The oven in the electric stove does not work

With proper care, an electric oven can work for several decades. However, even for the ideal housewife, electrical appliances sometimes stop working. There can be many reasons. We will talk about how to be if the oven does not work in the electric stove.

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Principle of operation

Before you try to repair something, you need to understand the principle of the device. Especially, we are talking about an electrical appliance. The operation of the electric oven provides electricity. It, passing through thermoelectric heaters, which are abbreviated as heating elements, is converted into thermal energy.

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A little bit about the heating elements

A heater in an electric stove or electric oven is a metal tube with a wire in it. The wire is made from a material having a high resistivity.

Important! If you try to disassemble such an element, you will see that in addition to the “core”, there is also a special substance - magnesia. It plays the role of an insulator, that is, is designed to ensure that the wire and the sheath are not in contact.

What are the heating elements?

In ovens, heating elements of the same type as in burners are used .. They are:

  • spiral:
  • solid;
  • halogen.

What's the Difference:

  1. A spiral heating element consists of a single or double spiral, and in order to adjust the heating, you just need to turn the knob. The switch provides smooth adjustment.

Important! Spiral heaters are used in ceramic burners. The spiral is located in a special channel made of mica or soft ceramics. It should provide the largest possible heating area. Such burners are installed under a glass ceramic hob. In such models, switches are used that provide smooth adjustment.

  1. At a continuous burner, the heating elements are fixed under a metal plate. In this case, the principle of power control is somewhat different - the switch, as a rule, having six divisions. It connects alternately groups of elements. The surface of such a burner is an even round metal plate.
  2. Halogen burners are made of transparent refractory glass. Under them are lamps with reflectors, they warm individual areas. Heating can be adjusted in much the same way as continuous. Smoother adjustment is provided by the now popular triac circuit - symmetrical triode thyristors.
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With or without hob

The oven can be either a separate electric appliance or a part of a stove. Options are also quite popular when it seems that the oven and hob were purchased separately, but the burner control system is on the oven. This is the so-called dependent panel.

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What exactly doesn’t work?

More or less understandable is the situation when the oven exists on its own. Damage is possible in two places:

  • the device is broken;
  • malfunctions in the power supply.

If the oven is in any way combined with the hob, there may be other situations. And here, for starters, you need to check what exactly failed:

  • elements of the oven;
  • elements in different parts of the stove.

Important! When no heater is working, first check the wiring and electrical outlets. This is best done with the help of a tester, unless, of course, you possess at least basic electrician skills. But the simplest test can be made much simpler by plugging in other appliances.

By the way, the oven does not work in the electric stove even when everything seems to be working properly, but the voltage in the network is insufficient. She needs 220 V - and no less.

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How does she behave?

When the oven does not work in a Beko electric stove, as well as any other modern stove, there can be several reasons. Faulty electrical appliances do not always behave the same. For example, with an oven (and a hob) the following may happen:

  • it turns off automatically;
  • it does not heat up;
  • it is heated too well;
  • she is not lit.

Important! The last option is the easiest. The wires are intact, the heaters too - just replace the lamp with the same one as it was. If it does not help, you have to look for a reason elsewhere - and then you cannot do without a master.

Cord replacement

This is not the most serious problem that a home master may encounter. But a few words must be said about her. It is necessary to change the cord both at the independent hob and at the oven, if it burns out or is broken. You need to buy a similar one, preferably with a fork:

  1. Unscrew the side and back wall of the plate.
  2. Connect the wires to the busbars following the marking.

Auto shut off

You should not think that the electric current as it entered the apartment, so without any obstacles is supplied to electrical appliances. Wiring in the house is a complex system of wires and fuses, designed for a certain power.

Important! An oven, like any other electrical appliance, can overload the system. At this point, automatic protection is triggered. This is a very useful property, since in this way it is possible to avoid a wiring fire.

The way out of this situation is simple:

  1. Check shift knobs.
  2. Set them to their original position.
  3. After that, you can turn off electrical appliances that you currently do not need, and turn on the oven again.

Temperature sensor

Failure of the temperature sensor can also cause the oven to not work in the electric stove. Such a sensor is needed so that furniture does not catch fire from a strong increase in temperature in the room. If the oven is overheated and the furniture is about to flare up, the sensor will simply open the circuit and the appliance will turn off.

Important! The sensor needs to be changed, the old one will not return to its original position.

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The oven does not heat up

Most often, housewives have to deal with cases when it is not possible to achieve the desired temperature, or the oven does not want to bask at all. There may be a number of reasons for this:

  • mode set incorrectly;
  • the door does not close well;
  • the fan has gone bad;
  • the thermocouple is out of order;
  • the thermostat does not work;
  • a break in the temperature sensor circuit
  • the switches are broken;
  • control board crashes.

Important! First, check how you set the heat control. The usual carelessness is not at all fatal, but the pies will have to wait a very long time.

Quite simple to deal with the door. It can close poorly for two reasons:

  • the seal has become unusable;
  • the lock bolt broke.

A little bit about the seal

To determine that the seal is no longer suitable, just look at it. It is made from:

  • special rubber resistant to high temperatures;
  • wicker tube.

Excessively active use of the material wears out. Accordingly - in the oven the desired temperature is not maintained.

Important! In this case, the wizard is not required.You can buy such material in many stores, and put it quite easily, even without an assistant. The main thing is to do it right - that is, mount it in the same position as the old one.

The door may not close well due to the latch if it is not correctly adjusted. It must be fitted with a suitable wrench.remont_steklokeramiki

Some models have a latch instead of a latch. It happens that it fails due to a worn out tongue. To replace the tongue, do the following:

  1. Unscrew the fasteners on the inside of the door or remove its lining by unscrewing the screws around the perimeter, depending on the model.
  2. Bend the thermal insulation.
  3. Unscrew the latch and replace it.

Important! These work must be done with gloves, since the thermal insulator consists of fiberglass.


A poorly functioning fan can also cause a malfunction - as a result, the oven in the electric stove does not work for you. It circulates hot air.

Important! Maybe the fan will just be enough to lubricate. But it happens that the bearings break - and then it needs to be replaced.

We deal with a thermocouple

If you open the oven, you will see a thermocouple at the bottom - a copper wire attached to the burner. It tears quite often, because it is constantly exposed to high temperatures, respectively - it can burn out.

Important! A decayed thermocouple (or even coated with soot) cannot be restored. It just needs to be replaced. Shops selling electrical appliances usually offer customers spare parts.

Heating element

Spoiled TEN is perhaps the most popular problem. Replacing it yourself will be quite difficult - simply because it is located in an uncomfortable place. But sometimes it’s possible.

Look at the instructions - it indicates exactly where the heater is located. If it is removed in the oven - you can take a chance:

  1. Turn off the stove.
  2. Remove the lining that covers the heater from the side of the oven.
  3. Get the heater.
  4. Put it on a table or on the floor - in general, on any horizontal, flat surface.
  5. Check heater with tester.
  6. If necessary, put a new one.

Important! If smoke starts when you turn on the oven with a new heater - don't be alarmed, it should be so, but there should be very little smoke.

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Switches are serious business

The switch is an important part of the circuit. It is located behind the handle that you turn when you adjust the heat. It may fail - for example, when a short circuit occurs. Communication in the circuit is interrupted, the desired signal is not supplied to the heater, as a result - the oven does not work in the electric stove or one burner on the hob. In this case, the remaining burners can work.

How to check the switch?

Oven and hob switches are checked the same way.

  1. Unplug the plug.
  2. Set the knob to the “off” or “0” position - different models have different markings.
  3. Slowly turn the knob clockwise until minimum heating - the switch should click.
  4. Turn the knob counterclockwise - the switch should click again.

If there is no click

Didn't the switch click? There is a malfunction, but not necessarily a serious one. Continue to test:

  1. Turn the knob to the off position.
  2. Insert the plug into a power outlet.
  3. Turn the knob clockwise until it clicks.
  4. Leave the pen alone for a while.
  5. After a few seconds, the switch will turn off.
  6. If this does not happen, you must replace it.

Change the switch:

  1. Remove all the pens - it is best to photograph or draw in what position they stood.
  2. Remove the back panel - for this you need, of course, to unscrew the fasteners.
  3. Unscrew the mounting plate.
  4. At the faulty switch, loosen the screws.
  5. Remember the position of the wires, and better - draw a wiring or take a picture.
  6. Remove the wire ends.
  7. Connect the wires to the new switch, and then proceed in the reverse order.

Important! The stove must be unplugged before use.

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This device does not break as often as others, but still, this happens. The thermostat in a normally working oven is a device that allows you to provide the optimum temperature for a particular dish and avoid overheating. By the way, if the oven overheats - the reason is clearly in the malfunction of this particular element.

Thermostats are:

  • mechanical;
  • electronic;
  • electronic mechanical.

Important! The device may fail completely or may not work as expected. As a result, the electrical signal controlling the degree of heating is not conducted or is conducted incorrectly. There is only one way out of this situation - to replace. Otherwise, you will often encounter the fact that the oven does not work in the electric stove.

Check the thermostat

To do this, you will need a special thermometer - it is sold in the same stores as the ovens:

  1. Place the thermometer in the oven.
  2. Turn on the oven.
  3. Turn the knob to minimum heat.
  4. Wait 10 minutes - the thermostat should work and turn off the heaters.
  5. Check how the thermometer readings match the set mode.
  6. Open the door to allow the appliance to cool.
  7. When the temperature drops, the oven should turn on.
  8. Check the shutdown mode - set the regulator to the appropriate position.
  9. The indicator goes off, the device turns off, and if this does not happen, replace the thermostat.
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The electric stove does not work - what should I do?

Hob heating elements fail more often than their counterparts in the oven. But it’s easy to get to them, which means that removing with the most common tools, like a screwdriver and pliers, is not difficult.

Testing heater

If the hotplate is suspicious, check the heating elements:

  1. Set the handle to maximum heat. The hotplate should heat up quickly - in about a couple of minutes, moreover evenly.
  2. If it does not heat up or heats up too slowly, you will have to climb inside, check with a tester and, most likely, change it. The procedure will be as follows.
  3. Lift the hob.
  4. Remove the fasteners on the mounting plate of the heating element.
  5. Remove the support supporting the heater.
  6. Remove and flip the bar - this must be done very carefully so as not to break the wires.
  7. Disconnect the wires.
  8. Take a picture of the location of the wires or draw.
  9. Touch the contacts of the heater - for this purpose, a multimeter is best suited. If the result tends to infinity - the old burner can immediately be thrown away.
  10. There are holes in the mounting plate - pull out the contacts through them.
  11. Attach the wires to the new element.
  12. Check resistance in different switch modes.
  13. Assemble the hob.
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Management board

The programmer board is an important part of the modern smart plate. She controls the cooking process. Like any computer device, such a board sometimes crashes. As a result, the oven does not work at all or it doesn’t bake your favorite buns.

Important! Such a board is a delicate device, even voltage surges can destroy it. Therefore, if there was a power failure, and after that the stove suddenly began to be capricious - first of all, pay attention to the board.

Unfortunately, this device is still not quite a computer - you won’t be able to restart it, you will have to replace it. The problem arises from power surges or if the stove (aka electronic module) is not connected correctly.

Disassembling the electronic module hardly makes sense. There are two ways to get out of the situation:

  • replacing the module;
  • by repairing it.

Important! Unfortunately, replacement is a rather expensive procedure.The cost of the module is sometimes three quarters of the cost of the plate. Repair will cost much cheaper. Repair is usually accompanied by prophylaxis that can prevent such troubles in the future.

Repair is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The hob is removed from the countertop.
  2. It is being disassembled - the module should be available.
  3. The specialist conducts a complete diagnosis of each element.
  4. The broken item is replaced.
  5. The hob is brought back to its original form and is mounted in its place.
  6. All elements are tested.

Important! After repair, do not forget to take a warranty card.

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Oven or stove does not turn on

This trouble is most often the result of long or stupid exploitation.

Important! It can also occur if you incorrectly selected the dishes - in particular, its diameter. The saucepan should exactly match the size of the burner, plus or minus 1 cm.

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A few words about the faulty grill

The grill compartment can also be capricious. The reasons are basically the same as those of the oven and burners - the heater or switch failed. However, this department has its own peculiarities - which means its own reasons for working poorly:

  • on some models the heater is locked when the door is closed;
  • contacts have oxidized or installation has failed.

Important! In the first case, just open the door - and the grill will work like a clock. If the contacts have oxidized, they must be cleaned and tightened, and the wires replaced.

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In this article, we have uncovered all the possible reasons why the oven does not work in the electric stove. We hope that the malfunction was banal or insignificant, respectively - you completely managed the repair yourself or called the master, but the restoration of the functionality of the stove cost you a lot.

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