Bath restoration kit

Most often in homes and apartments install cast-iron or metal bathtubs. They are covered with enamel, the color of which can be chosen for any interior style. But enameled baths are prone to the formation of chips and scratches, arising from the negligence of the owners. Therefore, many are interested in the question: is there a kit for restoring a bath or methods for repairing damage with your own hands? In this article, we will consider solutions to this problem.
to contents ↑Repair of chips and scratches in an enameled bath
There are 3 common ways to restore enamel:
- use a special kit for repairing an enamel bath;
- repair scratches or chips with car putty;
- Use liquid acrylic to restore coverage.
Important! Liquid acrylic is best used as a finishing touch after removing chips in one of the first two ways.
It should be understood that the restoration of the bath in any case will differ from the factory coating in color and quality.
to contents ↑Bath Repair Kit
To repair the bathroom with your own hands, you need to buy a tool in a specialized store to repair the damaged enamel layer.
Important! There are several options for such compositions of domestic and foreign manufacturers. The choice is yours, we only note that the cost of domestic funds is on average 2 times lower.
Common bathroom enamel repair kits:
- "Renaissance". Restores the coverage of the bathtub and tile. 4 packs included: cleaning agent, hardener, and 2 jars of glue. The manufacturer offers 7 shades, so the kit can be used not only to restore the enamel of the bath, but also to update the color of the plumbing.
- “Epoxine.” Epoxy paint, which eliminates chips, scratches and cracks in the enamel coating. You need to work with the kit quickly and accurately, as the paint instantly sets. The bath dries completely a day after the repair.
- “Svetlana” and “Fantasy”. Sets for the restoration of enamel cast-iron and steel baths, respectively. Includes surface preparation and enamel with hardener in the composition.
Important! The main drawback of these bath repair kits is the drying time, which is 7 days.
- "Reflex". The set is suitable for professional craftsmen due to the complexity of the work. The product is quite liquid and requires the application of at least four layers to obtain a high-quality coating. Therefore, a complete restoration of the bath with this tool takes 7 days.
- “Keramik-Email-Acryl Reparatur-Set”. The set consists of putty, putty knife, sandpaper, paint in an aerosol can. Complete drying of the bath is 3 days.
Important! Repair and repair damage to the enamelled coating strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
To restore the bath, you can use liquid acrylic, which creates a more durable coating than enamel. Its service life is increased to 8 years. Unfortunately, the cost of such a tool is many times higher.
to contents ↑Do-it-yourself composition for removing chips and scratches
The cost of ready-made bath repair kits is not small; moreover, only experienced craftsmen can use them on their own.Therefore, among nonprofessionals, their own folk methods for eliminating damage to enamel appeared.
Porcelain patch
For porcelain bath restoration you will need:
- sandpaper;
- a fragment of an old porcelain bowl;
- resin;
- hardener;
- putty knife.
Having prepared the necessary materials, repair according to the following instructions:
- Prepare the surface to be repaired with sandpaper to a matte finish.
- Pound a piece of porcelain into dust with a cast-iron mortar and pestle.
- Then combine the hardener and the resin at a ratio of 1:30 respectively.
- Apply the mixture to the cleaved area and smooth with a spatula.
Important! The complete drying time of the porcelain composition is 3 hours. With careful work, such a patch will last a long time. The only drawback is that the material is very different from the enamel coating.
BF glue and white
For the restoration of enamel baths, you can use another way. To do this, you must:
- Prepare the place of damage - clean, degrease and dry well.
- Combine BF biological glue and whitewash to the consistency of toothpaste.
- Apply the resulting composition to the place of cleavage or cracks.
- Wait until completely dry.
Important! You can use a set of these materials for repairing chips of enamel baths using another layered method. To do this, you need to alternately apply the adhesive base and powder on top with white. After complete drying, a new layer is applied. This continues until the composition is equal to the surface of the enamel bath.
Automotive putty provides high-quality repair of chips and cracks formed on the surface of plumbing. The algorithm of actions is as follows:
- First you need to, as in previous methods, carefully prepare the surface for restoration work.
- Then, apply fiberglass-based automotive putty to the cleavage.
Important! Choose the lightest shade, such as white or light gray.
- After the material has hardened, it is necessary to sand the surface with sandpaper.
- Then, with a brush, cover the surface with a layer of enamel.
Filling the bath with liquid acrylic
All of the above methods for restoring enamel after chips and scratches will not give an ideal result. You will protect metal from corrosion, but outwardly the bath will be far from presentable. Therefore, if your finances allow, it is better to use liquid acrylic. This material will restore the attractive appearance of your bath.
This process requires certain skills. For a satisfactory result, you should first practice, “get your hand” on the old plumbing. The instructions for filling the bathtub with liquid acrylic are as follows:
- Pre-prepare the surface of the bath: clean and degrease, eliminate chips, cracks using any of the above methods.
- Pour boiling water over the plumbing, then wipe with a clean terry towel. Make sure there are no fibers or threads left.
- Remove the drain and overflow from the bath.
- Put the plumbing on the jacks, place a bucket under the drain hole to collect material. To do this, it is necessary to provide a slight bias towards the drain.
- Pour the acrylic composition in a thin stream, starting from the edge of the plumbing.
- After the first stage of pouring, it is possible, using a rubber spatula, to collect material from places where it is redundant, and apply to where the solution lay uneven.
- Repeat the process of filling the bath with liquid acrylic again. Then also smooth the surface with a rubber spatula.
Work on the restoration of enamel is completed, you just need to wait until the solution solidifies completely!
to contents ↑Stock footage
Is it worth it to carry out such a laborious process of restoring the surface of an enameled bath on your own or to entrust work to a professional - everyone decides for himself. Maybe for someone the right decision is to buy new plumbing. In any case, now you have more options for solving the problem.
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