Closes the skin on the fingers photo 🥝 peel off the fingertips

Our beauty and health are in our hands! With these words, we go through life, not sparing for our health and beauty any money for vitamin complexes and various creams for face and body skin. But, unfortunately, all our efforts are powerless when the body begins to give a signal that there are problems, for example, the skin on the fingers is clinging. Most of us think that this is due to dry skin and continue to apply moisturizing cosmetics with even greater zeal. In reality, a mass of both external and internal factors can cause peeling of the skin, and it is impossible to say unequivocally why the skin is peeling off on the fingers, since the reason sometimes lies inside the body, or rather, in the failure of its coordinated work. We will deal with all this in our article.
to contents ↑For what reasons does the skin on my hands fit?
All factors affecting the deterioration of the skin can be divided into two main groups:
- External If the skin on the fingers is peeling off, and the reasons are caused by external factors, then after the exclusion of those, a gradual restoration of the usual state of the epidermis occurs.
- Internal In the case of an internal malfunction of the body, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the diagnosis, consult a doctor, only then proceed to solve the skin problem.
External causes of peeling of the skin include:
- Inadequate hand skin care. Quite often, peeling of the epidermis causes the use of liquid soap. It uses components that not only deeply cleanse the skin, but also greatly dry it.
- Exposure to aggressive chemicals. The use of cleaning powders and other aggressive formulations without gloves makes the epidermis vulnerable.
- Temperature difference. Exposure to cold air can cause skin peeling. Even if you wear gloves in the winter, this will not save you from problems, since the material (synthetics) from which they are made can affect the damage to the skin.
Important! Hands in synthetic gloves do not heat up, but prey.
The internal causes of peeling include:
- Allergic reactions. The symptom of damage to the skin may not be the very sign of an allergy, but its consequence.
- Vitamin deficiency. As a rule, a peeling symptom of the skin can appear in the winter-spring period. First of all, this is due to a deficiency of vitamins A and E, since they are responsible for the health and condition of the skin. A deficiency of vitamin C can also negatively affect the condition of the skin. To correct the situation, it is necessary to balance the diet and eat foods rich in vitamins: vegetables and red fruits, eggs, dairy products, vegetable oil.
Important! Vitamin complexes have also proven themselves well. With proper treatment, peeling may disappear in 1-2 weeks.
- Disruption of the digestive system. To provoke a pathology of the skin can prolonged use of poor-quality food containing numerous chemical elements. Do not disregard organs such as the liver and pancreas - changes in the human body very often affect its appearance.
- Long-term medication.Treatment with antibacterial drugs for a long time can lead to such an organism reaction. Very often, a prolonged course of therapy with drugs from the sulfamide group leads to deterioration of the skin.
- Neurological disorders, stress. Exposure to stress, lack of normal sleep and rest can negatively affect the skin.
- Fungal infection. If the skin on the fingers is heavily covered, then this may be a consequence of a fungal disease. Traditional medicine in this case is powerless, and in order to quickly and without complications get rid of the fungus, cure the epidermis, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist for the first symptoms of the disease. After examination and testing, the specialist will prescribe the necessary treatment.
Important! The duration of the course depends on the neglect of the disease. Sometimes the skin returns to normal 2-3 weeks after taking the drugs.
- Helminth infestations. Very often, children suffer from the activity of parasites, as a result - on the small fingers of a child the skin begins to peel off.
- Getting into the fissures of the skin epithelium of the infection (staphylococcal or streptococcal).
Once the reason that the skin on the fingers is peeling is clarified, it is necessary to proceed to medical procedures.
to contents ↑What should I do if the skin on my hands clings?
If after the examination no pathologies in the body are detected, then proceed to eliminate peeling of the skin of the hands, excluding provoking factors:
- Replace liquid soap with baby soap. Simple baby soap is hypoallergenic and does not contain substances that can dry the skin.
- When doing household chores using household chemicals (washing, cleaning), protect your hands with rubber gloves.
- Limit contact with moisture, always try to dry your hands with a clean towel.
- Do not dry your hands in special dryers, as this is detrimental to the epidermis. It is better to use napkins in this case.
- Adjust your daily diet. Increase your intake of vegetable fats, fish, fruits, vegetables, and greens. Cereals (oats, corn, barley), dairy products, linseed and olive oil, fish oil will be very useful. All these products have a beneficial effect on the skin condition.
- Eat right. Forget about foods like chips, fast food, salted crackers and soda. Cook healthy foods: lean meat, steamed fish or in the oven.
- Drink plenty of water to not only rid the body of toxins, but also moisturize the skin from the inside.
- Always keep your hands warm, especially during the cold season. Use gloves made from natural fabrics (cotton, wool), in which the skin can “breathe”.
- Perform hygiene procedures using scrubs to remove dead cells and cleanse the epidermis. After cleansing procedures, be sure to apply a nourishing cream or balm to your skin.
to contents ↑Important! Instead of cosmetic creams, use pharmacy multivitamin products - Boro-plus, Radevit, Bepanten.
Folk recipes for skin restoration:
- Regularly (1-2 times) a week do hand masks. For example, a clay mask helps to maintain the health and youth of the skin for many years.
- When peeling the epidermis, use baths with decoctions of herbs: succession, celandine, oak bark, chamomile. Immerse your hands in a warm broth for 20-30 minutes, then wipe dry with a towel and apply a nourishing cream to your skin.
- Trays of oatmeal broth nourish and restore the skin. They can also be used for young children. When peeling skin, do these procedures every day.
- Affected areas of children's skin can be lubricated with wheat germ extract.
- Use flax and peach oil after washing your hands, applying masks and scrubs. The skin will become supple and healthy.
- Masks with honey and yolk are useful for the beauty of the skin of the hands. To prepare the mask, mix 2 egg yolks with honey. Apply the mixture to your skin and put on cotton gloves. Leave the mask all night.
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Nowadays, in the pharmacy you can buy any creams, masks and ointments for hands. However, they can only help if peeling of the skin is caused by external factors. If the problem is a malfunction of the body or a fungal disease, then only a specialist can help. Do not waste time, at the first symptoms of the disease, seek help from a doctor. Take your health seriously and don’t forget that everything is in your hands, including beauty!
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