Wallpaper for painting - which is better?

Now wallpaper for painting are very popular. They are practical and functional; several layers of paint can be applied to them. The texture will help not only in decorating the walls, but also in their visual change. Consider the wallpaper for painting - which is better to take so as not to make a mistake?

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Types of wallpaper for painting

Using this coating, you can repeat the structure and texture of decorative plaster. But you need to choose the right kind of it.

Paper wallpaper

This option is the cleanest environmentally friendly, so it is very popular among those who care about health. Such painting wallpaper consists of glued pressed cellulose canvases glued together, tightly glued to each other.

Important! Most often they are two-layer, the option with three layers is found a little less often.

The layers are laid with a natural gasket, which includes fine-grained sawdust. Thanks to it, after embossing by the press, the texture appears. So that the sawdust does not become wet and swollen from the paint, they are impregnated with water-repellent compounds.

Important! Paper wallpapers are suitable for any surface, even if their alignment is not very thorough. That is why for many rooms such coatings are the best wallpaper for painting.

In such coatings there is an interesting variety - coarse fiber wallpaper. In order for their surface to be embossed, not traditional embossing is used, but wood chips placed between the main smooth layers. Due to the size of the sawdust, a small or large surface structure is determined.

Non-woven wallpaper

Flizelin refers to paper-like non-woven materials, which are based on cellulose fibers. Such wallpapers have the following characteristics:

  • high strength;
  • fire resistant;
  • well tolerate mechanical stress.
  • can hide small flaws - after gluing, drying and deformation do not occur.

When gluing a non-woven coating, the adhesive is applied to the wall. Thanks to this, a leisurely fit of the joints and the formation of a high-quality holistic surface appearance are possible.

Important! The only drawback of such a coating is the weak mounting of the vinyl base, which is used to form the pattern. Damage to this base before painting is possible, but if a layer of paint is applied to it, it becomes hard and durable.


For their manufacture, a natural material was used - fiberglass threads, which include quartz sand, lime, dolomite and soda. The structure, density, texture and background image can be very different. The most important advantage of cullet is the concealment of even significant flaws on the walls.

They are represented by four main types:

  • Gunny of different types and sizes;
  • Herringbone;
  • Spider web;
  • Diamonds.

Important! Due to the fact that the cullet is very dense, the surface must be uniform. That is, the wall can be putty and poorly cleaned, but its color should be the same in all areas. The base is most often treated with latex primers.

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The choice of wallpaper for painting

It is difficult to answer the question “wallpaper for painting - which is better?”, They are all good in their own way. When choosing them, you need to pay attention to several parameters:

  • Dimensions of the room. For a close interior, not all wallpapers are suitable. If you use a volumetric texture - the space is visually reduced.
  • Appointment of the premises.It is necessary to determine in advance resistance to pollution, environmental safety, strength and other properties.
  • Lighting. This is important to take into account, since gloss is reflected when sunlight falls, and this option is not suitable for all interiors.
  • Price. If you are not sure that the wallpaper is glued for a long time, or if a global repair is planned in the future, you should not spend money on an expensive purchase.

Of course, do not forget about the decorative aspect. If there is a textured pattern on the wallpaper, it should coincide with the general style of the room.

Important! If such a coating is combined with a conventional web, it is important to consider the thickness of the material. With significantly different parameters, visible joints will appear on the border.

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How to apply paint?

Deciding which wallpaper to paint is best to choose is not enough. It is important then to paint them with high quality.

Important! Application of paint should only be carried out after gluing and good drying. Different types of wallpaper use different colors.

Materials and Tools

Necessary to acquire:

  • Fur roller with which paint is applied;
  • Plastic bath;
  • The capacity in which the paint will be diluted;
  • With a brush, with the help of which drawings from paint will be created - this option is suitable for smooth wallpapers;
  • Aqueous emulsion, latex or acrylic paint;
  • Kohler;
  • Acrylic varnish.

Important! Not all paints make the wallpaper washable.

Preparatory process

Very carefully you need to choose a paint. For instance:

  • oil paints are categorically not suitable for interlining - it is better to stay on water-based paints;
  • but cullet is painted latex.

Important! If the wall is not completely even, you should choose a glossy paint, then minor defects will not be noticeable. And with the help of glossy paint, the relief will become even more attractive.

Colors can be chosen ready-made, especially since there is a large selection of them in construction stores. But if the found option cannot be found, it is possible to mix white water-based paint and color. This service is also provided by shops, but you can save money and do everything yourself:

  1. A small amount of paint is mixed with color to obtain the desired shade.
  2. Then the paint is tested on a small area of ​​wallpaper.
  3. If all goes well, a larger volume is mixed.

Important! When applying several layers of paint, the color will become more saturated.

Paint the surface

For this process, we use a roller, brush and bath:

  • with the help of a roller, the surface is painted from top to bottom;
  • with a brush paint over inaccessible places.

Important! Also, you can create any kind of drawings with a brush.

General staining rules:

  • If the wallpaper is new, the paint is applied in two or three layers, since not all paints have the property to lie evenly.
  • With repeated staining, you can do with one layer.

Important! There is an interesting way to paint non-woven wallpaper: after applying a layer of paint, it is erased from the volumetric elements. And then, to make them more voluminous, they are emphasized with a different shade of paint.

Applying varnish

If there is a desire, varnish is applied to the surface. Such an action is not necessary, but it makes sense to perform it for the kitchen, hallway or nursery, - premises with an increased risk of pollution.

Important! After applying such protection, a damp cloth will be enough to get rid of small spots. But with large pollution still have to fight by painting.

The varnish is applied in the same way as the paint - with a brush and a roller.

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The choice of paint is important - the surface will be silky or matte, washable or not. Often repainting wallpapers is not worth it, as they will look worse and lose their properties. With the right glue, type of wallpaper, quality and shade of paint, the walls will look great, and their owner will have a great mood.

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