On which hand do men chain?

One of the most beautiful and popular jewelry for men is a bracelet. It can be absolutely anything: classic silver or gold, leather, wicker, fabric or plastic. Today there are a great many options for these accessories, and choosing the right one depends on the style and taste of its future owner. Some do not think at all about which hand a man’s chain carries. For others, this issue is fundamentally important. Let’s sort it out together.

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Mens Bracelets

The bracelet, as part of the men's style, can make the image more attractive, sexy and strong, and also complement it with interesting touches:

  • Subtle jewelry will create a contrast effect, as it is worn on a strong male hand. This will attract attention, as well as provide an opportunity to appreciate all the advantages of a representative of a strong half of humanity.
  • Gold and platinum jewelry speak of independence and wealth, and also emphasize the status of its owner.
  • Silver men's chains will suit both a respectable gentleman who already has a certain social status, and a very young guy who is at the beginning of his life's journey.
  • Good manners do not prohibit male representatives from wearing massive chains, however, do not forget about the accessory's overall image.

Following the rules of etiquette, jewelry for men should be of high quality, but in a simple execution.

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Watch and bracelet

Surprisingly, in our time, new technologies and high achievements, devices and gadgets that allow you to determine the time, watches have not lost their relevance. Moreover, this accessory, made with high quality and expensive, can emphasize the style of its owner, its status and taste.

Combine a watch and a bracelet on one man’s hand is necessary correctly. It is accepted that most righties wear a clockwork on their left hand because of convenience, since a massive accessory does not interfere with work or eating. In this case, the accessory is put on the other hand, that is, the right. Although this is not an argument, since it is more familiar and convenient for some women to wear a watch on their right hand. It all depends on the convenience and personal preferences of the man himself.

Should I combine a watch with a chain on one hand? It is better to approach this issue more thoughtfully. If you really want to put these two accessories on one hand, then they should be combined, complement each other. For example, if a massive watch and a chain are worn on one hand, then the latter should be elegant, thin.

Important! Today it is fashionable to combine watches with “hippies” bracelets on leather thin straps that differ little from each other.

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Which hand to wear?

There are no exact rules on which hand to wear a chain for men. However, there are still some recommendations in this matter:

  • Following the science of Feng Shui, jewelry for men should be worn on the left hand. If there is a bead on the accessory, then it is desirable that it be placed on the pulse.

Important! It is believed that when the ball is located on the inside of the wrist, the luck of the individual is activated.

  • Copper jewelry has been used for health-improving and preventive purposes since ancient times.This decoration increases bone strength, activates the metabolism in the body, has an antibacterial effect - you can put it on any hand.
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What rules should be considered when putting on a bracelet?

  • Men need to avoid busting while putting on bracelets, watches, and jewelry on their fingers. A massive ring with a large watch and bracelet will look tasteless.
  • If you want to wear several bracelets at the same time, then they should suit each other in style.

Important! The combination of different decorations is not the case where a mixture of styles is welcome. It looks inappropriate, as well as a combination of clothes with decorations of different styles.

  • If you wear sportswear made of rubber, leather, with spikes or rivets, do not wear a classic suit. So you show no creativity, lack of taste. Just like putting on a beautiful gold jewelry under sweatpants.
  • If you want to wear a watch and a bracelet at the same time, then you need to follow the style of both accessories. Classic silver or gold watches will look ridiculous with colorful plastic bracelets, like modern sports gadgets with classic sophisticated gold chains.
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Summing up, we’ll clarify that there is no concrete answer to the question on which hand a chain of men is worn. It is more important to pay attention to the combination of jewelry with your character, in a general way. Combining accessories correctly, you will always look amazing!


