Mice in a frame house

A very common version of low-rise housing construction is frame technology. The use of lightweight, safe, durable and energy-efficient materials makes it possible, regardless of the time of year, in the shortest possible time, to build a practical and comfortable frame-panel type house. The structure, original and convenient in configuration, can be called ideal in almost all respects, but there is one caveat - these are mice in a frame house. They can be wound up in heaters, underground. How to prevent the penetration of rodents into the house - we will consider in our article.

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The reasons for the appearance of mice

Mice can, for many reasons, enter a house that uses a tree as a frame, since the tree is not an obstacle to sharp rodent teeth.

The most common are:

  • Availability of food in human housing.
  • Shelter from the winter cold.
  • Close proximity to garbage bins.

Important! Also facilitates the passage of cracks at the joints and in the floor. During the construction of housing, the voids are filled with insulation. If it is a cheap product or is installed incorrectly, then it is quite suitable for the refuge of mice.

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Home protection

To prevent mice from appearing in the frame house, you need to think about how to protect it during construction.

You can apply measures that protect the entire structure from this scourge:

  • Use ecowool as a floor insulation on the ground floor. It will protect the house from the appearance of mold, fungus and various insects. It consists of 80% recycled cellulose and a mixture of borax and boric acid by 20%. Such a composition is an excellent antiseptic for wood, and also protects the mansion from rodents and other pests.
  • Treat building materials with a solution of lime or borax.
  • You can also fight mice with the help of tobacco dust, ash, peppermint or wormwood - they cannot stand their smells. You can also fill the interior walls with slag.
  • Replace the strip or pile foundation, if the soil characteristics allow, with a reinforced concrete slab. Mice will not be able to gnaw it and get into the frame house.
  • A fine-mesh metal mesh protects against mice.

Important! In addition to rodents, other pests can appear in a private house, especially if it is a wooden structure. Read how to deal with them in our other articles. And better - leave them in your bookmarks so that, if necessary, you have at hand all the necessary information:


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Grid application

When erecting frame mansions, it is necessary to use a mesh to protect against penetration of rodents. The foundation must be protected with profiled sheets of metal with a thickness of at least 1.5 mm. This will protect the building from penetration into the mice, as they will slip over the coating and will not be able to damage it.

Also, at the stage of construction or after it, the house is protected by a metal mesh from mice in a frame house.

It has the following advantages:

  • Easy to use.
  • Provides maximum pest protection.
  • It is ecologically safe.
  • Available to all.
  • It retains its characteristics when temperature drops.

Important! It is necessary to choose the right material to ensure effective protection:

  • The thickness of the wire from which the mouse net is made should be at least 2 mm.
  • The parameters of the cells are 5 * 5 mm, otherwise the mice can gnaw through it and get inside.

How to use:

  • Lay such a mesh on the base of the floor, and the insulation is laid on top of it.
  • It is also sheathed with the basement of the building, because mice can also be inside the space under the floor, which is obtained when building a house on stilts.
  • The protective coating placed under the plinth of the plinth must be at least one meter high. Before warming and finishing work, it is necessary to cover all the corners of the building with a galvanized grid.

Important! You can protect from rodents and already built frame house. To do this, you need to bury the mesh fence along the entire foundation to a depth of at least 80 cm.


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Other protection methods

Screw-pile houses increase the risk of mice getting through the floor. In order to avoid such a nuisance, expanded clay should be used, which must be decomposed into several layers:

  1. Spread a layer of expanded clay about 30 cm on the ground when laying the floor.
  2. Pull the plastic film up and place the OSB plate.
  3. Pour again a layer of expanded clay.

Important! Soak the boards with boric acid or sprinkle with borax powder to increase the effect of protecting the frame house from mice.

Another way to protect against rodents is the use of insulation, which they do not gnaw on - foam glass, foam concrete, expanded clay, ecowool are suitable.


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Methods of struggle

If mice appeared in the frame house, then you should consider how to deal with them. There are a large number of ways - when choosing the right one, it is necessary to take into account the structural features of the mansion and the number of pests.

Important! The use of poison is not the best option, because pests can die in the wall, and a cadaverous smell will spread throughout the housing. Mice need to drive away or catch.


Ultrasonic Repellers

Reliable and effective protection against mice in a frame house are electronic devices. They provide uninterrupted operation, and also accurately affect rodents.

Important! Get some repellers to protect the entire territory.

They are placed in the corners and near each wall of the house. The included devices emit ultrasound, which creates a zone of discomfort for mice, and they are forced to leave the territory.

kitchen mouse

Mechanical methods

Mice appeared in the frame house - how to get rid? This question interests many. You can use pesticides, mousetraps or all kinds of traps. A positive effect will be only after the closure of all existing holes and cracks in the house.

Important! When using chemicals, do not forget that they are dangerous for children and pets. Lay them out of reach.


Folk remedies

You can also drive away pests with such folk methods:

  • Cram bunches of mint, tansy, wormwood, and chamomile in burrows along all walls.
  • Wash flooring with mortar every night. ammonia or vinegar. Leave concentrated preparations in a saucer on the floor.
  • Wash the floor with water and add the essential oils of lemon balm, peppermint or citrus.
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We examined why mice may appear in a frame house, how to prevent it or to get rid of them. If you take drastic measures, then you do not have to deal with them every season. If you got a frame house with pests, then first get rid of them, and only then proceed to the arrangement of your home.

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