Which hand should women wear on a watch correctly?

Over the past few centuries they have been arguing about which hand is “designed” in order to wear a watch on it. Moreover, absolutely everyone argues: men should be worn on the right hand, women on the left, pregnant girls should wear them in their pocket, and grandparents don’t have any difference at all ... Opinions - a million, but only one answer . Or is it still more?

It is possible to determine on which hand a woman’s watch should be worn only with detailed statistics on this subject. But, unfortunately, no one has such statistics. Therefore, now we will try to state the basic theories regarding such an interesting question.

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Beliefs and Hypotheses

To begin with, a little historical theory about watches. So, since the invention of the clock spring, which made it possible to wear a watch on his hand, people had to periodically start their mechanism. And as everyone probably knows, this procedure was carried out using a special head, which was located on the right side of the dial.

For this reason, most people used to wear a watch on their left hand, because it was easier to operate the mechanism with their right hand.

Important! Curiously, even left-handed people often wore a watch on their left hand, because until recently society considered people with an active left hand to be inferior, strange, and even dangerous. Therefore, such people had to "hide."

Today, most watches do not require manual winding, but the tradition of giving preference to the left hand has been preserved for both women and men (old men, children, boys and girls are no exception).

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Practical theory

According to this theory, when choosing a hand on which the watch will be worn, it is advisable for women (and everyone else) to focus on the convenience of using this accessory. There are several points by which you can conclude for yourself on which hand the watch should be worn:

  • Watches worn by an active hand may interfere with writing.
  • Sometimes they are able to pinch the bloodstream.
  • Putting the accessory on the active hand, there is a risk of scratching, or even breaking it during the performance of some hard work.

Important! It’s a well-grounded theory, which is often followed by girls, deciding on which hand it is better to wear a watch. It appears that everything is on the left.

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Mystical theory of three energy points

This version comes from the ancient Chinese medical teaching “Fukuri”, following which on our wrists are three particularly important energy points: Cun, Guan and Chi. By acting on them, you can control the health of the whole organism. Moreover, both for better and for worse.

This system is very complex and unusual for unprepared people, so we will not go into details. But in order to understand on which hand a women's watch is worn, something will have to be understood.

The thing is that one of these points, namely, Tsun, is closely connected with the heart. And if it is not properly stimulated, then this can negatively affect the performance of the heart muscle. In men, this point is located on the wrist of the left hand, and in the fair sex - on the wrist of the right hand.From this it can be understood that it is advisable for men to wear a watch on their right hand, and women - on their left.

Important! In principle, this teaching can be considered a stupid fiction, or you can listen to the opinion of the Chinese sages. It is not for nothing that some modern investigators of the slaughter departments notice a strange connection between a human heart and a wristwatch. Like this?

The investigators simply noticed that very often the watch stopped at the very moment when its owner died. The heart stopped beating - the clock stopped going. Why does this happen - no one knows. That is why one cannot completely discard the doctrine of the three points. Suddenly it's all true ...

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On which hand do psychologists advise girls to wear a watch?

Psychologists believe that if a girl puts an accessory on an active hand, then this means that she is an independent, active and purposeful careerist with clear goals, for which she is ready to go through any difficulties. This does not mean at all that such a girl will have problems in other areas of life, rather, only that the watch on her active hand is a sign of a person’s high business activity. More about this, psychologists can not say anything.

But many of them argue that the watch should still be worn on the right hand, regardless of whether you are left-handed or right-handed. This recommendation is explained by an interesting theory: any person at the subconscious level associates the right side with the future, and the left side with the past.

That's why:

  • When a girl looks to the left, she focuses on the fact that little time is left, and nothing can be changed.
  • But when the gaze is turned to the right, attention is directed to the future, and the girl tries to be as active as possible in order to be in time.

Important! This theory leads us to the logical conclusion that her perception of life and success depend on which hand a woman wears a watch. It follows that this accessory is best worn on the right hand.

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Style, aesthetics and other beauty

In addition to historical, practical, mystical and psychological aspects, there is something else - it's just a desire to look beautiful. For many women, it is this factor that often becomes the determining one. By and large, modern watches are mainly used as a stylish accessory. And time can be seen on a mobile phone.

Therefore, for girls who want to add significance, mystery and extravagance to themselves with the help of a watch, it is advisable to pay attention to the following points.

Ratio of wrist width to accessory size

When choosing a watch, it is recommended first of all to pay attention to the harmonious correspondence of the size of the watch and the width of the wrist. In this way:

  • with a wider wrist, it is better to opt for a fairly massive model;
  • with a narrow one - it is better to choose a small model that will further emphasize the elegance of the hand.

Combination of brush shape and watch shape

In addition to the width of the wrist, the shape of the brush also plays an important role in choosing an accessory:

  • If the brush is small in size with short fingers, it is better to pick up elegant little watches.
  • With a narrow hand with aristocratic, long fingers, a small watch of irregular shape is chosen.
  • If the brush is large, then the clock of the correct form will help visually reduce it.


Matching a specific style

When choosing a watch, you should decide on the style that will be used simultaneously with this watch. It's obvious that:

  • with business style, small, neat watches with a predominance of dark color will look more organically;
  • but for a club style large watches in bright colors will be appropriate.

Choosing a fastener - belt or bracelet?

When choosing a watch, it is important to determine and fastening. Practice shows that it is better to use a mount that does not represent a whole with the watch. So, if a breakdown occurs, you can always find an equivalent replacement.

Important! Belts are considered a more classic option compared to bracelets.

Watch mechanism

By type of mechanism, the watch is divided into:

  • Mechanical - need a regular movement of the mechanism. They are most vulnerable to vibration and shock.
  • Quartz - they have a battery in the form of a small battery, so you do not need to start them.
  • Electric - display time using a digital display, as in quartz, there is a battery.

Important! The accessory should be liked personally by you, and not by others. When buying a watch, focus on your personal emotions. If you feel confident and comfortable with the selected accessory, this is the watch that you need.

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Well, here we have told you about the most common beliefs and theories that affect the minds of modern women when choosing a hand to wear a watch. Which hand is best for you to wear a watch on? On the right ... on the left ... There are always two options. We advise you to try wearing the watch both on your right hand and on your left to compare the effect and choose a more convenient option for you.


