Which hand carry the engagement ring?

One of the most beautiful and memorable stages that precedes the wedding ceremony is engagement. This is a tradition of marriage proposal from the side of a young man, whose serious intentions, as a rule, are supported by an expensive gift. Often this event takes place in a festive setting, in front of friends and acquaintances or in crowded places, for example, in a cafe or restaurant. The gift speaks of the upcoming wedding, and also serves as a reminder to the girl of the commitments made.

The tradition to present the bride with an expensive accessory has come to us since the time of ancient Russia. During the Soviet era, some rites became unspoken - a demonstration of intentions and feelings was suppressed by established boundaries. But, fortunately, forgotten traditions are gradually returning to us, and young people are increasingly boldly declaring their desire to marry. And you can express your feelings with the help of an engagement ring. Here, for many girls, the question arises: on which hand are the engagement ring worn? Let's get it right.

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The difference between the engagement ring and the engagement ring

An engagement gift and rings worn in the registry office or temple differ only in meaning. The groom gives a precious gift to his girlfriend as a sign of desire to marry her, as a symbol of love and hope for happiness.

A girl should put jewelry on her finger, thereby confirming the reciprocity of feelings. For all those around, this sign is evidence that the girl is busy and is preparing to become a wife soon.

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On which finger are the engagement ring worn?

Different regions and countries have their own traditions on which hand to wear an engagement ring before and after marriage:

  • In the Slavic countries (Belarus, Ukraine, Russia), jewelry donated during engagement is worn on the ring finger of the right hand.
  • Before the wedding, European girls also put it on the ring finger, but of the left hand.

But after the wedding, the bride can:

  • To wear two jewelry at the same time (if the weight of the rings does not make the arm too heavy).
  • Remove the engagement ring and just keep it in the box, wearing only an engagement ring.
  • To wear an engagement jewelry in everyday life, if it is due to wear a wedding ring only for family holidays (due to the too high cost of the accessory or the fear of losing it).

Important! In some Western countries, after the wedding, the engagement gift is removed and stored as a family heirloom, handed down from generation to generation.

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How to wear an engagement ring?

  • The basic rule is to wear an engagement ring until the wedding, without taking off, because it is considered a symbol of love and an indicator of the beginning of family life.
  • The product must be protected, since the loss of an accessory is considered a bad omen for the newlyweds.
  • Jewelry is not displayed in public demonstrations and they try to minimize the effects of water.
  • On the day of the wedding, the bride gets rid of all the jewelry, putting them in the box.

Important! The bulk of women do not wear an engagement ring in everyday life, taking it out only for family holidays.

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What to do after divorce?

An ornament given at an engagement is a single product, and after agreeing to get married, the girl is completely in charge of his fate. However, there are a few rules:

  • If a woman changes her mind and intends to refuse the wedding, then she is obliged to return the jewelry to the groom.
  • If a man decides to leave before marriage, the girl has the right to keep a gift for herself.
  • In the event of a tragic death, a woman in mourning must constantly wear an engagement ring until the next sentence.
  • If the marriage did not last long and ended in divorce, then a woman can keep herself engaged, but she is obliged to return the engagement jewelry to the man, as a symbol of termination of the undertaken obligations.
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Choosing a gift for his beloved, the groom should know in advance on which hand they wear the engagement ring in order to choose the jewelry according to size. The engagement product must be beautiful, memorable, made of precious metals and with stones. The bride must keep the jewel, like the apple of an eye. Since, according to the sign, the loss of engagement jewelry or its damage is an omen in the future of an unsuccessful family life.

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