Framed diamond embroidery design

Stone embroidery is a modern type of needlework for creating unusual paintings. Diamond mosaic or embroidery today is available for every needlewoman because of the affordable price and simple process. Images created using this method are distinguished by their luxurious appearance, original design and resemble bead embroidery. In order to learn how to quickly and correctly create unique diamond paintings, you need to carefully study the recommendations for this type of needlework, where the design of diamond embroidery in a frame plays an important role.
to contents ↑The process of creating a diamond embroidery painting
To make and create real masterpieces in the diamond mosaic technique, you must adhere to the following algorithm:
- First you need to prepare the workplace: properly direct the light, prepare all the materials and tools (diagram, rhinestones, tweezers), carefully consider the diagram.
Important! Given the fact that you have to use several colors of diamonds, matchboxes can be used to help. Pour into each individual box by color and place them close to the scheme.
- Next, you need to decide on the place on the diagram, which will be laid out first. The numbers of the pebbles should be written on the squares - they must be used in this place of the picture.
- Then you need to open the film in your drawing, exposing a small piece for work.
- Now you need to take one crystal out of the box with tweezers, glue it very carefully into place on the diagram.
Important! To make the image perfectly smooth, each pebble should be clearly in place. With tweezers, you can adjust the crystals, helping it stick to the base more firmly.
- If the crystal has an uneven square shape or its side has a slight flaw, it is better not to use such a rhinestone, otherwise the final appearance of the picture may deteriorate.
to contents ↑Important! Mosaic or embroidery with rhinestones takes a lot of time, and sometimes it may take a couple of hours to work. Everything will depend on the size of the picture and the experience of the craftswoman.
Making a picture step by step
Manual work can also be done and completed on your own, designing a diamond embroidery in a frame at home. Passepartout will give the image completeness, and transparent glass with a beautiful frame will emphasize the richness and sophistication of the wonderful diamond technique.
In order to draw and assemble the canvas into a baguette yourself, you need to prepare the following:
- Plywood or thick cardboard.
- Double-sided tape or PVA glue.
- Rubber roller to align the wallpaper.
- Frame with glass for a picture.
The sequence of work is as follows:
- In order for the canvas with the image to fix well, glue it on plywood using PVA or double-sided tape.
- Next, glue the adhesive tape over the entire surface of the back wall of the canvas, take measurements with the surface of the plywood. If the sizes match, then carefully peel off the adhesive tape, fixing the picture on a hard surface.
- Now, very carefully walk with a rubber roller over the entire surface of the work to perfectly align the canvas, once again secure each crystal.
Well, now you can safely enclose your diamond embroidery in a picture frame.
to contents ↑Masters note:
- If the needlewoman has experience in using a needle for embroidery with beads, then she may make some mistakes in the process of working with diamond embroidery. By embroidering with beads, the craftswoman works from right to left, creating even rows - this is required by the embroidery method. However, in diamond embroidery you need to glue rhinestones from left to right. Thus, they will lie more evenly, and the image will take a more regular shape and shape.
- Working with tweezers is somewhat different from owning a needle with a thread, you need to get used to it. After a few minutes of fruitful work, the needlewoman will skillfully work with this tool.
- For more convenient work with round rhinestones, a white pencil is usually embedded in a set. With it, it’s easier to take one pebble and glue it in its place in the picture.
Important! The pencil is more convenient for round rhinestones, and it is better to take square stones with tweezers.
- Some sets come with an iron ruler, which is needed to align the rows with glued rhinestones. When a row is laid out, it is necessary to correct it with a ruler, in case of deformation - to shift, correct. To make diamonds easier to move, do not initially fasten them strongly. After the needlewoman sees the desired result, you should well press the rhinestones, using the upper film for this.
- Rhinestones need to be glued butt, pressing them tightly to each other so that there is no empty space and the fabric does not glow.
Stock footage
Now you know how to create and design your own diamond mosaic paintings. “Embroidering” diamond paintings is a great pleasure. This activity perfectly distracts from bad thoughts, helps to relax and calm nerves.
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