Unpleasant smell of urine in men, women and children - the reasons

In healthy people, urine (urine) has a light yellow color, is transparent and does not have an unpleasant odor. If there is an unpleasant smell of urine, then apparently, the reason lies not outside, but inside the body. This may indicate a disease of the genitourinary system or be a characteristic sign of any deviation in the body as a whole. In any case, if there are signs of a health problem and the appearance of an unpleasant darling of urine, you should consult a doctor.

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In what cases does an unpleasant smell from urine appear?

Urine is an almost sterile fluid. In a healthy person, it has a specific, but not sharp smell and normal color: light yellow or bright yellow. The color of urine can change depending on the nutrition, as well as the vitamin complexes taken. In this case, the urine will have a saturated yellow color. Some of the drugs taken can also affect the color of urine, but in any case, they are not able to change its smell.

In any disease, the urinary system displays the products of the vital activity of bacteria. If there is an unpleasant smell of urine, then first of all, pay attention to whether there are any blood impurities, turbidity or flakes in the liquid. Urine can get an unpleasant odor in the following cases:

  1. If lumbar pain occurs in the lower back. In this case, an inflammatory process (pyelonephritis) is present in the kidneys.
  2. If during urination there are sharp cutting pains in the bladder. Urine in this case has a cloudy color and has an unpleasant ammonia odor. All these are signs of such an ailment as cystitis.
  3. If purulent and bloody discharge appeared in urine. These signs indicate inflammation of the urethra (urethritis).

Important! The unpleasant smell of urine can be the first symptom of the above diseases and appear long before other signs of the disease. If there has been a change in the color, smell and consistency of urine, then it is urgent to visit a therapist and take tests to determine the cause of this disorder.

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Types of unpleasant odors of urine

dkgb4fxnm2The smell of urine can be very specific - in this case, a published choke can help in making a diagnosis. Consider the main types of odors.

Machine Choke

An unusual machine smell can appear in urine as a result of a genetic disease - phenylkenturia. With this disease, urine changes its chemical composition, similar to blood. All this happens as a result of disruption of the phenylalanine metabolism in the human body.

Important! Such a pathology without treatment can lead to damage to the central nervous system and cause disturbances in protein metabolism, due to the accumulation of this enzyme in tissues and fluids. Derivatives of phenylalanine are very toxic to the whole body.

As a rule, this disease begins to manifest in a person immediately after birth. Therefore, if you feel an unpleasant smell of urine in a newborn child, then you should immediately show it to your doctor.

The smell of ammonia or acetone

The appearance of an unpleasant smell of urine with a characteristic odorant of acetone can be in the following cases:

  • If the smell of ammonia or acetone appears in the urine in the morning, then this indicates stagnation of urine in the kidneys.Such a pathology is very often observed in pregnant women who consume an insufficient amount of fluid. Also, this phenomenon is also characteristic of people leading a sedentary lifestyle. If you are dealing with just such a phenomenon, then it does not require special treatment, you only need to use a larger amount of fluid and try to move as much as possible.
  • A dash of acetone in urine may indicate diabetes. If this occurs against the background of weight loss, constant severe thirst, increased dry skin, calf spasms, vision problems and urge to use the toilet at night, then you should immediately take a blood test for sugar, as well as undergo a full examination with a therapist.
  • The characteristic sharp, smacking smell of ammonia indicates infection in the genitourinary system. The infection may be in the kidneys, bladder, or urinary system. Changes in this case can be seen not only in the morning, but throughout the day with every urination. The resulting inflammatory process may be the result of the following factors:
    1. Hypothermia.
    2. Weakening of the immune system.
    3. Pyelitis.
    4. Cystitis.
    5. Pyelonephritis.
    6. Tuberculosis.
    7. Malignant neoplasms.

With this phenomenon, be sure to pay attention not only to the smell, but also the color of the urine, as well as its general condition and appearance. It is especially necessary to be wary if during urination you feel painful symptoms.

Important! If blood discharge is present in urine at the beginning of the urination process, then this is a sign of damage to the initial part of the urinary system. If blood discharge appears at the end, then the inside is affected, and if blood is present throughout the process, this indicates a serious kidney disease. In this case, consult your doctor as soon as possible to undergo a full examination.

Fish smell

Sometimes urine can emit an unpleasant smell of fish, and it is strong and sharp. This phenomenon indicates a disease such as trimethylaminuria. Unfortunately, the causes of this ailment, like the disease itself, are not fully understood.

Doctors suggest that this disease is associated with impaired function of the liver enzyme system. As a result of such violations, trimethylamine accumulates in the human body and, secreted together with urine, it gives it an unpleasant smell of fish.

Important! With the advanced state of the disease, the unpleasant smell of urine is so pronounced that even people who are at a decent distance from the patient can feel it.

This disease is not treated with medication, but with a special diet that excludes all products that can be converted to trimethylamine. In particular:

  • Meat.
  • Fish.
  • The eggs.
  • Legumes

But, unfortunately, even such a diet gives only a temporary result, and since the doctors have not yet invented the treatment, an unpleasant smell from the urine will accompany the patient throughout his life.

Smell of maple syrup or burnt sugar

This smell may have urine with leucinosis. This disease is also called maple syrup disease. This hereditary pathology appears from the first days of the baby’s life and requires immediate treatment. With this pathology, the activity of the enzyme system, which provides the oxidation of certain amino acids, is reduced.

Putrid smell

If urine gives up decay and feces, then this indicates the presence of processes of suppuration of the urinary organs. It is also a sign of genital infections or gangrenous phenomena. An unpleasant urine odor may be a sign of a bladder-rectal fistula. In other words, the patient begins damage and decomposition of tissues of the excretion system.

With these signs and phenomena, it is urgent to consult a doctor, because the seriousness of the disease does not raise any doubts.

Important! With many metabolic disorders in the body, urine can also have other aromas, for example, rotten cabbage, sulfur, sweat, mold, beer. In any case, the unpleasant smell of urine, the cause of which is unknown to you, is an occasion to consult a doctor.

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Male urine odor

Some men have an unusual smell of urine, but this does not always indicate any disease. Simply, the masculine fragrance is different from the feminine, and this phenomenon is considered normal. This is because the urine of men and women contains different amounts of testosterone and estrogen. In addition, one should not forget that from the large amount of beer drunk, the smell of urine also becomes sharp and unpleasant.

1385291201-shutterstock_151834625The following factors can lead to a pungent smell of urine in the stronger sex:

  • Dehydration.
  • Eating asparagus and savory, savory foods.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Taking certain medications, such as antibiotics.
  • Long-term use of vitamin B6 or various supplements.
  • Diseases that contribute to the appearance of a sharp aroma:
    1. Urinary tract infection.
    2. Diabetes.
    3. Inflammation of the bladder.
    4. Acute liver failure.
    5. Kidney stones.
    6. BPH.
    7. Ketonuria
    8. Kidney infection.

Important! If the problem of a specific darling is not in diseases and disorders of the body, then the unpleasant phenomenon will be resolved on its own after stopping the use of medications or following a diet and refusing alcohol.

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Unpleasant smell of urine in a child

Feces of newborns have almost no pronounced aroma. But as the child grows, urine acquires the same smell as an adult. The causes of the unpleasant smell of urine in a child are usually associated with the same pathologies as in adults:

  • Hereditary abnormality. Diseases associated with metabolic disorders in the body are diagnosed in the maternity hospital. There it is also necessary to begin treatment.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the urinary system.
  • A disease accompanied by fever, as well as dehydration. Urine becomes more concentrated with such a disease, which is why an unpleasant aroma appears after a baby's bowel movement. With this phenomenon, give the child as much fluid as possible.
  • Vitamin D deficiency. If a child has a deficiency of this vitamin, then he begins to eat poorly, sweating appears in the palms and feet.

Important! The appearance of a fetid stench from the bowel movements of a child does not always indicate any disease or violation. If the baby is breastfed, then the urine can be affected by the mother’s diet, for example, the use of cabbage. The introduction of complementary foods or a change in milk formula can also cause an unpleasant odor in the urine of the child. Although usually they are quite banal, but nevertheless, even if the child does not bother, pay attention to this phenomenon to the pediatrician.

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To get rid of the unpleasant smell of urine, the causes of which can be determined only with a thorough examination and the appointment of adequate treatment, everyone can do. If you want to use folk remedies during treatment, we recommend diuretics, as well as drinks from cranberries, rose hips, lingonberries, horsetail, knotweed and other herbs and plants that have a cleansing, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect. Do not forget that in the treatment of the body, a correctly balanced diet with the rejection of salty, fatty, spicy, spicy, pickled and alcohol is the key. I wish you health and good luck for many years!


