DIY pillowcase

Lovely trifles create home comfort - original caskets, old familiar cornices and even small pillows on the sofa. So why not refresh them by dressing in new original pillowcases? It is not difficult to do this, besides, the assistance of hypermarkets and decor stores will not be needed at all. You can put into business everything that is bad. Even very vaguely imagining how to sew a decorative pillowcase on a pillow with your own hands, you can master this skill only 1 time. With our helpful tips, you can easily do such simple creative work.

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Ruffle bag

In order to make a perky pillowcase with ruffles, you will need:

  • knowledge of the exact size of the pillow;
  • chalk or soap;
  • piece of fabric;
  • soft tape;
  • lightning;
  • scissors;
  • safety pins.

Preparation Procedure:

  1. Start by measuring. Classic thoughts are 40x40 centimeters in size. However, there are exceptions to 35 or 33 centimeters.
  2. After making sure of the size, you can proceed to the pattern. For her, an old curtain, a bedspread, a piece of faux fur are suitable - everything that is a pity to throw away, but it is still possible to exploit.

Important! For ease of donning and volume, a gap of 2 centimeters and 1.5 for joints is required. It’s easier to plan, make a turn so that the product keeps its shape better, and it will be easier to work with lightning.


We do a pillowcase on the pillow with our own hands:

  • Having outlined the desired dimensions, we draw the base, that is, the square.
  • Along its edge, make a mark of another 1.5 and also circle. By a large square and make a cut.

Important! If the size of the piece allows, then you should fold the fabric in half, secure with pins and cut 2 parts at once.

  • When the blanks are cut, we proceed to bait the tape on one of the parts. The tape is applied to the face, so that the treated edge is directed to the center of the outer side of the pillowcase.

Important! The tape must be taken quite long to create the effect of a pleated. As a rule, for 40x40, 1.2 meters is enough. It is worthwhile to bait with needles so that a quilling appears, but it should be fastened so that scribbling does not interfere. However, this can be done on hand, it just takes more time.

  • Having sewn a tape, be engaged in a lightning. She also makes money on the front side, as in the end the edge will be wrapped inward.

Important! To make it easier to work, the zipper can be unfastened, and the lock can be removed.

  • The final stage is the connection of parts and the return of the lightning lock to a functional state.

The turned pillowcase on the pillow, hand-sewn, can be used for its intended purpose.

Important! If the fabric is soft and can open, the inner seams should be zigzagged so that the pillowcase does not crumble during washing.

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Simple zippered pillowcase

Such a product will succeed both on a typewriter and on hands. However, for the best performance it is logical to take the most elastic fabric that sits tightly in size:

  1. Fold the cut exactly in half, face inward.
  2. We pass the side seams and overlay them if the fabric requires it.
  3. We unfasten the zipper, bait it and sew it.
  4. We return the lock and turn out the pillowcase.
  5. The ends of the zippers are refilled inside.

Important! This option, especially from smooth synthetic fabric, is ideal for a car, a hiking option for a summer residence and the beach.

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Orthopedic pillow cover

Rarely, orthopedic accessories for sleeping have standard sizes.In addition to the fact that the length and width can be very diverse, such products have curly sidewalls. Many are scared to think about how to sew a cover on such a pillow. In fact, it will be required instead of 1 or 2 parts - 3:

  • you need to measure the width and add another 4 centimeters to it - this will be the original width of the product;
  • the next step will be a transverse girth - it will become the length of the main part with an allowance of 3 centimeters;
  • the most difficult thing is not to make a mistake with the side parts: they are circled on paper and 2 parts are cut out along the patterns with an allowance at the edges of another 1.5 centimeters.

Now you need to collect all the details:

  1. We bait from the wrong side of the edge of a large part with the edges of the sidewalls. It is important to do this as accurately as possible, according to the pattern of the side parts.
  2. When the shape is as similar as possible, we begin to scribble, gradually pulling out the pins.
  3. The next step is to sew in a zipper, which is performed in the usual mode.

Important! Zipper should be sewn from the high side of the pillow, as it will not interfere with the shoulder and it will be much easier to place the pillow in the pillowcase.

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Updating sofa cushions

In the same way, the covers on pillows from upholstered furniture are updated. Depending on the shape, a pattern of the side parts and the main part with a fastener are made. This simplifies the situation, because before you sew a pillowcase on a sofa cushion with zipper or buttons, you can always rip the old one and prepare the parts according to the old pattern.


  1. We remove the old pillowcase and carefully unzip it.
  2. We fold the piece of fabric in half and pin the side of the old cover with pins.
  3. Cut exactly along the edges of the part.
  4. Copy the dimensions of the main part of the pillow.
  5. We pin the sidewalls to the base and scribble.
  6. We process seams, if necessary.
  7. Sew the zipper and turn the finished product.

Important! So you can update all the pillows, but you should understand that usually rather dense materials are preferred for furniture. It’s not easy to work with them, especially to a beginner. Before deciding on such an experiment, it is worth starting small and practicing in miniature. Once you succeed in stitching a beautiful pillowcase on a pillow for a hammock or gatherings in an armchair, you can try your hand at large-scale projects.

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Stock footage

Decorating your home with a cozy hand-made is always a great idea. Add colors or vice versa - to balance the shades, you can use warm textiles of small pillows and soft pillowcases on them. It is enough to start experimenting, and it will be almost impossible to stop.

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