Is it possible to put cans at a temperature?

Our mothers and grandmothers knew when to put medical jars. And now we practically do not use such treatment and do not even know whether it is possible to put cans at a temperature. Thanks to such a simple remedy, blood circulation in the tissues improves, but at the same time, in some cases, the patient's condition may worsen. That is why such treatment is used only after consultation with a specialist. We will consider some features in this article so that you do not harm yourself unknowingly.
to contents ↑Operating principle
How much do you need to keep the jars? Due to the burning wick, which is introduced into the middle of the can, air is burned in it, so it is possible to suck on the skin. Due to this, lymph and blood rush to the place where the jar stands. On the site that is being processed, and on adjacent tissues, temporary hyperemia, plethora is observed. Due to the increased blood flow, tissue nutrition is activated, their resistance is increased, inflammation disappears faster and pathological formations resolve.
All warming, distracting and painkillers used externally are based on the same principle. In addition, the level of leukocytes - neutrophils is temporarily reduced, blood coagulation increases, the respiratory rate and pulse rate decrease, and blood pressure decreases.
to contents ↑Important! After setting up the can, a trace remains, which forms blood that has leaked through the walls of the vessels. It is noteworthy that in this case there is no violation of the integrity of the vessels and the patient does not experience pain, as is the case with ordinary bruises.
Thanks to the extensive experience in the application, it turned out that with the help of vacuum cans, pain in the back of the neck and lower back can be eliminated. In addition, they are used in case of high blood pressure, insomnia, overwork and headaches.
Experts recommend using banks if there are inflammatory diseases of the chest. Also, vacuum cans are used to treat:
- Sciatica;
- Acute and chronic myositis;
- Intercostal neuralgia.
In order for the treatment to be of high quality, you need to know when you can not put banks. This method seems to be quite simple. But, nevertheless, he has a number of contraindications:
- Pulmonary hemorrhage;
- Pulmonary tuberculosis;
- Oncological diseases;
- General depletion of the body;
- Fever;
- Heart diseases;
- Sclerosis;
- Vascular thrombosis;
- Acute infectious diseases.
Important! Cupping therapy should also be limited in case of skin diseases, hypersensitivity or loss of elasticity.
Is it possible to put cans at a temperature of 38? If she rose above 37.5 degrees, the answer is no. When the temperature is elevated, blood circulation in the body is already accelerated. When setting up cans, the process accelerates, after which the fever intensifies and the blood condenses. These changes negatively affect the work of the heart, which may not cope with overload.
In addition to the moment when you can not put the banks, you should take into account body parts on which they never put:
- Milk glands;
- Spine;
- Heart;
- Damaged skin;
- Moles;
- Papillomas;
- Warts.
How is the procedure?
Banks are used for those parts of the body where the muscle layer is more durable.The most popular installation location is the back.
To use medical banks, you will need to prepare:
- Alcohol tinctures (vodka, cologne, etc.);
- Matches;
- Cream or Vaseline;
- Small capacity;
- Blankets;
- Cans.
The patient should lie on his stomach during the procedure. The blanket needs to be put next to it. Next, follow the instructions:
- Using tweezers and cotton wool wound on it, apply a thin layer of cream or petroleum jelly on the skin.
- Alcohol infusion, two tablespoons, is poured into a container.
- A stick with wound cotton is lowered into the infusion.
- The alcoholized stick needs to be set on fire.
Important! A lighted stick is shaken above the floor in order not to accidentally injure the patient with a burning mixture. It is also important to protect the hair - it is better to cover them with something.
- Hold the jar at an angle of 45 degrees, slowly introduce a burning wand into it.
- We pull the wand sharply, put the jar on its back.
- After installing all the cans, cover the patient with a blanket.
- After a quarter of an hour, remove the cans, wipe the back.
In the event that cans of polymer materials are used, it is not necessary to use fire. In this case, the instruction is as follows:
- We cover the back with massage oil.
- We squeeze the polymer jar in a fist until there is no air left inside.
- We put the can on the back.
- After a quarter of an hour, remove the cans, wipe the back.
- For half an hour, the patient should remain under the covers.
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For the next procedure, you need to choose another location. In general, before performing such a seemingly simple and harmless procedure, it is better to consult a specialist. He plans the general course, in addition, it is possible to alternate cans and mustard plasters.
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