Can I glue wallpapers on old wallpapers?

During the repair, many expected and unexpected questions arise. In this article, we will try to find out whether it is possible to glue wallpapers on old wallpapers? Are there any cases when it is desirable to do this, and when - absolutely impossible? How to free walls from old finishing material? If you still decided on such an unusual sticking, you will learn all the details by reading this material. So, if you want to speed up the process of repairing the room, we begin.

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What are the benefits?

Almost the entire adult population in the post-Soviet space knows how to stick tapestries on the wall. As for whether it is possible to fix a new wall covering over the old one, there is no consensus.


The advantages of this technique include:

  • No need to level the surface.
  • Save time and money due to the fact that the walls do not need to be pre-prepared.


  • If the walls are uneven, then it will not be possible to level them.
  • The joints are not always strong.
  • The life of the newly pasted finish is reduced, since the panels can soon peel off.
  • It also happens that several layers of trellis are peeled off at once.

Thus, if the pasting was unsuccessful, you will have to perform finishing work again. So the savings are quite dubious.

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It is possible and even desirable

There are cases when you can glue wallpaper on old wallpaper, and even desirable. First of all, when the old panels are thin and glued to the wall, as they say, tightly. At the same time, a prerequisite for the old coating to be paper.

You need to get a good wallpaper glue and prepare it in accordance with the instructions. In order to achieve good adhesion of the old and new coatings, it is necessary to saturate the base with a liquid composition as carefully as possible.

Important! The problem that you can run into is getting paint from the old material to the new one. Before starting work, you need to spend on the wall with a moistened sponge. If paint remains on it, then get a special sealant from stains and treat the wall.

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When can’t you stick?

In no case can you mount a new panel on top of the old, with a convex pattern. The surface will not be even, and the glue will not stick to it.

Thus, vinyl and non-woven coatings as a basis for trellis are in no way suitable. The vinyl film is waterproof, which means that the adhesive can not be absorbed. New panels in this case will soon fall off the wall.

Such questions are often asked.

Can I glue wallpaper on old wallpaper?

No, because they must be applied on a perfectly flat wall. Otherwise, the picture will be distorted, it will not look really good. In particular, it is impossible to glue wallpaper on a non-woven wallpaper with a textured pattern.

Is it possible to glue non-woven wallpaper on old paper wallpaper?

It is impossible, because the gluing of heavy non-woven canvases involves a complete preliminary cleaning of the walls. Otherwise, it may turn out that not one coating layer will fall off, but both. Gluing non-woven vinyl wallpapers onto old wallpapers will fail.

Important! The same situation is with an innovative wall covering called “liquid wallpaper”. On curved surfaces they do not look beautiful. You can’t also apply them on top of old trellis.They simply fall off.

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Useful wall decoration tips:

  • The process of pasting the walls is done slowly. Coat each sheet with glue very carefully, let it stand for several minutes, and only then mount the sheets on the walls.
  • To make sure that both layers do not fall away, test the “base”. Put a little glue on the wall and, if the base does not peel off, air bubbles do not appear, then the old layer can not be cleaned.
  • Start pasting the walls from the corner. Check for proper gluing using a building level.
  • It is advisable to mount the panels end-to-end, rather than overlapping. In particular, this applies to the pattern with rapport, which must be selected with all scrupulousness.
  • If the cut-off cloth turned out to be too long, the excess should be left below. Trimming is greatly simplified. Trimming should be done after the glue has completely dried.
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Now that you have the information on deciding new wallpapers on old ones, think carefully whether it is worth putting it into practice in your case. After all, there are a number of cases where such an “economical” method is simply disadvantageous.

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