Clean the microwave with citric acid

Every second apartment has a microwave in the kitchen. Quite often, owners set the wrong time for heating food. As a result, the device gets dirty from the inside, and flushing fat from the walls becomes problematic. Of course, in specialized stores protective caps on a plate with food have long been sold, which exclude such consequences. But what if there is no such protection in your arsenal? Experienced housewives know how to clean the microwave with citric acid or lemon. In this article we will talk about them.

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Microwave cleaning with lemon

There are two ways to clean your kitchen appliances using lemon. Both options take about 15-20 minutes to bring the device in proper form.

Method number 1 - lemon and water

To wash the microwave with lemon and plain water, you will need:

  • Mix lemon juice with water. To do this, cut the lemon into two halves and squeeze out each juice that is suitable for use in the microwave. Pour about 300 ml (a little more than a glass) of water into a container.
  • Heat the mixture in the microwave. To do this, put the capacity in the device and set the power to maximum. Then turn on the equipment for 7-10 minutes.

Important! After the liquid boils, steam will settle on the walls and top of the microwave.

  • Wipe the technique. Once the timer has worked, carefully remove the container. It is best to use a tack. Then grab a kitchen towel and clean your appliance. No effort is needed to do this - all contaminants are removed with ease.

After you have cleaned the microwave with a lemon, you just have to admire the results of your efforts. And as a pleasant bonus - you get an aroma of freshness and purity that fills the kitchen.


Method number 2 - lemon and soda

There is another proven way to clean your microwave. You can prepare a miracle cure as follows:

  • Fill the container with water. To do this, take a suitable dish (strong glass or thermoplastic) and fill it with water at ⅔ height.
  • Stir soda. Put 10 grams of baking soda in a container and mix thoroughly until completely dissolved in water.
  • Add lemon juice. To do this, cut the lemon into two halves and squeeze the juice from each into a container.

Important! Residues of citrus can also be added to the solution, previously chopped.

  • Preheat the mixture in the technique. Set the power to maximum and the timer to 15 minutes. Put the container with the product in the microwave and start the device.
  • Clean the camera. After the timer has worked, carefully use the oven gloves to remove the dishes and proceed to cleaning. To do this, you will need a dishwashing sponge, which you need to wipe all the surfaces inside the microwave oven.

You will find that washing the microwave inside with lemon is quick and easy.

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Microwave Cleaning with Citric Acid

Experienced housewives know that not only lemon serves as an assistant in cleaning kitchen appliances. The use of citric acid is also considered an effective way. For this you need:

  • Mix citric acid with water. Take a bag of powder weighing 20 grams and mix it until completely dissolved in 1 liter of warm water.
  • Heat the mixture in a microwave.Set the maximum power, set the timer for 15 minutes. Turn on the equipment, allowing condensation to collect on the surface of the camera.

Important! Be careful when choosing a container. The material of the dishes must be heat-resistant and suitable for use in the microwave.

  • Clean the microwave. After turning off the timer, the camera inside the device can be easily and simply washed with a kitchen towel or sponge.

This method of cleaning the microwave with citric acid is also very effective. Although the bonus in the form of a pleasant smell of lemon in the kitchen is missing.

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These methods of cleaning kitchen appliances are possible due to the moistening and loosening of fatty contaminants using water vapor. And lemon in this case gives a pleasant fresh aroma. There are several tips that hostesses share among themselves:

  • It’s best to get the inside of the microwave when cleaning the camera. So it will not cause inconvenience, and the tray itself can be easily washed under water with any cleaning agent.
  • To give the technique a truly brilliant result, you can use a special kitchen spray to clean the outer surface.
  • The remaining mixture with lemon juice can be used for other purposes. For example, they can wash the refrigerator inside and get the same pleasant citrus aroma as a result.
  • When taking a container of hot liquid from the microwave, be careful. In order not to get a burn, it is better to wait a couple of minutes until the excess steam comes out with the equipment door open.

In addition to advice, more stringent recommendations that hostesses give from their own experience are very relevant.

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  • Never cover the container with a lid. So you do not get the desired result. In addition, there is a great risk that the sealed container may explode.
  • Make sure that the liquid in the container does not boil completely. This is dangerous and may damage the container.
  • Make sure your equipment is not equipped with automatic ventilation. Otherwise, condensation on the surface of the chamber will not collect, and you will not get the proper result. In this case, you can dip a half of the lemon in salt, and then wipe the microwave chamber in this way.

Important! Be careful when using lemon juice. Their pH of 2.3 is comparable to that of vinegar. Therefore, if the mixture gets into the eyes, unpleasant sensations may appear. Be sure to rinse them with running water.

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We talked about the simplest and most popular ways to wash a microwave with lemon and citric acid. This will not take you much time and effort, it will only require compliance with some safety precautions.

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