Sheathe door with a laminate do it yourself

Many owners are considering how best to clad the door from the inside of the room. There are so many different classic and creative options, one of which is laminate flooring. Despite the fact that the laminate is more familiar for flooring, modern designers have successfully used it on walls and even doors. Why are you worse? - Yes, nothing! From this article you will learn how you can sheathe a door with a laminate with your own hands, doing it as high as possible.

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The benefits of laminate flooring

To date, the market is replete with many finishing materials that can be used for cladding interior doors. The most popular of them is a laminate, because it has a huge number of advantages. Here are the main ones:

  • Reasonable cost.
  • Excellent soundproofing.
  • Resistance to mechanical stress and high temperature.
  • Such material cannot burn out in the sun.
  • Long service life.
  • Pretty expensive look.

Important! The top polymer decorative coating layer is able to imitate the natural species of wood, for this reason, designers use this and embody even the most daring projects.

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Do it yourself door

Sheathing a metal door with a laminate inside is not difficult even for beginners - it is enough to follow the basic rules of this work. If you clearly follow this algorithm, your result will be excellent:

  • First of all, remove the door from the hinges.
  • Remove the handles, locks and other parts on the door.
  • Fasten the rails around the entire perimeter of the structure.

Important! If you want your work to look neat, use slats that match the color of the laminate.

  • When working with a wooden cloth, use the finishing nails to secure the slats. In case the structure consists of metal, fix the slats with “liquid nails”.
  • Assemble the laminate in a single coating from prepared panels.
  • Measure the distance between the rails as accurately as possible. Mark the dimensions on the shield that you assembled.
  • Using a jigsaw, saw off the edge panels along the width and length of the door.
  • Now apply glue to the door, then glue the newly prepared laminate to it as evenly as possible.

Important! If you want your finish to be of high quality, put a load on the laminate flooring, and then let the structure dry completely.

  • Now fasten the peephole and other parts to the dried structure. Previously, it was necessary to prepare special holes for them.
  • The final stage is the installation of the sheathed canvas in the doorway.
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We make slopes

During the sheathing of the front door with a laminate, many people wonder about sealing the door frame from all sides. This procedure is mandatory, otherwise - the laminate will not be able to provide you with any sound insulation. For this procedure, you can use ordinary foam for installation or cement with an adhesive base.

Important! If you neglect this procedure, the look of your door will not be presentable, the impression of the interior will spoil sharply.

For this reason, the door frame must always be sealed:

  • For cladding, use the same laminate, which is subsequently fixed to the metal frame.
  • When all seams are sealed, cut off the remaining foam.
  • Determine the shape of the slopes.

Important! Laminate strips are installed both along and across the ends of the opening.

  • The installation of old panels depends on the installation method you have chosen. If the slopes are parallel, install the rails so that their thickness is the same. In the case of corner mounting, make the bar that is near the door slightly wider than the one near the corner.
  • Using dowels, fasten the supporting panels to the wall.
  • Attach the remaining panels with glue or ordinary screws.

Important! If you use self-tapping screws to trim the doors with a laminate with your own hands, purchase plugs in advance that will match the tone of your chosen laminate.

  • Fasten the corner panels as well as the corners around the perimeter of the doorway.
  • Cover the remaining joints with silicone.
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From this article, you learned how to properly sheathe a door with a laminate with your own hands. Ultimately, the entire structure will look pretty stylish and modern. You have a huge choice - there are many options for interior decoration of the door, so carefully consider the design in advance so that the final version suits you 100%!


