DIY curtains

Sometimes classic curtains are completely inappropriate: they do not fit into the interior or simply can no longer please the eye. Sometimes one wants to find an unusual solution that not only meets the requirements of individuality, but also does not significantly hit the wallet. At such moments, unexpected decisions come to mind, for example, to make unique yarn curtains with your own hands, which are perfect in size and will definitely be in harmony with the furniture and the general surroundings.
to contents ↑Unusual home decoration
Filament curtains can not only decorate a window, but also serve as a visual border of zones in small rooms, as well as cope with decorating doorways - where a door simply cannot be installed due to space. In addition, thread curtains are used to decorate a bed, constructing something like a canopy.
Important! Curtains-threads can be transformed with your own hands, adding hairpins, ribbons to them and giving the product new shapes. It is easy to braid braids from threads, upgrade them or simplify them to be able to move around the apartment.
What is quite important, do-it-yourself filament curtains are usually made of dense synthetic materials with the addition of sequins, ribbons and beads, which makes it easier to care for such a product. It is enough to rinse in slightly soapy water and allow to dry. Ironing and complex processes of steaming, leveling lambrequins will be a thing of the past.
to contents ↑Preparatory stage
To calculate everything correctly and create curtains of the right size, you need to start with measurement. It is he who will orient in the future in terms of the volume of materials and the necessary blanks for further work:
- For filament curtains, you do not need a stock, so it’s worth measuring without throwing.
- It is enough to retreat 5 centimeters from the floor and about 10 from the frame or door trim.
- The stock should not be large in width - a capture of 5 centimeters is enough.
Previously it is necessary to decide on the type of curtains. If you plan a complex model with a massive decor of beads, sequins, it is worth taking care of finding a store where you can buy the right amount.
Important! For the manufacture of curtains, at least 10 skeins of dense acrylic or viscose thread will be required. Sometimes one shade in sufficient quantities simply can not be found, so it makes sense to order in advance, determine the timing.
It will not be superfluous to think about the installation method: they hang rope curtains with their own hands, which means that you can choose the most convenient option. It can be a rigid bar, a classic cornice or a string - options can be varied.
to contents ↑The simplest kind of curtains
The fastest way will be to create this kind of decor on the bar. It is easier to fix and mount, although in the process, changes and quick corrections are possible.
So, the manufacture of DIY curtains with your own hands will take a maximum of 30 minutes:
- The end of the thread is tied to the strap and cut to the length that is necessary in the final version.
- On it equal subsequent sections of threads, fixed on the bar.
- Depending on your preferences, you can make the curtain thicker and denser, or vice versa - more airy and free.
- When the entire length of the strip is filled so that the unnecessary texture is not visible, you can braid the base, thereby ordering the space between the threads.
- You can use a glue gun to lay out patterns on top of the bar with the rest of the yarn - this will give additional fixation and hide the bar.
- The edges of the crossbar should also be treated with glue so that the nodules do not come apart and the threads do not fly off.
- The lower ends can be sealed with drops of glue or colorless varnish, nodules will look good.
DIY hand-made curtains are easy to master - a detailed master class is not needed here. Such work is available even to a child.
to contents ↑Important! Installation of such a product is simple - 2 screws or double-sided tape are enough.
Woolen braids with beads
For those who own a hook, this design of a filament curtain seems the most logical. Moreover, not only the simplicity of manufacture, but also the breadth of possible combinations will be liked, because each braid can be decorated with wooden or acrylic beads, made of threads of different colors and textures, including with the addition of lurex or sequins. It all depends on the imagination of the author.
Here is one of the options:
- The first braid will be the base, so its length should be comparable with the doorway, window frame, the area on which the muslin will be hung.
- The next step should be to determine the density. It is worthwhile to take a closer look at how many loops you need to place the next braid.
- Further actions are obvious: 1 braid of the desired length is tied. Through a certain width - 2, 3 and so on.
- Beads, depending on their size and thickness, the threads can be woven directly with a hook, or they can be decorated after completion with a fishing line.
- The most concise look is the placement of beads, made in a checkerboard pattern.
Important! It is worth noting that natural threads are very soft and need to be heavier.
Mounting Methods:
- Installation can be carried out using fishing line, threading it through the loop.
- The braid with holes fits nicely on the hooks and will also be easily secured with clips.
- For added convenience, you can knit a few more rows and sew on the fixing tape.
to contents ↑Important! So that the finished product hangs evenly and does not puff, it is certainly worth adding large beads to the very bottom of the braid. Performing the role of cargo, this decor will give the best aesthetic characteristics to the curtain.
Bright curtain for the nursery
Spending an evening with children can be not only fun, but also as useful as possible, mastering the filament curtains with your own hands - such a master class will appeal to the whole company, keen on the creativity of the children.
For a handmade evening you will need:
- satin ribbons of different colors;
- large bright beads;
- strap with holes or dense fabric with eyelets;
- scissors;
- lighter.
The procedure for creating DIY curtains:
- Previously, adults should measure the height of the proposed placement of the curtains, with a margin to cut the ribbons into nodes.
- The edges should be pre-melted over the lighter so that they do not loosen during operation.
- And now the most interesting thing: you need to take blanks and with the help of knots fasten beads to them. This can be done both randomly and by setting the height of the mount in advance. First, a knot is knitted, and after it a piece of jewelry is put on, and so on to the top, which subsequently needs to be fixed on a plank or improvised soft cornice.
to contents ↑Important! If the bottom of such filament curtains with your own hands is uneven, you can cut it, adjust the length yourself after the children finish.
Stock footage
Get a bright decoration in the house, which is able to cheer up and profitably zoning the space is quite simple. It will take quite a bit of materials and time, in addition, children will be happy to participate in the creation of a home masterpiece. Use imagination, use shells, torn Christmas beads, multi-colored buttons in the decor, and take pride in a stylish interior renovation in the form of filament curtains.
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