Closes skin on the fingers of a child’s hands 🥝 peeling skin on fingers, causes

Our skin is an organ that performs a number of important functions: metabolic, respiratory, thermoregulatory. However, its main function is protective. Any changes on the skin may indicate a malfunction in the body. And the nature of these changes is able to talk about the causes of their occurrence. One of the frequent manifestations of malfunctions of the skin is peeling on the fingers. There are many reasons for this, so in this article we want to talk about the problem when the skin on the fingers of a child peels off.
to contents ↑Causes of pathology
If the child has skin on the fingers, then the reasons may be as follows:
- Allergic reaction.
- Vitamin E and A deficiency
- Infection (staphylococcus, streptococcus).
- Dermatosis (including scabies or fungus).
- Burn, radiation, frostbite, exposure to chemicals.
- The consequence of stress.
- Worms.
- Long-term use of antibiotics, sulfonamide drugs, hormonal drugs.
- Pancreas problems.
The list is quite large and varied, so do not ignore the phenomenon when the skin comes off on the fingers of a child, or treat it yourself. Each of these diseases is treated in its own way, with its own medicines and methods.
to contents ↑Important! Do not resort to folk recipes, for example, use kefir or sour cream. Since if the problem is caused by the action of the scabies mite, this will only exacerbate the situation. To use any medical technique or tool, you first need to find out what to treat. The problem is not talking about the disease, but about the symptom, and only the doctor can determine exactly what disease this symptom indicates.
Types of peeling and preliminary diagnostics
Sometimes, by the appearance of the skin that is peeling, it is possible to determine the type of disease with great accuracy. Of course, you will have to do analyzes, but now there is a direction in which the priority check will be done:
- If the skin began to peel in the space between the fingers, then it is probably scabies.
- If the skin is peeling on the sides of the fingers, then most likely it is a fungus.
- Flaky spots may indicate psoriasis or lichen (silver-white color). And the spots are dark gray in color can talk about ichthyosis.
- If peeling is accompanied by temperature spikes, most likely it is some kind of infectious disease, for example, scarlet fever.
Important! Often, at the initial stage, this disease does not have any pronounced symptoms, and sometimes the body can cope with it on its own. But if after 2 weeks after that the skin on the fingers of a child peels off, he got sick with scarlet fever.
- Food allergies with similar manifestations are quite rare. It must be a very strong allergen. But contact allergies or chemical effects - it may well be. For example, if soap is not suitable for the child, in this case peeling can cover, in addition to fingers, the back of the hands, palms.
- If the cause of the pathology lies in the internal problems of the body (pancreatic work, infection), then the same picture is observed on both hands.If it is scabies, dermatosis or contact exposure (chemistry, frostbite), then on different hands the picture may be different.
- The skin of the child’s fingers can also suffer from a deficiency of vitamins in the body. In most cases, this occurs in early spring.
to contents ↑Important! Sometimes itching on the fingers of a child may appear even before the skin begins to peel off. You just need to pay attention to how the baby holds his hands. If he rubs his fingers all the time - this is the first sign that peeling will appear soon. The first thing to do is cut off his nails and wash them well. This is to prevent the child from combing the skin and causing infection.
Some tips for finding symptoms
If peeling of the skin is found on the fingers of a child’s hands, it is not always possible to immediately contact a doctor. And in order not to harm, it is advisable to listen to some recommendations:
- First of all, it is necessary to take measures so as not to infect the infection. If you notice that the skin is peeling on the fingers of a child, then, as a rule, he will constantly scratch his fingers. Therefore, first wash your hands well and pat it with a soft towel.
Important! If the child is very small and cannot control himself, then you need to wrap your fingers with a bandage, but not tight. Here it is important to simply eliminate combing and spreading over the body of the disease. For babies it will be enough to use special gloves, but for older children it is better to use bandages, since they can take off gloves.
- Some recommend moisturizers and celandine baths. But with this you need to be extremely careful if you do not know what exactly caused the disease. Celandine has a cauterizing disinfecting property and, if the skin peels off due to a fungus or tick, this will help stop their work. But if the reason lies in the contact effect of a chemical, then the situation can be aggravated. The same thing about creams - if we are talking about a burn, then, of course, a cream to help you. But if it is a scabies mite, then the cream for it will become an ideal nutrient medium.
- If you find the problem not on all fingers, but only on some, then this is a fungal disease or scabies. Here you need to wrap a bandage around each finger separately and hurry to the doctor for help.
Important! If the doctor confirmed this diagnosis, then all the things and soft toys of the baby, which he took with his hands, will have to be thoroughly washed in high temperature conditions.
- The next step is to analyze events and causes. It is necessary to understand whether there is a cause of contact exposure or allergies. It should be clearly understood whether recently new foods (bedding or new soap) have been introduced into the child’s diet. Recall the medicines that were given to the baby.
to contents ↑Important! Speaking of drugs, read the section on side effects. Perhaps everything will become clear.
Balanced diet
Whatever the reason that the skin on the fingers of a child peels off, damaged skin will have to be repaired. In addition to the main treatment that the doctor will prescribe, you should pay attention to the child’s diet. Namely, enrich it with vitamins A and E.
Vitamin A is found in the following foods:
- Parsley.
- Carrot.
- Pumpkin.
- Prunes
- Sorrel.
- Brussels sprouts.
- Green pea.
- Tomatoes
Vitamin E is found in the following foods:
- Parsley.
- Carrot.
- Corn.
- Green peas.
- Wheat.
- Barley.
- Boiled eggs.
- Butter.
- Cereals.
to contents ↑Important! It is necessary to understand that if a child has a problem when the skin on his fingers breaks around, then this must be taken seriously and not delayed by contacting a doctor. If it was all a matter of malnutrition, then there is nothing to worry about, however, if this is something from other diseases, then every day counts.
As mentioned above, when a problem manifests itself, when the child has cracked skin on the fingers, you should immediately consult a doctor to establish the correct diagnosis. Only after diagnosis, the doctor can choose the appropriate treatment regimen:
- If the problem arose due to a deficiency of vitamins in the body, then the doctor prescribes vitamin-mineral complexes. In addition, it is important to review the diet and include foods that contain vitamins E, C, B, A.
- If the pathology appeared due to the development of a fungal infection, then the doctor can prescribe creams, ointments - “Aekol”, “Radevit”. These products are rubbed into the skin between the fingers.
- If you are allergic to any food, medicine, household chemicals, you need to find out what exactly provokes the development of the problem and exclude them. In the treatment of allergies, various drugs are used - gels, ointments, tablets, which are prescribed exclusively by the doctor, depending on the age and individual characteristics of the child.
Important! The doctor may also prescribe immunomodulators that can enhance immunity.
- Moisturize and protect the skin from dryness and cracks using moisturizing and nourishing baby creams - “Bubchen”, “Mustela”, “Bepanten”.
to contents ↑Important! Handles can also be lubricated with oily solutions of vitamins E and A.
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Thus, the reason that the skin on the fingers of the hands of a child peels off should be determined by a dermatologist, based on appropriate analyzes. It is impossible to give the child any medications without consulting a specialist, as this can aggravate the situation. It is equally important to take care of strengthening immunity with the help of products that are rich in vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances.
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