Filling a sofa - which is better?

A decent level of comfort for upholstered furniture is able to provide not only the materials that are used for upholstery, but its function and shape. One of the most important elements that affect the convenience and durability of furniture is its interior - filler. In this article we will try to understand the question: filling the sofa - which is better, how do they differ from each other? Thus, based on our tips and tricks, you will be able to understand which option is best for you.
to contents ↑Couch Filler Criteria
The rating we presented takes into account the characteristics that customers are primarily interested in when choosing a filler. It:
- Comfortability of use - elasticity, dimensions, anatomicality, noiselessness and orthopedic effect.
- Durability, reliability and durability.
- Withstand loads.
- The color of the material.
- Easy installation and repair.
- Environmental safety - hypoallergenicity, non-toxicity, antimicrobial properties.
- Flammability.
- The weight.
- Ventilation
- Customer reviews.
The best spring fillers
Spring systems do not go out of fashion, the effectiveness of which has been tested for a long time.
Independent spring unit
These are strong covers made of fibertex or spanbond horizontally fastened to each other, packed with columnar spirals. In such a block, each spring perceives the load individually, as a result of which the design accurately repeats the anatomical forms of a person.
The advantages of this sofa filling:
- Reliability, noiselessness, elasticity, long service life (about 10 years).
- Comfort, high ergonomics, orthopedic effect.
- Optimum microclimate.
- The possibility of selecting a model based on the weight of a person.
- Relatively high cost.
Important! Many consumers in their reviews praise the performance characteristics, but not always flattering speak about the quality of the springs, in particular about the material of their manufacture. In order to avoid trouble, when buying, you need to focus on the popularity and reputation of the manufacturer.
Dependent spring block “Bonnel”
Choosing the best filler for the sofa, you should pay attention to this system, which is a three-dimensional frame made of spiral steel wire, edged with frames. A design feature is the interconnected structural elements in the form of cone-shaped springs.
Important! In the market of upholstered furniture it is presented more than 60 years.
- Durability (about 7 years), reliability, affordable price.
- The ability to withstand heavy loads.
- The air circulates perfectly, due to which moisture exchange is carried out.
Disadvantages of filler:
- Low comfort when using.
- A creak is possible.
Important! Most consumer reviews are positive. Especially emphasizes the low cost and reliability of the design. Along with this, a low level of comfort is noted - under load, the design springs work in large areas, and not pointwise.
Spring block "snake"
This system consists of parallel horizontally directed coil springs.To create such a filling for the sofa, the raw material of manufacture is high-carbon light alloy wire.
- Noiselessness, elasticity, low cost, the term of use of some models reaches 20 years.
- Has a memory, can withstand heavy loads, has a corrosion-resistant coating.
- Does not interfere with natural air exchange.
- Fast and easy to attach to a wooden case.
Disadvantages of filler:
- Poor depreciation properties.
to contents ↑Important! User reviews are mostly good. In contrast to these advantages, only some inconveniences are called - when standing up, the body is additionally immersed. In addition, for the individual installation of this system on folding furniture, an experienced master is required. When buying a soft part, you need to pay attention, in addition to the main parameters, to the thickness of the wire, as well as its mounting step.
The best springless synthetic fillers
A worthy competition to the springs, when choosing the best filler for the sofa, are modern fillers made using innovative technologies.
Polyurethane foam
The material consists of several polymers, which occurs in different stiffness and density. Divided into:
- Block - thick sheets of different densities, from which elements of the necessary configurations are cut.
- Cast - are made directly at the enterprise by pouring the semi-finished product in finished molds in liquid form.
Important! The density of high-quality polyurethane foam for backs, seats and armrests should be at least 25 kg / m3.
Advantages of a filler for a sofa made of polyurethane foam:
- Long term of operation (approximately 8 years), elasticity, reliability, elasticity, environmental friendliness, budget price.
- It does not accumulate dust, due to which it does not cause allergic reactions, it is characterized by a variety of characteristics.
- It withstands long and significant loads, after deformation it is able to restore shape.
- Air and moisture permeability, which promotes circulation.
- He is afraid of the influence of ultraviolet radiation, so he needs a cover made of lightproof fabric.
Important! There are no special complaints in user reviews about quality products. But they do not stand up to criticism of the model in which high density is replaced by increased rigidity, as well as the modification of polyurethane foam - foam. This material cakes very quickly and becomes unusable. In addition, the transition from a spring sofa to this option may seem too harsh.
These products are patented by the Podolsk company Whole World. Strutofiber consists of three layers, the inner of which is a carrier with vertically directed fibers that are able to redistribute the load.
Advantages of struttofiber as a sofa filling:
- Durable, resilient, does not rot, acceptable in price.
- Perfectly restores shape, does not absorb moisture, does not support combustion.
- It is not an environment for the appearance of ticks, does not cause allergic reactions.
- Has orthopedic properties.
- It is difficult to repair.
Important! Specialists and ordinary consumers agree that this filler takes one of the leading places in popularity when choosing the best filler for a sofa. Choosing the degree of rigidity of the model, it is necessary to pay attention to the user's weight: the lighter the sleeping person, the mattress should be softer.
This is a modern filler, which is made on the basis of synthetic winterizer. Its difference is a special twisted structure of the fibers. It is made in the form of fluffy balls and plates.
The advantages of such a filler for sofas:
- Strength, lightness, elasticity, softness, environmental friendliness, elasticity, wear resistance, long service life (about 10 years).
- High sound, heat insulation and antistatic properties.
- It does not absorb odors, allows air to pass through, easily restores shape, is hygroscopic, does not decay and is not prone to fungus.
- Relatively high cost.
Important! Many users respond positively to the material. It is emphasized that after several washing cycles the characteristics of the product remain unchanged. Moreover, holofiber almost does not absorb tobacco smoke.
Produced from polyester. Its feature is the vertical orientation of the fibers, which are similar to the spring block in terms of perception.
Advantages of durafil as a filler for upholstered furniture:
- Softness, splendor, elasticity, elasticity, environmental friendliness, affordable price.
- It does not attract dust, does not cause allergies, is resistant to fire, does not absorb moisture, has low residual deformation and antimicrobial properties.
- The disadvantages are minor.
Important! User reviews are positive. This sofa filling does not need to be cleaned of moths, fungi and ticks.
Sintepuh is a siliconized springy fiber, which is considered a quality substitute for natural fluff. The material is made entirely of polyester.
The advantages of this sofa filling:
- Softness, lightness, environmental friendliness, elasticity, affordable.
- Hydro and biostability, low heat conductivity.
- “Breathes”, does not roll, well and quickly restores shape.
- Narrow scope.
Important! Users say that in general, the material is not bad, for example, it is erased in a gentle mode, dries quickly, and retains heat well. There are comments, but small ones: hard materials do not fill the corners of the pillows, and the mixture with foam pieces is caked.
Synthetic winterizer
It is an artificial material made from polyester fibers. It has a moderate volume.
- Harmlessness, elasticity, lightness, cheapness.
- High moisture resistant and thermal insulation properties.
- Not susceptible to infection by fungus, does not cause allergies.
Disadvantages of filler:
- In its pure form is not suitable as a filler for sofa seats.
- Over time, it gets very lumpy.
- Short-lived.
Important! Users say that the material used for its intended purpose meets the expectations placed on it. At the same time, when buying, you must be careful - the filler is made according to the factory specifications, so there is a risk of acquiring unhealthy and poor-quality products.
Small synthetic balls that are made from polyester fibers by heat treatment. Coated with silicone and treated with an antibacterial compound.
- Durability, low weight, low cost.
- Hypoallergenic, antistatic, fireproof.
- “Breathes”, retains heat well, is easy to wash, dries quickly.
- It does not cake, it crumbles heavily, restores its shape well and quickly.
- No particular flaws are observed.
Important! Mostly user reviews are positive. Silicone coating is especially noted, thanks to which the balls do not emit sound.
Viscoelastic foam
Polyurethane foam substance, poured into the cavity of the pillow, has many distinctive features. Due to its properties, the head of the recumbent is in the anatomically correct position. After the user rises, the pillow takes its original shape, so when choosing the best filler for the sofa, you should pay special attention to this option.
Advantages of this sofa filler:
- It has a memory, is elastic, does not absorb moisture, the service life is 5-8 years.
- Antiallergenic and antimicrobial.
- It will take some time to get used to.
- High price.
to contents ↑Important! Positive overall user reviews warn that some unscrupulous manufacturers make foam foam with toxic additives.It is also noted that artisanal goods in the first weeks of use have a specific smell.
The best springless natural fillers
At all times, fillers that are made on a natural basis are especially in demand. To understand which filler for sofa cushions is which is better, you need to consider them in more detail.
High quality rubber juice based material. As a result of vulcanization, large numbers of cells form in the structure of this material.
Advantages of latex filling the sofa:
- Non-toxicity, elasticity, long service life (more than 20 years).
- Good air exchange, hygroscopicity.
- Hypoallergenic, quickly returns to its original position.
- It has an orthopedic effect - evenly distributes the load and well follows the contours of the human body.
- High price.
Important! User reviews are extremely positive. Of the minuses, only high cost is noted.
The canvas consists of two thin reinforcing layers and the middle - bearing, thick. External materials - artificial or natural fibers, “filling” - cotton, wool or polyester substance.
- Volumetricity, elasticity, safety for health, long term of use.
- Does not support burning, comfort, hypoallergenicity.
- Free air circulation, minimal residual deformation.
Disadvantages of filling the periotec sofa:
- A full production cycle is not possible, since polyester fibers are produced abroad.
Important! Since the periotech is not subject to burning, the filler is highly rated by fans of smoke on the couch.
Padded flooring
Among the budget options for filling the sofa, you can also try to determine which is better. For example, this material is a “sandwich” of cotton wool with a thickness of 5-10 cm and two outer layers of fabric.
- Softness, cheapness.
- Harmless, good air permeability.
- Recovers very badly.
- Low resilience.
Important! There are few user reviews about this flooring. There are several complaints about the outer tissues, which are far from high quality.
Coconut tow
It is a strong fiber consisting of stiffened vascular bundles of coconut nuts.
- Breathability, high rigidity, environmental friendliness, low cost.
- It does not cause allergies.
- Low softness and firmness.
Important! Many mothers in their reviews are indignant that under the guise of children's coconut mattresses they are selling analogues from rubber.
It is made by felting wool and produced in the form of panels of different thicknesses.
- Strength, density, hygroscopicity, wear resistance, environmental friendliness, affordable price.
- Promotes redistribution of loads.
- Mainly performs a lining function.
Important! Many users who bought natural felt were dissatisfied with its internal friability and short service life.
It is made from the tails and manes of horses, which are impregnated with natural latex during processing to improve performance.
Important! As a rule, it is used for the production of VIP-class products.
- Elasticity, stiffness, environmental friendliness, resilience, breathability.
- It does not accumulate dust and bacteria, absorbs and evaporates moisture well, and serves for a long time.
- It has orthopedic properties, creating a comfortable feeling.
- High price.
to contents ↑Important! A lot of reviews about the thermoregulating properties of the filler: it is not cold in sleeping cold, and in heat it is not hot.
Which company filler is better to choose?
In the market of fillers for sofas, there are many well-known companies, among which are especially popular:
- DreamLine is the largest manufacturer in the domestic market with an 8-year history.
- Promtex-Orient is an advanced domestic manufacturer of mattresses with orthopedic effect.
- Ormatek is a successful domestic manufacturer with 15 years of experience in manufacturing sleep products.
- Toris - works since 1992, produces beds and mattresses of high quality.
- LONAX is a popular domestic company producing orthopedic products for sleep.
- Ascona is a sleep products manufacturing factory that is part of the Hilding Anders Group (Sweden).
- Bottlenose dolphin is a popular manufacturer that has been producing baby mattresses and other sleeping accessories since 2003.
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Many manufacturers often combine different materials with different characteristics and properties, resulting in the highest quality effect. In any case, choosing the best filler for the sofa, in addition to the above information, you need to be based on your own taste and preferences.
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