Folk remedies for mosquito bites

We often visit nature in the summer: by the river, in the forest, by the lake and even in the city in the apartment, these little “wretches” are mosquitoes, we are terribly bored and bite. Mosquito nets, special hats do not always save you, and you don’t always want to use special products based on chemicals, because it is unsafe. In this article you will learn what folk remedies for mosquito bites will come in handy.

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Why should I use mosquito repellent?

Mosquitoes appear in April - May, and disappear in September - October. These small insects are very annoying, and their bites cause terrible itching. As a result, you not only cannot do your daily business without being distracted from the process, but even sleep. All this leads to overwork, a bad mood, a strange desire "so that the summer ends quickly."

Important! A person can withstand up to 500 insect bites. But there are people with hypersensitivity of the body, even one bite can lead to death. Therefore, it is simply necessary to know what folk remedies for mosquitoes help scare away pests, as well as prevent their bites.

The consequences of mosquito bites:

Persistent itching is far from the only unpleasant consequence of meeting these nasty squeaks. When an allergic reaction occurs:

  • edema;
  • redness;
  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • headache.
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Remedies for mosquito bites for children

These little vampires bother kids the most. The whole difficulty lies in the fact that far from any mosquito repellent is suitable for children. Modern fumigators, chemical repellents still cause concern, although their manufacturers convince of complete harmlessness.

Folk remedies for mosquito bitesTherefore, it is better to use folk, proven and probably safe herbs. For example, the following options are suitable:

  1. Tomato leaves, wormwood, tansy, yarrow, elderberry branches, even wheatgrass so annoying in the garden.
  2. Cloves, eucalyptus, cedar, mint, anise, valerian.
  3. Chamomile, bird cherry.
  4. Essential oils are also a wonderful folk remedy for mosquitoes for children. Particularly suitable: eucalyptus, tea tree, lemon and orange.
  5. Indoor plants Pelargonium and Myrtle.
  6. Fish fat.

Important! The choice of a specific folk remedy for mosquito bites depends on where exactly you are. For example, when camping, the bloodsuckers will scare away smoke from a fire, you can wash yourself with a decoction of wormwood, and a bouquet of beautiful daisies will look great on the table in your room. But only the above, and not any aromatic oils and herbs, are suitable, since the aroma of spruce and pine, on the contrary, will attract insects to you.

Consider only that it is impossible to use all these funds for children for a very long time, since they have an additional effect on the body - mint or valerian soothe, and on the contrary, cloves will invigorate.

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What to do if mosquitoes bite?

If you did not have time to prevent the attacks of the bloodsuckers and they managed to bite you or your child in order to get rid of the itch from a mosquito bite, use the following folk remedies:

  1. Put something cold in the place - ice from the freezer, and a cotton swab with cold water, and even any metal cutlery, will do.
  2. Wipe problem areas on the skin with a salt solution - 1 tbsp. water take 1 tbsp. lsalt, or just apply a slightly moistened soda powder.
  3. Apply toothpaste - it will relieve itching and burning. Menthol creates a feeling of cooling on your skin. But do not use this tool very often, since toothpastes can cause allergies to the skin.
  4. Tea tree oil is an excellent wound healing agent, but it will not always be able to stop an attack of severe itching.
  5. Sour cream, kefir, yogurt - all these products will help to quickly remove puffiness and slightly reduce inflammation.
  6. Juice of lemon, lime, onion, aloe, propolis tincture - all this can also be useful for you to lubricate mosquito bites.
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How to get rid of mosquito bites with medical agents?

If mosquitoes literally bite you completely and folk remedies do not have the expected effect, it may be worthwhile to use medications. To relieve swelling, inflammation, pain and itching, fit:

  • balm “Rescuer”;
  • gel “Fenistil” (can be used as a remedy after mosquito bites for children);
  • Bepanten cream (also suitable for babies from birth);
  • cream “Akomarin”;
  • patches for bites and itching;
  • balm "Ambulance".
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Going for a walk in advance, think about how and how to protect the baby and yourself from the bites of these annoying creatures. A correctly chosen folk remedy for mosquitoes will not harm your health and scare away bloodsuckers for the entire time you walk through the fresh air, because it is so useful for well-being, development of the child and your good mood.

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