Scale in a teapot - how to remove effectively?

It doesn't matter which kettle you use - metal, enameled or electric. Even expensive water filters will not save him from scale. Due to lime deposits electric kettles quickly break, and at the bottom of the usual - enameled or metal, an explosive mixture of scale and rust is formed. Let's look at what scale is in a teapot, how to remove it efficiently so that your “assistant” for boiling water lasts as long as possible.
to contents ↑What is scale and where does it come from?
It doesn’t matter what kind of plan you use - a simple one that our grandmothers used, or a modern electric one. In any case, from time to time you will have to take time to clean it from scale. And all because it is necessarily formed there because of hard water with a high salt content, which decompose into sediment and carbon dioxide when the water is heated. Over time, a scale layer forms from this sediment.
Important! Do not drag out cleaning the dishes in general and the kettle in particular, since over time the problem only worsens, and it will be more and more difficult to solve it every day.
Ordinary teapots begin to overgrow with scale from the bottom, and at first the scale will be quite soft, but over time it will harden, turning into a substance resembling ceramics.
In electric models, the heating element is most affected, which can be made in the form of a spiral or in the form of a disk, since they are constantly in direct contact with water. Due to the fact that it is difficult to “get close” to a spiral or disk, the problem of cleaning such teapots can be very acute.
to contents ↑Why is scaling so important?
Some people prefer to turn a blind eye to a problem until it crawls out sideways, and alternative methods of getting rid of scale no longer work. Ultimately you will have to buy a new kettle.
To prevent this from happening, it’s worthwhile to understand why you can’t delay cleaning and what consequences this could threaten:
- From prolonged exposure to scale, the heating elements of an electric appliance or the walls of a conventional kettle can simply become unusable. They will deteriorate from corrosion, then saving the container will not work.
- Scale itself, by its nature, does not have much thermal conductivity, which can lead to overheating of the kettle walls.
- The heating elements of an electrical appliance are isolated from direct contact with water. Because of this, the water will heat up much longer, and the spiral will begin to experience strong resistance, which can lead to breakage.
- By consuming water from a teapot, in which a multi-centimeter layer of hard plaque has formed, we ourselves create problems with the kidneys, the genitourinary system, etc.
to contents ↑Important! Before you start descaling in an electric kettle at home in any of the ways, you should carefully consider everything and understand that the remnants of the funds that you will use will always remain on the inner walls of the dishes. That is why after any cleaning procedure, the kettle must be washed several times, boiling and draining the water.
Vinegar cleaning is the fastest and most effective way to clean dishes without the use of chemicals and without harm to health:
- Dilute food vinegar with water (100 ml of vinegar in 1 liter of water).
- Pour the resulting solution into the dishes, put on a small fire and wait for the boil.
- As soon as the water begins to boil, lift the lid and check how the process of scaling from the walls of the vessel proceeds.
- If the exfoliation is incomplete, then you should leave the kettle on the fire for another 15 minutes.
After cleaning the container, it must be thoroughly washed, removing residual deposits and vinegar.
to contents ↑Lemon acid
Vinegar cannot be used for electric kettles, but citric acid is a great helper to descale an electric kettle at home:
- Dilute 1-2 sachets of acid (1-2 teaspoons) in 1 liter of water.
- Pour the solution into a container and boil.
- The plastic of the device “updates”, and the scale disappears without a trace, easily separated after citric acid.
- Drain the water, rinse the container and collect new water, boil it “idle”.
to contents ↑Important! But still boiling with citric acid is an extreme measure. An ideal way to take care of the kettle is to clean it with citric acid monthly without boiling. You just need to dilute the acid in water, pour into a kettle and leave for several hours.
Carbonated drinks
A truly popular method is descaling using Coca-Cola, Fanta or Sprite. These drinks effectively eliminate rust and scale:
- Leave the soda open for a while.
- After the gas bubbles disappear, pour the drink into the container (to the middle), bring it to a boil over low heat.
- Wash the bowl thoroughly.
to contents ↑Important! It’s better to use Sprite, since Fanta and Coca-Cola can leave their shade on the walls of the dishes.
Cleaning in especially difficult cases (not for electric kettles)
This option is appropriate for cleaning the most advanced cases:
- Pour water into the kettle, add a tablespoon of soda, boil the solution and drain the water.
- Refill with water, but now with 1 tablespoon of citric acid.
- Boil over low heat for about 30 minutes, drain the water.
- Refill with water, add ½ cup vinegar, boil again for half an hour.
- If, even after the third boiling, the scale does not work, then definitely it will have to become loose, and it can be removed with a simple sponge.
to contents ↑Important! Metal sponges and hard brushes are undesirable for all types of dummies.
Preservation brine
One of the most popular ways to remove plaque from a teapot can be called using pickle from canned cucumbers or tomatoes. If you do not have citric acid, vinegar or soda at home, then this option will suit you perfectly:
- Pour 1 liter of brine into the kettle, put it on a slow fire.
- Bring to a boil, leave for another 30 minutes.
- Drain, rinse well with cold water.
- If the scale does not peel off completely, you can rub the walls of the dishes with a soft sponge using detergent.
to contents ↑Important! The advantage of this method is that the brine removes not only scale, but also rust on metal utensils.
Household chemicals
In hardware stores you can find various household cleaning products for any purpose, in particular on store shelves there are many effective tools for removing scale. You can buy a universal tool that is suitable for any surface, or you can look for a special option for cleaning a particular surface.
Among the popular chemicals that can effectively remove scale in a kettle are the following:
- Top house.
- Magic power.
- Unicum
- Menalux.
- Topper
- Cillit.
- Zool.
- Antinakipin.
- Chistin.
- Heitmann.
- Sano.
- Filtero
- Clean Home.
to contents ↑Important! As a rule, all these tools have a similar method of application. But in any case, you must clearly follow the instructions on the packaging.
How to prevent scale formation?
In order to make coffee or tea a pleasure, let's look at how to prevent the formation of scale. If you follow the preventive measures, then you don’t have to rack your brains on how to remove scale in an electric kettle at home:
- Try not to use tap water, or at least use one that has settled because the tap water is very hard. If possible, it is advisable to install a filter that will soften it.
Important! It is very good if you use melt, spring or purchased bottled water.
- It is advisable to pour in the kettle the amount of water that you need for one time. It is highly undesirable to re-boil water - replace it with fresh.
- Every time after or before boiling, try washing the dishes. This will make it possible to get rid of a small plaque as it occurs.
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Now you know how to descale your electric kettle at home. Regularly caring for your kitchen “assistant”, you can extend its service life, as well as always drink delicious hot drinks.
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