Haircuts at home 🥝 classic technique, a lesson for beginners, step by step photo

Very few men like to go to the hairdresser, as they have neither the time nor the desire. In order to save your husband from such a need, while making him always look tidy, you can cut it yourself without leaving your home. Thus, you will become for him your own hairdresser-stylist who will take care of the image of his man. And in order for you to succeed, we will tell you how a man’s haircut is made out with a machine, lessons for beginners at a master class at home, step by step instructions. You are probably wondering how to get a haircut right? In this article we will tell you how to learn to get a haircut as a boy - step-by-step instructions on how to do different hairstyles (classic, boxing, hedgehog, etc.).
to contents ↑Which car is better to choose?
For home use, you better get a vibrating or rotary machine. The vibration device is a budget option, respectively - it has a number of disadvantages:
- Weak power.
- Too noisy.
- Auto shut off after 20 minutes of cutting.
The rotary machine, in turn, is more reliable and convenient to use. Such a device is suitable for absolutely any type of hair, and thanks to the presence of a function of switching speeds, you can even carry out model haircuts. Of course, a rotary machine is an order of magnitude more expensive.
to contents ↑Tool preparation
Before you begin the process, it is very important to first prepare a working tool and surface.
Important! The working surface of the machine must be lubricated with special grease, otherwise - instead of cutting hair, it will simply pull them out.
Next, select the nozzle. It directly depends on the hair length you want and the haircut model: the longer the extension, the longer the hair will remain.
to contents ↑Important! Pay attention to the fact that the machine is not designed to work with long hair, so first you need to cut them with scissors.
The Basics Every Home Hairdresser Should Know
Before you start making men's haircuts at home, it is very important to familiarize yourself with the basics of hairdressing. Let's start by dividing the head. It is divided into the following zones:
- Parietal;
- Temporal lateral;
- Upper occipital;
- Lower occipital.
Important! During the haircut of each of these areas, the direction of hair growth should be taken into account.
In addition, before starting the process, it is necessary to rinse and dry your hair well.
If you are the first time to perform a male haircut at home, you need to adhere to the following procedure:
- Divide your head into four zones: the occipital, parietal and two on the side of the temples.
- Take the longest nozzle and cut the hair from the back of the head. This should be done with smooth movements in the direction against hair growth.
- With the same nozzle, treat the temporal and parietal zones.
Important! For the best quality, you need to constantly carry a comb through your hair while cutting. It is better to hold the comb in your left hand, and the machine in your right.
- Replace the nozzle with a shorter one, reprocess the temporal and parietal zones. This is necessary in order to make the transitions softer and smoother. Movements should be carried out from the bottom up, while slightly moving your hand away from the head.
- Treat the area of the temples and neck with a nozzle with a minimum length indicator or simply with a blade. This should be done very carefully, so as not to injure.
Important! If you accidentally hurt your man while cutting, then apply aftershave. It will prevent irritation and have an antiseptic effect.
- Check the finished result. Inspect your head for sticking hairs. If there are any, then go through the machine again or cut them with scissors.
- Brush the hair off the brush.
to contents ↑Important! After each process of male haircuts at home, the blade needs to be treated with oil.
Basic haircuts
We bring to your attention the main models of haircuts, which are popular among men and simple to perform at home.
Simple with transition length
Many men's haircuts differ in smooth or sharp transitions in length. If you are a beginner in this business, then you should start with the simplest thing - smooth transitions. In order to make such an option at home, you must adhere to the following sequence of actions:
- Using a nozzle of 9 mm, process the occipital area. This must be done towards the temples and the crown of the head.
Important! Try to cover the largest possible area in one motion.
- Using a nozzle of 11 or 12 millimeters, remove the hair on the crown area. In this case, the machine should not be pressed tightly to the head.
- Next is the turn of the final edging. It should be carried out using one of the smallest nozzles.
This is the most common men's haircut, which is considered universal, as it suits both young men and men in age. In order to make a men's haircut at home, you will need nozzles of 1.5 and 3 millimeters. The sequence of actions is as follows:
- Cut the area of the crown on the fingers.
- Temporal - cut the lateral and occipital parts to the length you need.
- For a less pronounced transition, adjust the finished result using scissors.
Important! To make a half-box, you need to adhere to the same scheme as for boxing, only with the use of a 4 mm nozzle.
Such a haircut is an ideal option for owners of thick and coarse hair. It must be performed according to the following scheme:
- On the top of the head, the hair should be cut in the “on fingers” way, while maintaining a length of 4 millimeters.
- Using a hairdryer and special wax, on the previously treated area, lay the hair so that it stands up.
- The back of the head and temporo-lateral zones should be treated with the machine in strips so that they come into each other.
- In the neck, the hair should go very smoothly to nothing.
How to cut bangs?
The most difficult are models with bangs. If you need it long, then cut the bangs with scissors. Also, the bangs can be cut with the help of a machine, but for this you need to choose the longest nozzle. In addition, it is very important to protect the eyebrows before starting work. To do this, put a piece of bandage on them and cover with a plaster. Then you can go directly to the process. Lift the bangs in parts using a comb, while the hair that remains above it must be cut off.
to contents ↑Important! The cut must be done with a machine on top of the comb. Thus, it will turn out absolutely equal the first time.
Tricks of working with the machine
In order for the haircut process to be simple and the finished result to satisfy you and your man, we offer you some small rules that will greatly help you while you work:
- Before starting the process, comb your hair well.
- During the haircut, the machine should be pressed firmly to the head and removed only when moving from one zone to another.
- Make sure that the angle of the machine is the same in each of the areas of the head.
- The more movements, the better the result, so drive the machine over the head until all the protruding hairs disappear.
- Always make a visor for eyebrows and eyelashes, in case you want to trim the bang with a machine.
- If the man’s head is uneven in some areas, then they should be treated with a longer nozzle in order to hide these irregularities.
- Try to change the nozzles, because if you shave the whole head with the same one, it will look like a ball.
- During the haircut, constantly compare the right and left sides, so that in the end the result is symmetrical.
to contents ↑Important! Before starting work, check if the battery of the machine is charged so that you have enough charge until the end of the work.
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As you can see, mastering the skills of hairdressing is quite easy. The most important thing is to think in advance of the style of the male haircut that you would like to see, and, adhering to the above tips and rules, feel free to get to work.
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