Cockroach Processing

Unfortunately, cockroaches are not the best guests that may appear at your place. And in order to protect your apartment or permanently destroy these insects, it is important to know the methods by which cockroaches can be processed to get rid of them quickly and forever.
to contents ↑Where can cockroaches come from?
The law of conservation of energy in nature says that nothing disappears and is not taken from anywhere. With regard to insects, this law also works: they appeared in your home for a reason. Here are the main sources of cockroaches:
- Neighbors. This is one of the most likely ways. Just imagine the situation: for reasons unknown to you, your neighbors got cockroaches, naturally they noticed the “guests” and began to destroy them a little or just scare them away. Naturally, insects need to look for a new territory for living, and it is your apartment that can become this “new territory”. Therefore, if you have cockroaches, then first of all, contact your neighbors and discuss the situation with them. If the insects really crawled to you from the neighbors, then you need to solve this problem together. Here, complex treatment from cockroaches is suitable, possibly with the help of specialists from the SES service.
- Products Everyone knows that cockroaches live most often in the kitchen, where there are open products that you can eat. And where is still full of unprotected food? Naturally in supermarkets and markets. You could safely buy some spoiled product, which is not the first day to feast on a cockroach, or even more than one. Bringing this product home, you have already brought a huge problem into your home, which will be very difficult to solve.
- Unsanitary conditions. This is not even a source, but the cause of the appearance of cockroaches. They can eat not only fresh and high-quality products, but also rotten, spoiled food. And this means that garbage that has not been thrown away, spoiled food in your kitchen or three days ago, food in your pet's bowl is already a cry for cockroaches. Here, first of all, you need to establish your life, otherwise processing from cockroaches will be ineffective.
to contents ↑Important! One of the most important factors in maintaining the life of such an insect is water. Yes, a cockroach can live without food, light, heat, but not without water. Even an exhausted, dying cockroach “comes to life” from a drop of water. Therefore, the cause of cockroaches can even be a small puddle of water on the table or floor. The humidity level in the apartment is also worth watching.
What is important to know about cockroaches?
A huge assistant in the fight against cockroaches can serve as an ordinary knowledge of some of the features of their life. To process the apartment from cockroaches completed successfully, take into account the following characteristics of these insects
- Curiosity. Few people know, but cockroaches are very curious by nature. Unusual smell, object, sound - nothing will go unnoticed. It is their excessive interest that can help you discover some of them.
- Unsociality. Cockroaches are not able to warn each other about the danger, unlike other insects. This is exactly what can play into your hands. Of course, they have their own methods of communication and information transfer, but they cannot protect each other.
- Physical stability.Surprisingly, such insects are very resistant to physical damage. If you saw a cockroach and the first thing that came to hand is a slipper, then just hitting it will be pointless. It is necessary to smear the insect on the floor, then I will remove it with a dry sponge. Otherwise, the cockroach can crawl to the water, a drop of which will heal it.
Having dealt with all the features of cockroaches, let's move on to the fight against them. Naturally, the most effective method of killing these insects is the professional treatment of cockroaches. How appropriate will it be in your case?
to contents ↑Professional Cockroach Processing
Professional disinfectors are able to quickly and efficiently clean your apartment with the help of strong chemicals. There are several types of chemical treatment:
- Wet processing. Pest control itself is carried out with the help of special sprays - aerosols that contain insecticides.
- Dry processing. Loose substances like powder are used. This method of treatment against cockroaches is used less often, since it represents a huge danger to people and animals living in the apartment.
- Gel treatment. Pest control occurs with the use of gel-based drugs. That is, the pest has special substances that attract and lure cockroaches, thereby they fall into the trap. This is the most expensive method of professional fight against cockroaches, but according to customer reviews it is worth it.
- Aerosol-gas treatment. People call it “foggy”, since the processing of an apartment from cockroaches occurs with the help of fog.
Aerosol treatment
The most popular method of professional pest control is aerosol
processing of apartments from cockroaches. Therefore, let's consider this particular option in more detail.
Initially, you need to prepare your home for processing as follows:
- While the pest control will take place, there should not be anything living in the house. Animals and residents will need to be isolated.
- Food, clothing, bedding, towels and utensils will need to be taken with you, so that then you yourself will not be poisoned.
- The most common places where cockroaches congregate are near skirting boards. Therefore, be sure to move all the furniture under the walls.
to contents ↑Important! On time, processing will take 30-60 minutes, although it depends on the features and size of the territory. After disinsection, the apartment should be well ventilated, the smell should go away after 2-3 days, but according to consumer reviews, the smell starts to disappear in a day.
Self-processing of an apartment from cockroaches
Cockroaches are a very tenacious species of insects, but you can get rid of them without the help of professionals. Nowadays, many tools have already been invented, with which you can easily get rid of pests.
Insect chemicals
Here are the most popular ones:
- Gel “Globol”. Very effective tool, sold in tubes of 100 grams. It must be applied near the baseboards, in the corners of the cabinets and near the doors. It is important to use the gel so that animals and children cannot get it. Then processing the apartment from cockroaches will be effective, but at the same time safe.
- Gel "Raptor". It is used in the same way as the previous one, but the tube structure itself is different - the tip is a little longer, and therefore more convenient to use.
- Gel “Absolute”. Available in syringe tubes of 125 grams. It must be applied in places of greatest activity of cockroaches, in small droplets.
- Gel “Brownie”. The product is applied to pieces of paper, which are laid out under the furniture. Cockroaches disappear after 3-4 days.
Also, in the fight against cockroaches, you can use such means: “Dichlorfox”, “Mashenka”, “LS-500”, “Get”, “Clean House”.
Important! Considering the fact that all of these chemicals are chemical, before use, check if you are allergic to the component composition. In any case, the treatment of an apartment from cockroaches should be carried out in personal protective equipment, at least in gloves.
Mechanical methods
Mechanical methods include traps, they also have several types:
- Shelter traps. Cockroaches will hide in traps and perceive them as shelter.
- Velcro traps. The principle of operation of these traps is that the legs of the cockroaches stick to the Velcro and the insects will not be able to move. They do not die from contact with the drug, but from dehydration.
- Electric traps. These devices are powered by electricity, and cockroaches die from electric shock.
to contents ↑Important! You can entrap cockroaches in a trap with the help of bread, honey, and even better - any spoiled product.
Popular methods of combating cockroaches
One of the features of cockroaches is the terrible fear of boric acid, or rather the fear of what might happen as a result of its action. If insects simply die from ordinary poison, then they begin to suffer terribly from boric acid, and even if they do not die, they leave the territory with great speed.
Boric acid is no less effective than chemicals. Therefore, why spend a lot of money and spoil your health with chemicals, if you can just use boric acid.
Here are some simple recipes to help you get rid of cockroaches once and for all:
- Here we will play into the hands of the attachment of cockroaches to water. You need to sprinkle with boric acid all the sources of water in your home (sink, toilet, dishwasher, trash bin, bathroom, etc.). It will take about 70 g of boric acid to process the entire apartment, but it also depends on the size and characteristics of the territory.
- This time another feature of cockroaches will help us - curiosity. Take 1 or 2 raw egg yolks and add 30-50 g of boric acid to them. From the resulting mixture we make small balls, lay them out in the kitchen, in the bathroom and toilet, these places can be limited. The most optimal places for poisonous balls are: shelves in cabinets, window sills, on which there are flowers and corners in the rooms. Curious cockroaches, seeing interesting balls of bright yellow color, will go to explore them at the same hour. The only negative of this method is that the result will not be instantaneous, but after 3-4 weeks daily cleaning of the bodies of cockroaches will be your responsibility.
Prevention of the appearance of cockroaches in the apartment
If you have not yet encountered the problem of cockroaches or have already successfully got rid of them, but are afraid that the insects will return, it is worth taking precautions. This will prevent a waste of a lot of effort and money to fight them. Here are a few rules to follow in order to never suffer from the appearance of six-legged guests:
- Make regular cosmetic repairs, or at least just close all cracks and cracks in time, through which neighboring cockroaches can crawl to you.
- Close tightly and hide all food in the refrigerator. It is worth storing products exclusively in food containers that do not allow odors.
- Try to wipe the dining table, window sills with flowers, places with a drinking bowl for your pets and a floor in the bathroom with a dry rag. As mentioned earlier - water is the cockroach's best friend.
- Just keep your house clean. Believe me, a clean and well-maintained apartment will not be the most favorable place for cockroaches, and soon they will leave you themselves.
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We wish you a good night's sleep and that no insects disturb you, and if this problem has overtaken you, then let it be solved as soon as possible. Our tips from this article will definitely help you.
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