Shoes paint legs - what to do?

You bought new shoes and, it would seem, happiness should not be the limit, however, as soon as you took them off, you noticed that tights or socks were painted. The question immediately arises: if shoes color legs - what should I do? A similar situation is absolutely not uncommon. Someone goes back to the store to change the goods (although this may not always be successful), and someone tries other options, trying to fix the situation using folk methods. It is about them that we will talk in our article.

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Causes of unwanted staining:

  • Of course, the reason that boots or shoes inside stain socks or tights, may be a poor-quality product. Especially when it comes to inexpensive shoes. However, it also happens that the quality of the product is not in doubt - then the reason may be in the owner of this shoe, or rather in the sweating of his legs.

Important! This is the most common reason that pigment is transferred to clothing or skin.

  • Shoes can also be painted from the inside due to moisture that has got inside, for example, during rain.

Important! In winter or autumn, this happens much more often.

  • Another common cause is improper shoe care. Paints, creams and gels affect the material, and therefore can give a similar unpleasant effect.

Important! In the situations described above, none other than the owner of the shoe is to blame. But if you notice that the shoes have painted your entire foot, then we are really talking about shoes of very poor quality.

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Ways to deal with the problem

There are many different solutions if shoes dye their feet. What to do - the fastest effect will have purchased products that care for shoe products, not allowing dye to stand out. In this case, the fixers of paints will be the best helpers, and it is better to choose those that have managed to prove themselves from the best side, for example, Saphir or Salamander.

Important! You can resort to using a wash for paints. True, the effect will be short-lived, since all you do is wash away the paint that has appeared, but do not completely protect your legs and shoes from repainting.

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Folk methods

In addition to purchased, there are other options, the so-called folk or grandmother's funds, which have resorted to earlier. Although the tips below are as old as the world, they still remain popular due to their effectiveness:

  • Regular table vinegar is a great helper in solving the problem of staining shoes inside. And all because acid is an excellent fixative. To use vinegar, moisten a cloth with it and wipe the shoe inside, and then let it dry.

Important! Aerating the shoes in the fresh air will make it possible to get rid of the unpleasant vinegar smell.

  • Ordinary medical alcohol can also help with shoe processing. To do this, a rag in alcohol is also wetted and the inside of the shoe is rubbed.

Important! In using this tool, one thing must be taken into account: alcohol does not fix the paint, but rather serves as a washing agent.

  • If shoes dye their feet - what should I do? To fix the color of the shoe lining will help hair spray, which can be bought at any store. As in the previous methods, it processes the inside of the products.

Important! The varnish is able to wash off, so it is worth considering that for the winter-autumn period this option is inappropriate.

  • Talc can also help to cope with this problem. Just rub it into your shoes, and then gently remove whatever is left.

Important! Instead of talc, you can use starch.

  • Burdock oil can also be used to treat the inside of shoes. After processing, wait until the oil is completely absorbed.

Important! It must be remembered that any treatment should be carried out on condition that the shoes are completely dry, otherwise the effect of your efforts will not be.

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General recommendations

In order for the problem of dyeing of hosiery to not arise, it is worth listening to some recommendations:

  • If you suffer from excessive sweating of the legs, then it is worth buying special medications. With their help, you reduce or completely get rid of sweating, so that the problem with coloring your legs will disappear.
  • Try not to allow water to get inside the shoe. Especially if you know that a couple can paint their legs. That is, do not wear it in rainy weather.
  • Creams and paints for shoes are better to buy exceptionally good quality. Do not skimp in order not to regret in the future.
  • If the legs are still painted, then to get rid of the paint, you can use acetone, alcohol or nail polish remover.

Important! If you used chemicals to wash your feet from the paint, then after that it is better to moisten the skin of the feet with cream.

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Now you know what to do if the shoes are painted inside, so do not rush to throw the shoes away. The above tips and tricks will help you deal effectively with this problem.


