DIY wall clock

In every house, it is not global surface finishing methods that give a special atmosphere, but small accessories and decorations. Want to decorate your home with original handmade items? Try to make a wall clock with your own hands - it is not as difficult as it seems. Let's try to make copyright wall clock?

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Materials and Tools

What will be needed to make a watch? First of all, it is a clockwork. It can be taken from factory alarms or bought in stores for creativity. If you need large, openwork arrows, make them yourself from a strip of thin metal:

  1. Print the template on the printer.
  2. Transfer it to tin, squeezing along the contour.
  3. Cut with scissors and make a hole with a hole punch.
  4. Spray paint any color.

You can make walkers with moving figures in a circle: butterflies, flowers or a running person. To do this, glued on the finished arrows cut out from a dense, but light cardboard, details. The result is an original item with running, decorated with arrows.

Important! There are special mechanisms with a pendulum, which can be decorated to your liking. In the end - it turns out a thing, looking at which you can not believe that it is made by hand.

In addition to the mechanism, you will need a scale with marked numbers. Where to get it?


Make numbers from:

  • Salt dough. Knead a dough of salt and flour (1: 1), adding PVA glue to it. Having rolled up the sausages, put them into the figures and dry them. When the dough has dried, paint the molding with paint and fix with varnish.
  • Polymer clay. This material is similar to children's plasticine, but when baked in the oven, it hardens, turning into plastic. It can be painted with gold paint or leave the color of clay.
  • Ready-made numbers for the front door. Large numbers made of plastic and metal are suitable for large dials. They can also be painted in any shade.
  • Stencil. Print and transfer the timeline onto paper. Cut with a sharp knife and the stencil is ready. Now you can make the numbers by painting them with paint or texture putty.
  • Materials at hand. Some ideas don’t need purchased parts. The divisions will replace buttons, keys, dominoes, beads, artificial flowers and colored paper.

Important! To make the product complete, think over the design in advance by drawing it on paper.

Look among the old things and sewing little things - is there something suitable there? Determine the style in which you want to make a watch: will it be a luxurious Modern, laconic Minimalism or a cheerful decor for a nursery? And the idea of ​​how to make a watch with your own hands will finally form in your head. It remains only to bring it to life, using the advice provided below.

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Decoupage watch

An interesting design option not only for watches, but also for other household items - decoupage, creates an imitation of murals. For this method of decoration, prints, napkins with a pattern and special cards for decoupage are used, which are glued to the base of any material:

  • a tree;
  • plywood;
  • cardboard;
  • gypsum;
  • plastic;
  • glass;
  • metal.

One cannot say about such a finished thing that this is home-made, and the drawing is not the author’s painting, but ordinary paper with a drawing.

To make your watch more original in addition to decoupage:

  1. Apply brushing (firing). It is suitable for solid wood blanks.
  2. Use gilding. Thin sheets of fallen (rolled metal) are glued to the numbers, the edge of the watch or part of the pattern.
  3. Decorate your watch with a stencil pattern.
  4. Add decorative effects. For example, paint with metallic paint, mother of pearl, or decorate with glass small beads.
  5. Aging the watch with craquelure compounds that create a light network of cracks on the surface of the varnish, as in old paintings.

To make a simple wooden wall clock decorated with decoupage, take:

  • napkins with a pattern;
  • water acrylic varnish;
  • acrylic paints;
  • fine sand paper;
  • bristle brushes.


Operating procedure:

  • Prepare the workpiece so that the soil adheres to the surface. To do this, sand the surface with fine sandpaper.
  • Apply a primer with a wide brush and dry.

Important! If there is no special primer on hand, prepare it from PVA glue and white water-based paint mixed in a 1: 2 ratio.

  • Once again, go through the sandpaper on the workpiece. The surface should be perfectly smooth, otherwise - the glued paper will lie unevenly and go in bubbles.
  • Apply glue to the workpiece, transfer the drawing to the base.
  • Spread the paper along the surface, from the center to the edges, expelling air bubbles.
  • When the decoupage has dried, cover the picture in 2-3 layers with varnish.
  • Paint the sides of the watch.
  • Print the dial to the size of the watch, transfer the marking to the workpiece with a pencil.
  • Glue or draw numbers and a timeline.
  • Install the clockwork on the back.
  • Attach the arrows.

Important! Use several methods to create a unique artistic thing. Apply craquelure on top of the pot, make a firing on the edge of the clock, draw the numbers through the stencil.

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Cardboard clock in the nursery

This material is undeservedly considered flimsy and unreliable, but on its basis you can make a wall clock with any kind of decor and the most diverse form.

2 types of cardboard are suitable for watches:

  1. corrugated cardboard - the one from which the packing boxes are made;
  2. beer - this paper is used for binding books and looks like thin plywood.

Important! Thin cardboard from kits for creativity does not hold shape, use it to design finished watches: cut out the decor from it to design watches - numbers, figures and flowers.

We will tell you how to make a watch for a nursery with large numbers:

  1. Draw a circle with a compass and cut it with a clerical knife. To make the workpiece strong, make 2-3 parts of the substrate with a hole for the mechanism, and 1 front. Glue them together, and the watch will be durable.
  2. Divide the circle in half, pierce a hole under the rod of the mechanism with a pencil.
  3. Mark the numbers and stick large buttons, bright covers from children's plasticine.
  4. On the felt, draw the numbers, cut a circle to the size of the covers.
  5. Glue the numbers on the watch.

It remains to collect the clock and hang it in the nursery.

Important! Complete the design with painting, applique and characters of your favorite cartoons.

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Watch from a plate

To decorate a watch from a plate with your own hands, you will need a special tool - a jigsaw or engraver. Cut vinyl with a clerical knife or a soldering iron will not work:

  1. Tape the plate with paper tape.
  2. Prepare the stencil on caged paper.
  3. Cut the pattern with a blade.
  4. Attach it to the plate, circle with a pencil.
  5. Saw vinyl around the outline with a jigsaw, and then remove the tape.
  6. Strip roughness with sandpaper.
  7. Enlarge the hole and insert the clockwork.

Additionally, you can make a backlight that will highlight the contour of the clock and serve as a light source:

  • Glue the LED strip on a double-sided tape to the clockwork around its perimeter.
  • Install the crown with the switch and connect the wires.

Important! You can paint the plate with spray paint.If you need a multi-color drawing, then several stencils are created, each for a specific color, which are superimposed one after another, starting with the lightest.

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Watch from CD

Old laser discs are ideal for making watches for the desktop and the kitchen. To turn an unnecessary CD into a stylish decor, there are several ideas:

  1. Cover the disc with a layer of black acrylic paint. Scratch numbers and floral ornament. Rainbow patterns on a black background will turn a boring blank into a stylish watch.
  2. Connect several discs by gluing them onto a cardboard base. Insert the mechanism in the middle, and you will get an original Hi-Tech watch.
  3. Fasten the disk to its plastic box, drill a hole for the rod arrows. Set the mechanism from the alarm. As a result, a compact timer on the stand for the desktop will be released.
  4. To decorate the clock, use the buttons from the old keyboard, securing them around the circumference.
  5. The plastic circle can be used as a dial for a large watch, decorating it with a painting.

Important! A compact disc cut into pieces can be used to make mosaics. Decorate the watch, plate, tray or casket with multi-colored fragments to make a stylish set.

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Wooden wall clock

Do-it-yourself wall clock made of wood is a wonderful decoration of the interior. Learn how to make a stylish watch in an eco-style.


  • cut a tree;
  • sand paper;
  • water stain;
  • Matt lacquer;
  • drill.

Operating procedure:

  1. Take the wooden round, sand the surface.
  2. Cover it with a stain several times, achieving the desired color saturation.
  3. When the wood has dried, mark the numbers and center of the circle.
  4. Drill a hole for the mechanism.
  5. Varnish the tree and set the clock.

Important! For decorating, take saw cuts with chips, cracks, traces of knots to give personality.


In addition to this idea, a wooden watch can be made from:

  • Small supplies from vegetable boxes. Fix them on a square base, glue and paint with acrylic paint.
  • From square scraps of timber and the remains of parquet. Combine them in a panel and pick up interesting numbers.
  • Plywood. Use a jigsaw to cut a curly blank, decorate to taste.
  • From saw cut branches covered with epoxy resin.

Important! Wooden watches are considered a classic piece of furniture and will not go out of fashion for a long time. They suit any style, be it Loft, Vintage or Provence. Having picked up interesting numbers and a color that is in harmony with another decor, you will get an excellent functional thing that will decorate your home for a long time.

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Hoop Clock

To make a watch with your own hands at home, you do not need to buy expensive materials. Accurate textile watches can be made from old hoops:

  1. Find the hoop, tuck in a smooth, plain fabric.
  2. Cut the material, make a hole in the middle of the fabric for the watch.
  3. Decorate the front with buttons and embroidery.
  4. Insert the mechanism.
  5. Glue decorative braid around and make a loop to hang the watch.

Additionally, you can embellish the hoop with lace, a motif cut from an old napkin, decoupage or painting.

Important! Such watches look good in a children's room, a rustic style living room.

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Clock on canvas

In stores for artists, ready-made frames with stretched fabric are sold, from which you can make fake watches:

  • Prime the canvas with an aqueous solution of PVA glue.
  • Use a flexible trowel to putty mixed with glue.

Important! Imitate wide brush strokes to create a textured surface.

  • When the canvas dries, paint it with light paint.
  • Then emphasize all the bumps with dark and gold paint.
  • Decorate part of the cloth with decoupage or painting.
  • Glue the finished numbers and attach the clock on the back.

You will get a picture with a clock that will decorate the interior and show the time.

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An interesting type of creativity, which is an application of strips of paper folded into various details. Of these, a drawing is then assembled.

Important! Play in contrast - openwork elements will look good only on a dark or light background.

Operating procedure:

  1. Cut the paper into strips.
  2. Using a curly ruler, twist the spirals, securing the tip of the tape to a pin.
  3. Put the song together.
  4. Transfer the paper clock to a solid base and put in a photo frame.

Important! Complete the watch with rhinestones, which will serve as marks for the hands.

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Handmade watch

DIY wall clock made from improvised materials is an original interior item. You can be sure that no one will have such second ones. They can be made from:

  • Coffee beans, gluing them to the workpiece and decorating with twine.
  • Tin cans with vintage pattern.
  • Automotive caps from wheels painted in bright colors.
  • Natural materials - shells, dried flowers, cones, spices, nuts, collected in a beautiful composition.
  • Large plates, trays, baking dishes and pans.
  • Hard drive from an old computer.
  • Covers from old books and magazines.
  • Plastic spoons and forks fixed on a round hourly basis.
  • Broken musical instruments.

Important! Decorating these objects with painting, applique, decorative materials, you will get a unique interior item. The main thing is to show a little imagination.

Having learned how to make a wall clock with your own hands, you can not only decorate your home and realize your creative potential, but also give new life to old household items. Try to create an interesting author’s thing that tells about your hobbies, taste and love for cozy things.

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