The skin on the face is very flaky - what should I do?

Peeling of the skin on the face is today one of the most common cosmetic problems. Various reasons can provoke this problem - internal or external. First you need to understand why the skin on the face is very flaky. What to do in each individual situation - we will prompt in this article. Effective recovery procedures can be carried out independently at home, but in severe cases you will have to use the services of a cosmetologist or doctor.

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Causes of Exfoliating Facial Skin

If the skin on the face is peeling, then you need to think about your health, because this is the first sign that some kind of malfunction has occurred in the body.

Most popular reasons:

  • Perhaps this phenomenon caused improper skin care or cosmetic procedures were carried out irregularly. If this problem appears after using some new cosmetics, it will be enough just to change it and there will be no need to seek help from specialists.
  • Often the skin on the face peels in the winter, which is a reaction to wind and cold.

Important! To solve the problem, you need to use saturated moisturizers daily. But you need to apply the drug no later than 40 minutes before going out, otherwise there is a risk of aggravating the situation and causing even more peeling.

  • Peeling and redness of the skin may indicate the presence of hidden internal diseases that require treatment.

Important! When the skin on the face peels excessively, and there is also a feeling of itching, inflammation appears. All of these can be signs of a serious illness - for example, eczema, seborrhea, etc. Treatment can be carried out exclusively by an experienced dermatologist. While taking medications, the skin may peel more strongly, redness appears, but this is a normal reaction, as the body is cleansed and improved.


External factors

If the skin on the face is very flaky - what should I do? We understand further with the reasons, because the following factors can provoke these phenomena:

  • Unbalanced or malnutrition.
  • Exposure to dry air.
  • Use when washing too hard water.
  • Long exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  • The problem may be the result of a recent mechanical cleaning of the skin.
  • Frequent skin contact with synthetic or hard tissues.
  • Improper personal hygiene.
  • Use of poor quality caring or makeup products.

Intrinsic factors

It is much more difficult to accurately understand the internal causes, due to which the skin on the face can excessively peel. These include:

  • Lack of fluid in the body.
  • Unbalanced diet.
  • Deficiency of vitamins and minerals.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption.
  • The presence of bad habits, such as smoking.
  • Weakened immunity.
  • The manifestation of an allergic reaction.
  • Lack of physical activity.
  • A variety of chronic skin diseases (lichen, eczema, etc.).
  • Frequent use of sparkling water, sweet, caffeine.
  • The presence in the daily diet of a large number of fatty, fried, salted and smoked foods.

Important! These causes provoke a problem in both women and men.If the above factors are eliminated, then the question of why the face is very flaky what to do at home disappears by itself.

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Salon treatments for skin peeling

If the epidermis on the face peels due to heredity or diseases of the internal organs, do not try to fix the problem yourself. Here you need to seek help from specialists who are able to prescribe the right treatment and advise on effective cosmetic procedures. As a treatment, the following may be prescribed:

  • A cream with 5% hydrocortisone for treating problem areas for two weeks (no more, because the drug is addictive).
  • Pharmacy masks using aquaphor (also based on hydrocortisone).
  • Preparations containing dexpanthenol.

Of salon cosmetic procedures that can eliminate severe peeling of the skin, they can advise:

  • Fruit acid peeling.
  • Mesotherapy based on preparations containing hyaluronic acid.
  • Various intensive moisturizing programs.
  • Biorevitalization.
  • Software peeling.

Important! Even if you are afraid or do not trust the salon procedures that care for your skin, only a specialist after a thorough examination can tell you exactly how to fix the problem in accordance with the cause that caused it.

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How to eliminate strong peeling at home?

If the skin on the face is very flaky - what should I do? Home remedies and procedures can help alleviate the condition. To get rid of this trouble, it is necessary to carry out proper care:

  1. Do not use soap for washing: try to use special gels for these purposes that moisturize the skin.
  2. After washing, do not wipe your face with a towel - it injures the foci of peeling. Blot your wet face with a tissue.
  3. Immediately after washing, wipe the skin with a moisturizing toner and apply a moisturizer.
  4. Choose the line of cosmetics that will give the skin maximum hydration. Skin care products should not contain alcohol, which dehydrates the skin, and lanolin - they can cause allergies.
  5. 40 minutes before going out, always use a protective cream.
  6. Try to cover your face from the weather: in the summer with a wide-brimmed hat, in the winter with a scarf.
  7. In the room where you are most often located, there should always be fresh, slightly moistened air. To do this, do not forget to ventilate the room or place a container of water on a hot battery: evaporating, the air will become saturated with moisture.
  8. Drink more fluids.
  9. Increase the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.

Important! Adhering to these recommendations. Making sure that the skin of the face receives the necessary care, you will stop peeling and help to ensure that it no longer appears.

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Home Remedies for Peeling

When a face flakes up strongly - what to do at home? There are many different tools, among which are the following:

  • Washing with honey water. Mix honey with water, heated to a liquid state (approximately in equal amounts). Instead of the usual washing with water, use this product that fights well with peeling on the face.
  • Moisturizing olive-milk mask - warm oatmeal porridge cooked in milk (1 tbsp. Spoon), mix with the same amount of heated honey and olive oil (also 1 tbsp. Spoon). This mask eliminates dead particles quickly and gently.

Important! Oat flakes can be taken as an ingredient, not porridge, but before that they should be grinded in a coffee grinder, and then one egg yolk should be added to the mixture.

  • Homemade natural scrubs - you can take care of flaky skin without spending much time on it. Some products contain particles (pieces of zest, seeds) that eliminate peeling well. It is enough to wipe the skin with them once every two days.

Important! Such products include brewing black tea, coffee grounds, pulp of cucumber or watermelon, slices of green apple.

  • Vegetable-based milk mask - grind oatmeal in a coffee maker, mix 1 tbsp. spoon with 1 tbsp. spoon with freshly grated carrots, dilute with warm milk until gruel forms.

Important! Carrots can be replaced with raw potatoes, and milk with egg yolk or fresh cucumber juice: both the first and second moisturize the skin perfectly.

  • Masks based on dairy products - Mix 2 tablespoons of cucumber pulp without peel to a state of gruel with kefir or natural yogurt (without additives), cream or sour cream with a high fat content.
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Thus, if you are concerned that the skin on your face is flaking very much, what to do - you now know. Modern medicine and cosmetology successfully cope with such skin problems if the causes are recognized on time. If the problem is not too global, then folk remedies will help you - with their help you will look beautiful!


