The toilet does not draw water 🥝 reasons

Few people notice the proper operation of the sewage system, because it is natural and habitual for everyday life. But if problems arise, few people understand what needs to be done and how. No water is collected in the toilet flush tank - what should I do? First of all, do not panic, because everything can be fixed and repaired, the main thing is to know how. This will be discussed in this article, and we will also tell you about the possible consequences of inaction.

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Why does a toilet malfunction occur in the toilet?

Why and in what cases is it possible that the water does not collect in the toilet bowl or does not enter it well? What to do in this case - you can understand only by finding out the reasons for the appearance. And they can be as follows:

  • Simple lack of water supply. The very first thing to do is to check this particular version. Sometimes it happens that the water is blocked throughout the apartment building, and a person will be in search of a malfunction in his drainage device.
  • The float is unnatural - that is, skew.
  • Damage to the supply pipe.
  • The place where the hose is connected directly to the tank is clogged. As a rule, this happens after repairs in the pipeline system, when the hole is clogged with sand.
  • The inlet valve in the mechanism was worn out.
  • Rust formation inside the filter.
  • The sanitary system is too tight.
  • Plaque and mucus formed.

Now we will deal with each of these problems separately to completely eliminate your panic if the toilet is not filled with water.

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Skew of the float

The correction process should be carried out only after you have installed the source, due to which the liquid does not flow. If the water does not concentrate in the required place because the float is skewed, then this malfunction can be corrected quite easily: just adjust the buoy a little so that it takes on, so to speak, its natural position.

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Damaged inlet hose

If you think the problem is a malfunction in the inlet hose, then test this hypothesis. For this:

  • disconnect the hose;
  • Define it in a suitable container, for example, in a bucket and empty the water.

If water does not start to flow, then the malfunction is really concentrated in the pipe. In order to correct the situation, purchase a new hose, which is then installed instead of the old one.

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Clogged valve

If you suspect that no water is poured in the toilet bowl due to accumulation of debris, then the first thing you should do is turn off the water supply, and then remove the hose that connects the tank to the water supply system itself. Then check the water supply through the tube.

If water does not flow, then the matter is the accumulation of debris in the place where the hose is combined with the drainage device. In this case, you should:

  • get a long stiff stick, wire;
  • clean the connection point with it, slightly opening the valve, so that all residual debris will be removed along with the flow of water.

Important! After the volume of water has been preserved, and the course has been adjusted, it is necessary to open 2 more times, and then close the valve. This is necessary to ensure that all residual slag is completely removed from the valve.

Then assemble the valve in the clear while doing this, do not forget to close the valve. The final stage - open the tap to supply water and adjust its level by folding the lever.

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Plum blockage

First you should pay attention to the pear and carefully examine it:

  • If the clogging problem is concentrated there, pull out the trash with your hands.
  • If the foreign body directly got into the drain, use tweezers and try to eliminate the unwanted interference.
  • If you can’t remove garbage through the tank, you will have to disassemble this device.

Important! You can eliminate all kinds of deposits on the walls of the drain device using special chemicals, which you can easily purchase in stores.

When the drain is safely cleaned, reassemble the device and reinstall it in its original place.

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Other situations:

  • If the fluid is concentrated for a long time due to the fact that all the parts of the device were too twisted, then it will be enough to solve this issue by loosening the connection of the parts.
  • A frequent factor due to which water does not accumulate in the toilet bowl - the intake valve from the very beginning was of poor quality. Then, regardless of whether the bottom or side supply, due to the unknown quality of the water on the float, it may well form a coating, as well as mucus. As a result, the float stops working. Then remove it from the rod and wipe it thoroughly.
  • If the toilet tank has been in service for long enough, then it happens that the exhaust valve device has simply worn out. Purchase a new valve and install it in your device.
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Possible consequences of inaction

In the event that you neglect to repair the drainage device and do not even start looking for a reason why water does not flow, this will end rather unfavorably. In addition to damaging the equipment of your toilet room, you can also injure the bathroom of the neighbors below. The thing is that a tank that does not collect water has the ability to pass it into a device for sending slag through a pipe connecting the toilet to the tank. There are cases when the hose itself flows, which leads to flooding of the neighbors.

Also, if you ignore the problem at a stage when the water is still flowing too slowly, then one day you may run into the fact that the water stops typing at all. Then you will be forced to flush all the contents with a bucket, which is quite an uncomfortable and unhappy undertaking.

If, after all this, you will not do anything, then soon you will have to purchase a new mechanism and install it on a new device. All this, of course, will take not only a huge amount of money, but also time.

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In this article, we examined all the reasons why water does not accumulate in the toilet bowl, what to do in such a situation, and also the possible consequences when ignoring problems. Restore the functionality of your plumbing as quickly as possible, and return to the comfortable living conditions in your home.

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