Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

It is not easy to be a modern woman. She needs to work, take care of her family and at the same time look 100%. That is why each representative of the fair sex constantly carries out a number of procedures, including the removal of unwanted hair in certain places. Today we will talk about an unconventional method - how to use ammonia and hydrogen peroxide and whether the peroxide contains harmful components.

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Hair Removal - What is the Best Way to Do It?

All hair removal methods have pros and cons. You can remove the epithelium by waxing, shugaring, shaving with a razor or using some devices to try to remove even the smallest bristles. However, all of these options have a large number of disadvantages.

The disadvantages of depilation with all of the following methods:

  • soreness of the procedure;
  • short effect;
  • skin irritation;
  • after sugar depilation, the skin “burns”;
  • a large number of contraindications to a particular method of depilation;
  • for many procedures it is necessary to visit specialized beauty salons.

However, there is a method that is not characterized by all of the above disadvantages. This is the use of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.

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The use of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia in the world of beauty

Hydrogen peroxide is a medicine that is an antiseptic. Its main purpose is to treat wounds and cuts. However, more and more women use it to remove hair.

Important! Many years ago, the fair sex used a medicine based on hydroperite to whiten her hair. And now this method does not lose its relevance.

A distinctive feature of the use of hydrogen peroxide in conjunction with ammonia is that the “vegetation” is not removed immediately, but about a week after application. But we will talk about this a little lower.

Important! Hair removal in this way is suitable for owners of soft hairs. In the fight against hard bristles, this method is powerless.

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Advantages of using hydrogen peroxide:

  • low price category of the drug;
  • our grandmothers removed hair with this method, so it has a large number of positive reviews;
  • this method is painless;
  • absolutely safe, it is impossible to infect;
  • there are no ingrown hairs after the procedure;
  • ammonia and hydrogen peroxide whiten the skin;
  • hairs, even reappeared, also bleach, become less noticeable;
  • with each application, the hair becomes smaller, the hair is thinner and less and less it will be necessary to resort to this procedure;
  • over time, hair completely disappears.
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Decolorize hair with hydrogen peroxide

Some representatives of the fair sex notice that the hair on the hands is much more than that of other girls. In the summer, many try to always make sure that there is not a single hair on their legs, and depilation in the bikina area is just an unpleasant and painful procedure. What to do in such cases?

There is always a way out! In this case, the use of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide will allow you to forget about “vegetation” on the stomach, arms, face and other “painful” or delicate places forever. Now you do not need to endure wax depilation, go to the procedure of sugar hair removal or use a razor.

Important! Precautions when using ammonia and hydrogen peroxide:

  • If your skin is very sensitive, it is worth trying this method not in a small area, so that there is no irritation throughout the skin.
  • We draw your attention to the fact that very often you can not use hydroperit, since it can harm the skin.
  • Do not cleanse the skin before performing this procedure.
  • When applying various masks with ammonia and peroxide, carefully study the composition and think about whether any substance will harm the skin.
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Remove hair on legs and arms

Unwanted hair on the hands of a dark color is a problem that concerns mainly only representatives of dark hair. Shaving hairs on hands is not an option. The best and safest way is to lighten the hairs and, as a consequence, subsequent removal.

Important! To eliminate this drawback you will need:

  • 25 ml of a substance based on hydroperite;
  • 25 ml of water;
  • 2 capsules of ammonia;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda.


The sequence of bleaching hair on the arms or legs:

  1. Mix the peroxide with water in a glass or porcelain bowl.
  2. Add ammonia and soda.
  3. Now check this solution for allergies. To do this, apply to a small area of ​​the skin and wait 7-8 minutes. If everything is in order - proceed further.
  4. Apply the mixture. No need to rub.
  5. Wait one hour.
  6. Wash off a solution of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide with soap.

Important! In those places where there is very delicate skin, first apply the cream - for children or just oily. After the procedure, the skin will lighten a little. In a few days, everything will return to normal.

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Remove facial hair

Hair on the face in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle is a problem that worries quite a lot of people. To remove this disadvantage, ammonia and hydrogen peroxide can also be used.

Ways to combat unwanted facial hair:

  1. Wipe the bristles with a 3% hydroperit solution every day.
  2. Add 6% peroxide to the shaving foam and lubricate the face. The proportions should be one to one. Rinse off this solution 20 minutes after application.
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We remove hair in the bikini area

Removing hair in the bikini area takes a lot of time and patience.

Important! You should take full responsibility for this procedure, since you will need to do it regularly and for a long time.

To eliminate vegetation in the bikini area, you will need:

  • half a teaspoon of ammonia;
  • a teaspoon of shampoo;
  • 10 grams of petroleum jelly;
  • 15 grams of lanolin;
  • thirty percent hydroperit solution - 2 g.

Important! To use this tool you need to:

  • mix all the ingredients in a china;
  • apply the resulting mass to the skin;
  • wait until the solution is completely dry and only then wash off with warm water and soap.
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As you can see in the fight against unwanted vegetation on the body, there are not only traditional painful methods with a bunch of flaws, but also a method that suits almost all people. Whether to use ammonia and hydrogen peroxide to get rid of hair in the place you need is up to you.


