again with the powder.
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Odor control

Soda perfectly absorbs third-party odors, so it is advisable to use it as a safe means to combat unpleasant odors in your home:

  • Many housewives put pans with this fine white powder in the refrigerator to eliminate unpleasant odors in it. Such an application is relevant both in the bedside table with a bin and in the area where pets live or eat.
  • To preserve cleanliness and freshness in the refrigerator or microwave oven, you can wash the surface with a solution of 2 tbsp. tablespoons of baking soda and 1 liter of warm water. After treating with such a home-made product, wash the surfaces with clean water and wipe dry.
  • Aromatize the air in the house with the help of special sachets made with soda. Add essential oil to the powder, the smell of which is especially pleasant to you. Mix everything well so that there are no lumps. 3-4 tsp put such a mixture in a paper filter for coffee, tie the bag with twine. Hang this bag in the place you would like to refresh. You can put it in a closet, in a specific room, or even inside a vacuum cleaner. In the latter case, the fragrance will be distributed throughout the house during the cleaning process.
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Other Useful Soda Uses

In addition to the already mentioned ways to use soda, it can bring significant benefits in other household chores:

  • Baking soda is also used for dry cleaning of carpets, mattresses, soft children's toys. Sprinkle the surface of these objects so that they are covered with a thin layer of powder and leave for several hours. Use a vacuum cleaner to remove all soda. Together with it, the dirt from the pile will also be removed.
  • For teeth whitening baking soda is a very effective tool. Apply it on the toothbrush and brush your teeth. After that, they will find a beautiful white color.

Important! Such a tool can not be used often, as this can lead to damage to the gums and tooth enamel.

  • To wash the floor, make a solution of 3 tbsp. tablespoons of soda and 5 liters of hot water. Wipe the floor with a soft cloth. Such cleaning is also a disinfection of surfaces.

Important! Soda is not suitable for washing aluminum, brick, laminate, painted, varnished floors, as well as parquet and fiberglass tiles.

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As you can see, such a simple remedy as baking soda is suitable not only for use in culinary purposes. Soda ash is no less useful, and in many cases more effective. You can get it in any department of household chemicals. Just do not forget that you need to store it away from food and, of course, from children.


