The toilet does not flush - what should I do?

Few people want to abandon the comfort and convenience of using the bathroom for its intended purpose. It is not so important whether it is a private house or an apartment, a sewage system and all the plumbing equipment accompanying it should work properly. A rather unpleasant phenomenon when the toilet does not flush the paper and the stool floats up. What to do in such a situation? The causes of such a malfunction and methods for its elimination we will consider in this article.
to contents ↑Causes and their symptoms
Do not flush stool? The source of various troubles with the toilet, and in our case with a bad drain, can be either a failure, or a poor-quality design of the bowl or the drain system, and in private houses there may also be a mistake in planning the sewage system.
Let us consider in more detail what can interfere with normal discharge and how all this manifests itself:
- Blockage in the sewer or toilet siphon. In this case, the water will be in the toilet bowl without leaving, or leaving very slowly.
- Not enough water in the tank. During washing, even visually you can notice that there is quite a bit of water. Sometimes it happens that the water from the tank flows without stopping, but the toilet does not flush when necessary.
- Clogged drain channels in the toilet or tank. Water flows out of the tank slowly, without any pressure.
- The design of the flush or bowl does not allow easy washing.
- Damaged enamel, which covers the bowl from the inside. In this case, you will notice that the surface of the bowl is no longer smooth.
- When there is no fan riser in a private house, an air congestion forms in the sewer pipe system. With all this, water can leave evenly and slowly, or jerkily - at the very beginning it stands, and after a while it quickly leaves.
When you already determine the reason why the toilet does not flush, you can proceed to eliminate this problem. What to do - we will tell below.
to contents ↑The drain channels clogged
Ordinary water is poured into the tank, which contains mineral salts. After a while, they are deposited on the surface of the walls of the tank and the working elements. Such growths are called hardness salts or calcareous deposits.
Based on the fact that the drain holes have a relatively small size, the lime deposits clog them, leaving a small gap so that the water passes. In order to get rid of this problem, leave about 1 liter of water in the tank, but not more, and carry out a chemical cleaning using one of the recipes:
- Pour 100 g of a 5-7% phosphoric acid solution into the tank, and rinse with water after 10-15 minutes.
- Add 0.5 liters of borax and vinegar to the water in the tank. After 2 hours, rinse with water.
- Add 3-4 sachets of ordinary citric acid to a tank of water, and rinse after a couple of hours. This procedure is conveniently carried out in the late evening, leaving the acid inside the tank for the whole night.
Important! The inner surface of the tank can be cleaned in just 1 time, but for the drain hole and mechanism parts, you will need to repeat this procedure several times. Just for this reason, we do not recommend the use of more powerful products based on oxalic or hydrochloric acid: their repeated use leads to permanent damage to plastic and rubber parts.
As a preventive measure, you can install at the output, it is also the input, a rough filter. In the event that for some reason it is impossible to do this, then there is another way - tablets for the tank. Their effect is based on softening water and purifying the entire drainage system.These tablets are produced by different manufacturers, but they are all quite effective.
to contents ↑Not enough water in the tank
If the toilet is problematically flushing water due to the fact that a small amount of water is being collected in the tank, the following factors and ways to eliminate them are possible:
- The float closes the valve extremely early. In order to fix this, it will be enough for you to tighten the adjustment screw on the float itself.
- Debris lurks between the pear and the drain hole, and water constantly drains into the toilet. Remove the fittings and clean the drain from debris, as well as formed plaque.
- Rubber parts located above the drain hole have lost their ductility due to chemicals or salt deposits. Here you have to purchase the appropriate parts and completely change them.
to contents ↑Important! If all of the above actions could not help you, most likely the reason lies in the malfunction of the tank mechanism, and in this case, you must resort to the help of a specialist.
Water stagnates in the toilet bowl
At the moment when the water from the tank leaves under sufficient pressure, but does not drain into the sewer itself, the reason is hidden in the clogging of the drain pipe or siphon. In such a case, it is customary to say: the toilet clogged. Regardless of where exactly the blockage occurred, the main goal is to eliminate it.
This can be done in several ways:
- using an ordinary or pneumatic plunger;
- using a plumbing cable;
- chemicals - alkali, household chemicals or acid.
Enamel coating damage
Sometimes the toilet does not flush well for the simple reason that the enamel that covers the ceramic is scratched. Cracks, chips, roughnesses have the ability to delay waste and do not pass them into the sewer in conjunction with water. What to do?
In this case, the ideal option would be to replace the toilet, but if this is not possible, you can try to make a repair. For repairs, you will need a ceramic putty or waterproof sealant, paint spray gun and powder paint.
Next, follow the steps below:
- Clean and degrease the entire inner surface of your toilet bowl.
- Scrub the places of cracks and chips with fine-grained sandpaper.
- Apply sealant or putty to problem areas.
- Dry the surface thoroughly and paint it.
- Do not use the toilet until the paint is completely dry - this is approximately 2-3 days.
to contents ↑Important! Painting ceramics at home is not at all the same as factory enameling. It is unlikely that the new coating will last a long time, so carefully consider whether the restoration is justified or is it better to immediately replace the plumbing in the toilet.
The design of the sewer pipe system in a private house is incorrect
Why in private homes does the toilet flush badly or not at all when the exact same design of the cistern and bowl in the apartment does not raise doubts? Often during the installation of the sewer system in private houses, the norms are not observed. This leads to the fact that all the water from the toilet rushes into the sewer extremely slowly, and waste products are not completely washed off. What to do in this case?
The answer to this question depends only on the reason. This may well be the wrong slope of the pipe system, the wrong connection of the toilet to the sewer or the lack of a fan riser.
The lack of a fan boner
The absence of a fan riser is a common occurrence, as are the problems associated with it. Fan pipe - ventilation for a sewer pipe system. It allows the collected gases to pass from the sewer into the atmosphere.
Important! If such a pipe is absent, an air congestion begins to form in the sewer, which stops the water and prevents it from flowing out evenly, maintaining the desired speed.In addition, the gases still look for a way out and give the inhabitants of the house fetid aromas not only from the toilet itself, but also from the bathtub or washbasin.
In a similar situation, there are 2 exits - installation of a vacuum valve or pipe with an outlet on the roof.
Incorrect pipe tilt
Incorrect slope of the pipe, which leads to the septic tank or pipe connecting the toilet and the sewer, it is impossible to fix it. Here you will either have to redo the entire system in accordance with certain standards, or install an electric pump for forced drain.
Poor toilet design
If a new toilet is problematically flushing, perhaps the problem is in its design. A bowl of a toilet bowl with a shelf is an example of a rather unsuccessful model.
Important! Modern models of toilets are made with a funnel-shaped bowl and a drain in the center or with a slope - the drain neck is closer to the wall of the bowl.
Another design factor that affects flush quality is the location of the drain hole:
- If the hole is only one and it is located in the center, this is unlikely to provide an effective flush.
- It is better to buy a model with a circular flush when water pours from several holes from under the rim at once, washing absolutely the entire surface of the bowl.
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The above information will allow you to understand the source of the problem and eliminate it by eliminating the blockage or by adjusting the drain mechanism.
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