Stretch ceiling in the kitchen

The kitchen has long ceased to be a place where they cook and wash dishes. The whole family gathers at the kitchen table on quiet cozy evenings with a cup of tea, friends are invited to the kitchen for a festive feast and parties. Therefore, many owners think about an unusual, beautiful interior and order a stretch ceiling in the kitchen, which is able to decorate any room. Today we will introduce you to the advantages of kitchen stretch ceilings, design design, and how it is installed.
to contents ↑Stretch ceiling for the kitchen - how much is it profitable?
A kitchen is a place where both high temperature and high humidity are present at the same time. In addition, in the process of cooking, soot and grease often get dirty walls and ceiling, which are constantly in need of updating and repair. In such conditions, the advantages of a stretch ceiling are absolutely undeniable over other types of finishes.
Important! Stretch ceiling for the kitchen is made of PVC. Vinyl in the form of a thin film is most resistant to moisture, fatty deposits and hot air. Such material is made from special canvases welded by high-frequency current on high-frequency machines. As a result of such processing, special strips with a width of up to 5 meters are obtained, which allows you to create seamless designs.
Such coatings have a lot of advantages, and today they are, if not the best, then at least one of the best used for various rooms.
Advantages of a stretch ceiling:
- Environmental friendliness.
- Universality.
- The ability to withstand high humidity.
Important! Coverage will not be affected, even if neighbors flood you from above. It is able to hold inside itself up to 100 liters of water per 1 sq.m.
- Antistatic.
- Practicality. Due to the property of the material, the ceiling practically does not get dirty.
- Fire resistance. This is a fireproof design, as vinyl is considered a medium combustible material.
- Intolerance to microorganisms and fungi - synthetic plastic is not a convenient medium for their reproduction.
- Long term of operation. With careful use, the finish coating can last up to 20 years.
- Easy and quick to install. No preliminary work on leveling the base.
- Easy coating care. The ceiling is easily cleaned by any means intended for washing windows based on alcohol.
- Reliability and durability.
- Does not absorb odors.
- The ability to hide ventilation, water and gas pipes, as well as flaws in the ceiling.
- A variety of textures and colors will satisfy even the most demanding taste.
- Ability to install multiple ceiling levels.
- Additional sound and heat insulation.
Important! The cost of the canvas depends on the surface area and design. In general, this type of coating is now quite affordable for the average consumer.
Cons of a stretch ceiling:
- It can be damaged by mechanical action by cutting and piercing objects, but since you are unlikely to constantly pick the ceiling with screwdrivers or knives, this minus is obviously relative in this case.
- The design takes up at least 5 cm of the height of the kitchen - this can be a real disadvantage for rooms with low overlap.But with skillful design, you can get the opposite visual effect - the ceiling will seem much higher than it actually is ..
- The installation of luminaires must be provided even at the stage of installation of the ceiling. With a competent approach to arranging the kitchen, this should be done with any type of ceiling.
- The first time the design will have a specific smell. But when ordering coverage from reliable manufacturers, it will disappear in just 2-3 weeks.
- When installing a stretch ceiling in large rooms, at the junction of the paintings, a seam remains.
to contents ↑Important! Those negative aspects that exist are, in most cases, easily fixable, which makes the suspended ceiling in the kitchen such a popular solution.
Types of suspended ceilings for the kitchen: which one to choose?
Before you purchase everything you need to install the stretch fabric in the kitchen, consider all the nuances and characteristics of the room, design features, as the material that has proven itself in the bedroom or in the living room is not always suitable for the kitchen. Consider the types of ceiling coating, since the material of the ceiling and its type play an important role.
All stretch ceilings for the kitchen are divided into two main types.
PVC ceilings
The main advantages of this type are affordable price and good thermal insulation characteristics.
Important! If we talk about the shortcomings of the operation of PVC ceilings, we can note their quick response to temperature changes: when the hobs work in the kitchen, the air in the room moves and, along with it, the ceiling begins to oscillate. And this is not entirely good for film.
PVC ceilings can have both different colors and texture:
- Glossy. Stretch glossy ceiling is most practical for the kitchen. It is easy to clean, and the dirt itself practically does not settle on it. In addition, such a ceiling visually increases the space, so for small kitchens it is an ideal option.
Important! The color palette of glossy ceilings has more than 150 shades.
- Matt This coating makes the kitchen more cozy and comfortable, it does not create glare and gently scatters light. The matte ceiling is perfect for a presentable classic style kitchen. However, fat settles on a rough surface, and dirt is more visible on such a ceiling. In addition, the matte ceiling visually reduces the height of the room, and the white color of the coating resembles plaster.
- Satin ceilings. They are very similar to matte, but they reflect light much better, so the kitchen looks much bigger than it is. Absolutely smooth surface and mother-of-pearl color look very elegant and stylish.
Important! Such ceilings are suitable for any kitchen.
- Metallic ceiling. This is one of the most expensive types of ceiling coverings. Ceilings with this texture are distinguished by a unique granular surface, which creates the effect of transfusion of one color into another. Metallic perfectly reflects light, fits into the design of the most trendy kitchen. However, when installing this type of ceiling, a lot of lighting is needed.
Important! To understand which stretch ceiling for the kitchen is best suited in your case, follow the advice of specialists:
- If you have a kitchen in Khrushchev, the glossy ceiling will be the most appropriate and practical. Thanks to the reflective effect, it will visually expand the small-sized room. For a small kitchen, a bright matte ceiling is also suitable.
- If the kitchen is spacious enough, then you can install a multi-level stretch ceiling. Imagine and experiment with a film of various colors and lighting. You can divide the kitchen into zones, for example, highlighting the working area, bar counter and place for receiving guests.
- To hide all the flaws of the corners and adjacent surfaces, use arched and domed stretch ceilings. This decision will be a stylish and original complement to the interior.
There are two types of fabric ceilings:
- Polymer impregnated fabric. Externally, this coating is no different from PVC film, however, in many respects it exceeds its PVC counterpart. This ceiling and load withstands a lot, and is more resistant to mechanical damage, has a wider range of operating temperatures. You can install such a ceiling without heating.
Important! Among the shortcomings: not rich colors, high cost. In addition, it is impossible to give the ceiling a complex shape from such a coating. However, the polymer-fabric ceiling is the only coating of its kind on which photo printing can be applied.
- Plain fabric. After pulling, the fabric is dyed with water-based paints. The operational characteristics of this ceiling are not much different from drywall.
Variety of styles
A modern kitchen is not just a set of furniture, but a clear design style chosen by the owner of the apartment. Everything in the kitchen should correspond to this style and emphasize the chosen direction. Thanks to a wide range of textures and colors, the stretch ceiling in the kitchen can perfectly fit into any interior.
To fully realize your design plan, follow the advice of designers:
- The classic interior requires restrained colors and strict forms, so choose a pastel or white ceiling. Give preference to satin or matte fabrics that emphasize the rigor of the interior.
- For the style of Provence or Country, use a matte canvas, fix it between the decorative beams. This will create a depth effect.
- Art Nouveau and Minimalism in the interior are perfectly combined with a glossy cold ceiling.
- Avant-garde or kitsch interiors require a bright, rich, glossy ceiling. In this energetic and expressive style, a bright shade just fits perfectly.
- High-tech style complement the transparent or translucent ceiling with the original spot lighting.
- For a kitchen in the Art Deco style, a dark ceiling with juicy gloss and a contrasting combination of colors is perfect.
Additional decor and combinations of patterns, shades:
- The multi-color ceiling, which contrasts with the walls and floor, looks interesting and spectacular. However, in small kitchens, mixing bright colors or a strong contrast between them can visually reduce the space.
- You can decorate and diversify the ceiling with all kinds of drawings, photo printing, and painting. The following types of decor are most popular for the kitchen: stars, birds, clouds, flowers, architectural structures.
- Choose a bright stretch ceiling for the kitchen to match the color of wall tiles or cabinet furniture.
to contents ↑Important! To create a unique individual interior, be sure to consider the laws of light reflection:
- If the height of the room is large, then install elongated lamps or lamps on the suspension.
- If the ceiling is low - use overhead lights.
- If you have chosen a dark ceiling, then use a large number of lamps. Please note that under stretch ceilings are mounted lamps with a capacity of not more than 35 watts.
What affects the price?
The following factors affect the price of suspended ceilings:
- The area of the canvas.
- The presence of corners and walls.
- The number of pipes, protrusions and niches that need to be bypassed.
- The need for installation and installation of lamps, their number.
- The complexity of the design. Dome and two-level ceiling will cost more than a single-level.
- Material, color and texture of the canvas.
- What additional elements are used for ceilings.
- How the web is fixed, that is, whether there will be a mounting profile and masking tape.
- The manufacturer of the canvas.
How is the ceiling installed?
The stretch ceiling in the kitchen is installed very quickly - within 2-4 hours. When installing the coating there is no waste or debris left. And most importantly - you do not need to prepare the kitchen for the installation of the ceiling.
However, this process requires the attention of professionals, so do not try to do this work yourself. In addition, for work it is necessary to use a heat gas gun and specific, very expensive equipment.
- In addition to the design of the ceilings, the web fastening system may also vary:
- Harpoon - will allow you to replace the canvas if necessary, for example, if you are tired of the color.
- Wedge-shaped - will not allow to replace the canvas without dismantling the entire structure.
- When installing a stretch ceiling, bypass hot spots; for this, use a combination of seam and seamless ceilings.
- The stretch ceiling cannot be mounted near the gas boiler - at least 20 cm from the gas exhaust pipe.
How to care for the ceiling?
The stretch ceiling in the kitchen will delight you for many years if you will properly care for it. Here are some tips for caring for your material:
- The ceiling can be washed with any liquid detergent without abrasive particles.
- Clean the canvas from dirt with a weak solution of vinegar.
- To prevent fat deposits, wipe the canvas once a month with a sponge dampened in a detergent solution. Wipe off any remaining stains with a dry cloth.
- If the ceiling has faded, wipe it with a 10% solution of ammonia.
to contents ↑Important! These tips apply to PVC coatings, as earlier in the text we made sure that it was such a stretch ceiling for the kitchen that would work best.
Stock footage
As you can see, there are a lot of ideas and design solutions for decorating the ceiling. Starting to repair the kitchen, be sure to look at the photos on the Internet, and before the final conclusions, of course, it is better to take a look at one or another type of ceiling live. Maybe the recent combined ceiling, combining drywall and stretch film, is suitable for you. This design looks very impressive and compares favorably with its capabilities and characteristics.
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