Wallpaper in the hallway

At all times, the entrance hall was considered the face of any house and its business card. Unfortunately, few people know about it and are dismissive of how this room looks in their house, and after all, all the guests get here from the very beginning. In particular, this attitude is due to the fact that in almost all modern houses a minimum of space is reserved for the hallway and it is not always possible to furnish it as one would like. Therefore, improving it outwardly is difficult enough, but still possible. And for starters, you can simply buy new wallpaper in the hallway and thus make it more stylish and modern.

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Plain or colored wallpaper for the hallway?

In most cases, the hallway is a narrow corridor or a very small area. Therefore, faced with just such an option, it is better to prefer plain wallpaper with a light and calm color scheme. They are in perfect harmony with white skirting boards and stucco moldings. Carpeting is also better to choose in shades of repeating colors of the ceiling and walls.

Important! Silver wallpapers with neat embossing look quite fashionable and at the same time not catchy, which blend perfectly with the mirror and glass surfaces of the furniture located in the hallway.

If your whole house is decorated in a minimalist style, then it is better to buy wallpaper for the hallway and corridor in cool or woody shades, in order to balance the harmony in the interior.

Important! When the apartment has a lot of unusual decor elements or antique furniture, it is better to buy plain and light wallpapers in the hallway so as not to disturb the created atmosphere of lightness and freshness.

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We refresh the interior with wallpaper with floral prints

A plant pattern is understood to mean tree trunks, small leaves, large flower buds or the finest bends of branches. They are ideal for small and modestly furnished hallways.

Important! Large prints, contrary to conflicting opinions, do not spoil the hallway at all, it does not look too elaborate, but rather refreshes by combining light-colored wall finishes with snow-white panels. Thanks to light and large details, the room becomes more interesting and elegant.

In order not to overdo it, you can decorate with floral wallpaper only one wall, which will smoothly flow into the snow-white ceiling and, for example, carpet with a deep blue hue. Today, textile wallpapers with chic embossed in Asian style are very popular, which can be supplemented with unusual flooring and interior items.

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How to make the hallway bright and stylish?

What wallpaper to choose for the entrance hall to cheer up and surprise any person who first gets into your house? - In this case, it is better to pay attention to rich and vibrant prints. How to achieve the desired result, consider the following:

  1. The figure should capture the contrast of light and dark shades. It is advisable to arrange the entire room in the same direction so that it looks “modern”. Due to the large pattern, even furniture and decoration in pastel and warm colors will look bright.
  2. The eclectic style can be characterized by three main words - funny, non-trivial and bright. A game of contrasts - red, black and pure white colors can create a surprisingly harmonious tandem within a small hallway.
  3. Wallpaper with Chinese dragons - a non-trivial approach, allows you to make the corridor more optimistic and festive.
  4. It is difficult to find something more active and bright than vertical stripes of blue and white.
  5. The wall of accents is a combination of gray and red colors, in which you can also decorate the doors and walls of the rooms adjacent to the corridor.
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Features of the use of photo wallpaper

Many people today prefer murals and decorative panels when decorating their homes, in particular, this concerns corridors. Choosing a wallpaper for a hallway of such a plan is not so simple, since a lot depends on the dimensions of the room and the financial capabilities of the owners.

Important! Perhaps the walls with a small pattern will not be as attractive as the presence on them, painted animals or birds that can give a sense of their presence next to us.

The most interesting design approach today is the use of family photographs as a picture for wallpaper.

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The meaning of the pattern and color scheme when choosing wallpaper

The color scheme is undoubtedly very important and this must be understood when choosing wallpaper in the hallway. We do not spend much time in this room, so the bright colors here will come in handy, for example, red or pink.

In most hallways there are no windows, so do not use too dark wallpaper, otherwise - the room will look too uncomfortable. White color is also not very suitable, because it gets dirty too quickly and loses its attractiveness. The main thing is to create a warm and comfortable atmosphere, and the cost of wallpaper is not at all important here.

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Do not forget about the design

It is necessary to approach the choice of wallpaper for this room with special attention and minimal knowledge in the design. Let's take a closer look at how to do this:

  • As we said earlier, plain walls can be an ideal backdrop for subsequent decorative finishes. It is desirable that they have detergent properties.
  • Be careful with the stripes. If you overdo it, you can create a real cage that will look terrible, due to the fact that the room simply stretches too far up. Stripes should not be too contrasting. Parallel, small walls are best designed with horizontal stripes to visually lengthen them.
  • The abstraction is just perfect for the hallway, such patterns make it practical, because if the walls are damaged, then this will not be visible. The biggest plus of such wallpapers is originality.
  • Imitation of a natural tree. With this design of the corridor, it is desirable to supplement it with mirrors, and furniture, doors should have metal fittings. Lighting with a metallic sheen looks simply gorgeous.
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Wallpaper classification by type

To begin with, think carefully about how accurate you and your family members are, can you keep the hallway perfectly clean? Or maybe there are children or pets in your house? - If so, then you will not be able, under any circumstances, to save the corridor in the same form as it was immediately after the repair. So - you need to carefully choose wallpaper for the hallway and corridor, with particular attention to their surface. It is great if it gives in to wet cleaning or minimal cleaning.

There are several most suitable options in this case:

  1. Washable wallpapers are the most ordinary wallpapers that have a special protective coating that can be washed.
  2. Vinyl wallpapers are the most popular and inexpensive, therefore they are in great demand among consumers of all walks of life.They are quite diverse in texture, colors and design, perfectly cleanable, not afraid of water.
  3. Liquid wallpaper - refers to the decorative finish, perfectly complement the interiors of modern hallways. That's just to be applied by a specialist in this matter, so that a homogeneous, beautiful surface is obtained. Their huge drawback is the fear of moisture, so taking care of them is not easy.
  4. Bamboo or cork wallpapers are considered environmentally friendly and can be washed with a damp sponge.
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We fix the flaws

What to choose wallpaper for an entrance hall to visually hide its insignificant or rather noticeable shortcomings? What are the disadvantages most often faced by apartment owners in modern high-rise buildings? Most often it is:

  • uneven walls;
  • low ceilings;
  • lack of light;
  • miniature size of the hallway.

There are several options for wallpaper and design solutions that will help fix the situation:

  • The horizontal strip will help visually increase the room, but the vertical strip will increase the height of the ceiling.
  • Light colors make the room more spacious, comfortable.
  • The lack of sufficient light can be compensated by gluing metal wallpaper. Or, on top of the wall, paste over with light wallpaper, and at the bottom - dark. Thanks to this approach, you can create a lighting effect.
  • Excessively large rooms become more comfortable due to large drawings, respectively - vice versa.
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And yet, when choosing a wallpaper you need to take into account a large number of factors and moments, each of which is quite important, and directly affects the result. Therefore, do not rush, carefully consider each step, because we do repairs for at least a few years. In order not to regret your rash purchase in the future, carefully weigh everything.

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