DIY desktop organizer

To organize all things, to keep your house clean and tidy, special devices are needed to store different things. Some of them can be bought in the market or in the store, but a really interesting and original thing can be made independently. Having made the organizer on your desktop with your own hands, you will get a wonderful little thing that will organize your stationery on the table and save money.

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Carton Paper Organizer

To make a beautiful organizer for storing papers, you need the following:

  • 3 cartons of pasta or cereal.
  • Colored paper (you can use wallpaper).
  • PVA glue.
  • Scissors


  • Take the first box, cut diagonally its upper part.
  • Next, take the next one and cut a larger part from it to make a ladder when you combine it with a larger package.

Important! It is advisable to compare the size of the subsequent packaging with the size of the previous one.

  • Take the third package, cut, also diagonally, a piece of an even larger size.
  • Combine all three cut packages, gluing them together so that you get a “ladder”.

Important! Can be used for gluing tape.

  • If you wish, paste the entire structure with colored paper or wallpaper to make it look more aesthetically pleasing. You can also decorate it to your liking.
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Juice Box Organizer

In order to create a do-it-yourself desk organizer from a cardboard box made from juice, you need the following:

  • Empty cardboard box made from juice.
  • Twine.
  • Stationery knife.
  • Hole puncher.

Production Sequence:

  • Wash and dry the juice container thoroughly.
  • Using a clerical knife, cut a rectangular “window” on one side (the length of the “window” is the entire length of the box, the width is a third of the width of the box).
  • In the central part of the package (along the “window”) make a series of holes with a hole punch.

Important! The amount of these holes will depend on the number of pens and pencils that you intend to use.

  • In the upper part of the box (where the lid used to be), cut a hole into which you can later paste glue stick.

Important! If this is not the case, then pencils or pens can also be inserted there.

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Some more ideas

Do-it-yourself organizer on your desktop is a great opportunity to organize stationery and other necessary things so that they are not scattered around the table. To create an interesting thing, you can use one of the following ideas.

Option 1

It is very easy to make a cute fixture out of cardboard boxes. Material for such crafts can always be found - there is always plenty of it in any kitchen. And there is almost no hassle - just cut openings in boxes, assemble them in the desired design, paste over it with beautiful paper or paint with markers.

Important! You can put pens into toilet paper sleeves.

Option 2

In the drawer of the table you can make an interesting container for small items. To do this, cut the shoe box into cardboard sheets and glue them so that cells form.

Option 3

Wall accessories for storing trifles also look very stylish. To create them, you need to make cardboard triangles using the origami technique and hang them above the table.

Option 4

If you can sew, then a beautiful organizer can be made from scraps of fabric by sewing them like pockets to a piece of fabric.

Option 5

Glass or tin cans themselves look interesting. But you can somehow paint them and draw them together.

Option 6

If you have old unnecessary books, then you can also create an interesting thing from them, for example, a casket for storing various little things. Take one such book and carefully cut out its inside. Then glue it well and decorate it somehow beautifully - you can paint or paste over with colored paper.

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In fact, there are a lot of ideas for creating an organizer for a table with your own hands. We have presented you only some of them. But with a little imagination and effort, you can do a really beautiful and original thing that will decorate your room and arrange stationery on your desktop.

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