Can I wash non-woven wallpaper?

- What are the wallpapers?
- Do I need to wash paper wallpaper?
- Textile wall coverings
- What wallpaper can always be washed?
- Can I wash vinyl wallpapers?
- Non-woven decor
- How to wash the wallpaper?
- How do I know if wallpaper can be washed?
- If there is no marking
- How to wash?
- If there is a lot of dirt
- How to wash a very dirty non-woven wallpaper?
- Wall decor in the kitchen
- Stock footage
Washable wallpaper can significantly make life easier for the owners. They don’t need to be re-glued every time it comes to the child’s head to draw a “oil painting” on the wall or if a sloppy guest leaves fingerprints. But can all materials of this type be washed? In particular, is it possible to wash non-woven wallpaper, as well as vinyl, paper or textile? This will be discussed in the article.
to contents ↑What are the wallpapers?
In construction stores you will find wallpapers of various varieties and types. The materials from which they are made are extremely diverse and have different properties. These are materials such as:
- paper;
- vinyl;
- non-woven;
- textile;
- glass;
- the liquid wallpaper.
All of these materials carry moisture differently. And accordingly - they require different cleaning methods.
to contents ↑Important! Paper coatings do not tolerate water well. As a rule, if they get dirty, they have to be re-glued. In extreme cases, you can try to remove greasy stains and dust from them.
Do I need to wash paper wallpaper?
The most difficult are greasy stains, which can be removed quite easily. This method is suitable for any wallpaper. You need:
- paper napkin;
- iron.
An oily stain from paper coatings is well removed if it is fresh, so in this case the question of how to wash the wallpaper is not at all appropriate:
- Heat the iron.
- Apply a paper towel to the stain.
- Iron the napkin.
Under the influence of high temperature, fat is absorbed into the napkin and removed from the surface. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated several times.
Important! If you need to remove traces of a felt-tip pen, just rub them with an eraser.
Dust from paper webs is best removed with a vacuum cleaner. The nozzle must be soft so as not to peel or scratch the material.
to contents ↑Important! If nevertheless there was a need to carry out wet cleaning - do it with a slightly damp cloth or sponge, wipe only those areas where dirt is visible. In any case, the wall should not get wet.
Textile wall coverings
You can wash the fabric wallpaper, but this is often not recommended. They are best cleaned with a vacuum cleaner - they collect dust very intensively.
to contents ↑Important! Stains that periodically appear on any wallpaper are best wiped off with a damp cloth and stain remover or detergent.
What wallpaper can always be washed?
Easy to transfer wet cleaning liquid wallpaper and glass:
- Liquid wallpaper is, in fact, the varnish that the wall is covered with. Water is not afraid of him.
- As for cullet, the glass base is completely insensitive to water.
Therefore, if you are thinking about how to wash this type of wallpaper, everything is extremely simple:
- Pour warm water into a basin.
- Make a soapy solution.
- Soak a sponge or rag in the solution.
- Wash the wall.
- Wipe it thoroughly.
to contents ↑Important! As detergents, any suitable for glass and glass ceramics are suitable. A detergent for dishes and washing powder will do.
Can I wash vinyl wallpapers?
Basically, vinyl canvases tolerate moisture well, because they are made of thin paper, on which a PVC film is applied. Vinyl films come in two forms:
- compact vinyl;
- foamed.
How to wash these types of wallpapers:
- Compact vinyl wallpapers can be washed with anything, even with a washing vacuum cleaner. They easily carry the brush, it is quite difficult to spoil them.
- Foamed vinyl wallpapers are less durable; they do not tolerate washing well. How to wash wallpaper from dirt if they are made from such a delicate film? Very simple with a soft, damp cloth dampened in a detergent solution.
Non-woven decor
Non-woven coatings have many advantages over other types of materials. Can I wash non-woven wallpaper? They can not only be washed - they can be done many times, as well as painted.
Important! Such materials are glued much easier than paper ones - the wall is smeared with glue, and not the sheet, so the canvas lies flat. In addition, they can be painted not only from the outside, but also from the one that is adjacent to the wall. The result is voluminous walls with a beautiful texture, which are not afraid of either water, soap, or even a brush.
Is it possible to wash vinyl wallpapers on a non-woven basis? It is possible, but very carefully, without excess water and sudden movements. You will need:
- soft tissue (flannel or microfiber);
- dishwashing liquid;
- water;
- basin;
- rags.
How to wash the wallpaper?
If you are going to wash the wall from top to bottom, you also need a stepladder or construction bar. The algorithm of actions will be as follows:
- Make a detergent solution (1 teaspoon per liter of water).
- Soak a cloth in the solution and squeeze it thoroughly.
- Wipe the wall starting from the top.
- Wipe the wall with rags.
- Let the wall dry naturally.
to contents ↑Important! Do not dry the wall with a hairdryer or arrange a draft in the apartment. This will not accelerate drying, but it will cause trouble.
How do I know if wallpaper can be washed?
Manufacturers usually label washable materials. Vinyl materials were the first to receive such markings, but now waves and combs are placed on any. So:
- One wave - the material can be wiped with a damp cloth without detergent, but you cannot wash it with plenty of water.
- Two waves - you can wash, but gently and with a small amount of detergent.
- Three waves - you can wash with plenty of water and any detergents.
- Waves and combs - you can use a brush.
- Black stripes, waves and combs are super-resistant material.
If there is no marking
And how to wash the wallpaper if you glued them for a long time and managed to forget about the marking? We'll have to try on an inconspicuous area or on a piece left from the repair:
- Wet a piece of material.
- Let it dry.
- Look what happened to the pattern and the structure of the material itself - if the pattern after drying has remained as it was, you can wash the wallpaper.
- If a piece of the coating turned into a wet lump - you can’t, of course, wash it.
How to wash?
The choice of detergents is always a crucial step. But for washing non-woven or vinyl materials, finding the right detergents is fairly easy, you most likely already have them:
- liquid toilet soap;
- dishwashing liquid;
- soda.
Option 1:
This solution needs soda and water:
- Pour warm water into a basin.
- Add soda at the rate of 1 tbsp. l for 10 liters
- Dampen a sponge in the solution.
- Wipe the walls.
- Wipe them dry.
Option 2
For a soap solution, any liquid toilet soap is suitable:
- Pour 1 liter of water.
- Add 100 ml of detergent to it (the ratio should be 1:10).
- Wipe this wall with a non-woven decor.
If there is a lot of dirt
And how to wash washable wallpapers, if you have not done the cleaning for a long time, the dirt covers the walls with a thick layer, in some places even mold has appeared, and there is no possibility or time to re-stick? We will have to try radical measures, that is, use a broad-spectrum detergent. These include LOK. But before you use it to wash non-woven wallpaper, carefully read the instructions.
to contents ↑How to wash a very dirty non-woven wallpaper?
The quality of cleaning depends not only on what detergents to use, but also on the order of work. This is true for washing non-woven, as well as for other washable coatings:
- Remove dust with a vacuum cleaner.
- Wipe off stains whose origin you know for sure (fat, felt-tip pen, chocolate, tea, etc.).
- Make a detergent solution.
- Wash the wall.
- Wipe the surface quickly.
- Let the wall dry.
Why do you need to do that? - Here are the reasons for the proposed procedure, how to wash the wallpaper with very large contaminants:
- Why do I need to remove dust from non-woven cloths before you wash? Because the soaked dust not only does not move away, but also forms new spots, so that all the work will go down the drain.
- The stains of grease or felt-tip pen, most likely, will not go away during normal washing, so it is better to deal with them in advance.
- Wallpaper must be wiped quickly, because, although they are washable, they still do not like stagnant water. But even after you wipe them, the wall remains damp for a while. Let it dry quietly, and after completely drying you hang the jewelry there, if any.
Wall decor in the kitchen
Wallpaper in the kitchen quite often suffers from greasy plaque. Small droplets of fat fall on the walls constantly and even in very neat housewives. They must be fought. To do this, the walls of the kitchen are simply washed as they become dirty with a potent detergent for dishes.
to contents ↑Stock footage
From this article, you received the answer to the question of whether it is possible to wash non-woven, paper, vinyl and textile wallpapers and how to do it correctly. Follow the proposed rules and then it will be very easy for you to establish a non-laborious home care and always keep it clean, tidy and beautiful.
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