How to wash in a washing machine 🥝 at what temperature can I wash

A washing machine is just a huge gift of technical progress to the hostesses. It significantly saves time, since your intervention in the washing process is practically not required. You just need to press a couple of buttons and pull out the clean laundry after a while. When using the device, many questions arise. One of them - is it machine washable if there is no hot water? It is about which liquid of what temperature is better to use for the unit, we will talk in this article.

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Can I wash if there is no hot water?

It would seem that the answer to this question is simple - of course, it is possible, because, as a rule, an automatic washing device is connected to the water supply with cold liquid, and does not need a hot one. However, you should make sure of this, because there are such models of washing machines that connect to cold and warm water. Perhaps you have such a model? Then the question of whether it is possible to machine wash if there is no hot water is quite appropriate.

A unit with a similar design uses cold water to perform basic laundry cleaning cycles. Cotton fabrics require processing at high temperatures, so the device additionally uses hot water.

Important! This was done to save the machine’s resources, because it doesn’t have to heat the liquid on its own to a high level, because the initially typed one will already have 40 degrees. The issue of savings in this case is controversial.

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What is more profitable - washing with or without hot water?

Let's consider what is cheaper - to heat the liquid with an electric heating element integrated in the washing machine, or to use already heated for tissue processing?

  • If the apartment does not have meters for warm water, then using it with a washing machine during a cycle is more advantageous than heating. Anyway, you pay for a warm liquid, regardless of the purpose for which and how much you consume.
  • It is also beneficial to use warm water if it flows sufficiently warmed from the tap (approximately 60 degrees).
  • If you have a private house and your own heating unit, then it is better to use already heated water for washing in a washing machine.
  • It is cheaper to use a ready-made warm liquid for washing in the presence of a gas boiler for heating it.

Important! If you have installed meters for warm water, it flows barely warm from the tap, or the liquid drains for a long time to get the desired temperature - it is not recommended to connect the machine to warm water. So, each wash will “fly” into you a considerable penny.

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Common myths, why you should not connect the washing machine to the hot water system?

Despite some savings with this connection, many users raise arguments that supposedly give a decisive answer regarding the correct connection of the device.

Let's consider the main myths regarding the use of already heated water by the washing machine:

  • Hot water is more dirty and harsh, therefore it quickly clogs the filter and reduces the quality of the wash. The requirements that apply to the quality of the output of warm and cold liquids are the same.Regarding rigidity, the warm liquid is softer, as it passes through the heat exchanger and part of the salts is converted to scale. To prevent scale formation on the heat exchanger, a softener is added to the water. The washing quality does not deteriorate in any way.
  • When dissolved in hot water, detergent is destroyed. Laundry detergents are designed to work at a temperature of 95 degrees. Means with bioadditives are suitable for 70 degrees. Nowhere can you find a liquid of such temperature flowing from a tap. We do not argue that there are funds that work at 40 degrees, and when the water temperature rises to 50 they cease to act. Such powders and stain removers should only be used when selecting a special program on the unit.
  • Contamination will weld on the tissues. This does not fit with the theory of boiling, because literally all the white fabrics were boiled before to make them pristine.
  • The powder is poorly rinsed in hot water. If you think this is the case, then carry out a rinse cycle in the cold.
  • Delicate items will deteriorate with such a wash. In general, there is some truth to this. Therefore, things from delicate delicate fabrics should be washed either manually or in a washing machine, activating a special program.
  • The washing machine becomes unusable faster when using hot water. All parts of modern washing devices (rubber products, filling valve, drain pump) are designed to work with liquids with a temperature of 95 degrees. Even a cold water hose can withstand temperatures up to 60 degrees.
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Can I machine wash if there is no hot water? - Can. Even if it has the ability to connect cold and warm water, you can always wash using only cold water. Regarding savings in utility bills, the issue is quite controversial. Therefore, taking into account the information in the article and your preferences, determine for yourself how it will be more convenient and profitable for you to carry out this process. In any case, the washing unit will do its job and make your life easier. And proper care of the device will extend its service life and maintain the quality of cleaning fabrics for a long time.


