The new sofa smells of chemistry - what to do?

It is difficult to imagine a modern apartment without a sofa. And so, you purchased it, it already stands in the room, new and beautiful. But the trouble is: it smells strongly not of roses at all, and not even like clean new furniture. Why does it happen that the new sofa smells of chemistry, what to do in such a situation? Is it really necessary to try to return it to the store or can the situation still be corrected? We will deal with this issue in this article.

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Dangerous components of the sofa

An unpleasant odor can signal that there are parts in the sofa that could be hazardous to health. Consider what the sofa consists of and what can be harmful to health.

The basis

The structure of the frame includes chipboard. In order to fasten this material, use synthetic glue, one of its components is phenol-formaldehyde resin. This substance is extremely toxic, in addition, it is volatile.

Important! Carcinogenic substances have been released for more than ten years, which leads to a variety of diseases. Evaporative intensification occurs if the furniture is installed near a heating radiator.

Defining chipboard as part of the sofa is quite simple: it will be too heavy.

But do not think that the smell of a new sofa is associated only with this material.

Important! Particleboard is safe enough if the entire surface has been laminated or coated with special protective paint.



Polyurethane foam is often used as a filler. Its composition includes toluene, but it does harm only in the combustion process. This can be avoided if you do not place furniture near possible sources of ignition.

Important! If the furniture is made in China, most often it contains bags with dimethyl furamate, which is a protection against mold. When this substance is in a dry, warm room, it begins to evaporate, which leads to the appearance of irritation on the skin.

Exterior decor

Toxic substances can also be found in the upholstery. For instance:

  • when staining the skin, they use aniline, a colorless poisonous liquid with a pungent odor;
  • when tanning leather, chromium compounds are used.

In high concentrations, these substances can lead to poisoning.

Important! The sharp chemical smell and uneven coloring of the skin should alert. In addition, a leather sofa cannot be cheap!

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Get rid of the smell

Is it possible to remove the smell of a new sofa? We practically know why the new sofa smells. But how to get rid of it? In the manufacture of furniture, a variety of chemical components are used:

  • Dyes and impregnations;
  • Formaldehyde resins;
  • Antifungal fungicides;
  • Polishes, varnishes and solvents.

Important! According to experts, the purchase and assembly of a new sofa is best planned for the days when you have the opportunity to leave home for a couple of days. If the window is left open, the specific smell will disappear.

The smell of a new sofa - what to do when it is impossible to cope only with airing. In this case, it will be necessary to process not only the sofa, but also the entire room in which it is located. However, such measures may not immediately help, the smell will simply become less intense.

What not to do?

When I bought a sofa, everyone is trying to kill the smell with an air freshener or a spray - neutralizer. However, this is completely wrong.As a result, you saturate the air even more with chemistry, and such a measure will save the situation for only ten minutes, then it will only get worse.

Important! To increase the efficiency of weathering, increased microcirculation of air in the room is required.


We start the fight against unpleasant amber

Well, nevertheless, the new sofa stinks what to do?

  1. First of all, for a couple of weeks we get rid of excess items in the room where the new furniture will be. Absolutely remove all clutter.
  2. Be sure to get rid of wool carpets, as they perfectly absorb all the smells.
  3. Vacuum everything that remains in the room. This is especially true for the sofa. Particularly dust remained in it, and it can be a source of odor. With the help of a vacuum cleaner, the inside of the sofa, the back side and the place at the legs are cleaned.

Important! It will take a long time to weather the characteristic persistent smell of new furniture. In winter and summer, you will have to constantly open the window, air conditioning will not help here.

The next step will be the use of sorbents of natural origin. In the room itself, and on the sofa, and on the floor under it, we lay out bags of gauze, in which there are fragrant herbs: lemon balm, mint or thyme. And you can cover the sofa itself with bags of flavored tea, and under it pour a couple of spoons of ground coffee.

The following tools will also come in handy:

  • You can lay a dry sheet on the sofa, and pour on top of it a shallow sea salt with flavorings. Due to this, odors become less intense.
  • Soda can be safely poured onto the sofa itself. After that, it is brushed off with a soft brush, and the surfaces around are vacuum cleaned.
  • It is possible to use a wet terry sheet - it must first be soaked in a solution that includes vinegar or water peroxide.

Important! If someone from the household has an allergic reaction, it is better not to use the sofa for sleeping for some time.

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How harmless the sofa can be determined by observing the behavior of pets. They feel all smells much stronger. If the animal is sleeping peacefully near new furniture, and you can relax. If you could not get rid of the smell for several weeks, you should sound the alarm. Otherwise, both you and your loved ones may suffer from poisoning.


