Basic Skin Care Rules

Every woman always wants to look attractive. This effect can be achieved thanks to stylish clothes, hairstyle, makeup and beautiful healthy skin. If there are various rashes, peeling and other imperfections on the skin, this is a clear sign of improperly selected care that will not hide any makeup. We will tell you the basic rules of skin care, which will help to cope with common problems, as well as prolong youth.

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General skin care rules for absolutely any type

In order for your skin to be even and smooth, it does not have various peeling and inflammation, you should adhere to the following rules every day:

  • Take care of your skin. It should not be rubbed with a hard bath towel. It is better to use soft terry cloths and remove excess moisture, wiping exclusively along the massage lines.
  • The skin should be moisturized. To do this, use moisturizing cosmetics and visit the sauna at least once a week.

Important! The main factor that affects skin hydration is the amount of fluid you drink. The norm is about 8 glasses per day of purified drinking water.

  • Always take care of elasticity. For this, it is necessary to increase the amount of consumption of products that contain estrogens. In addition, you should use a cream with the presence of hyaluronic acid in the composition, which will provide your skin with additional elasticity and moisturize it.
  • Protect your skin from UV rays. Choose cosmetics with UV filters that protect your skin from excessive drying from the sun or wind.
  • Do not abuse sweets. In practice, it has already been proven that sweets negatively affect not only the figure, but also the health of your skin. Excessive consumption of sugar causes various inflammations and accelerates the process of loss of elasticity and premature aging.
  • For a smooth and supple skin, you should daily use in your diet products that contain Omega-3 polyunsaturated acids in their composition. They are mainly found in fish, nuts and seeds.
  • Always choose cosmetics that are designed specifically for your skin type.

Important! An improperly selected remedy can cause various inflammatory rashes.

  • Always pay attention to the expiration dates of cosmetics, as an expired cream will not bring any benefit to your skin.

Important! Skin care should be regular. Therefore, in order not to get confused and not to forget any procedure, make a plan and stick to it.

  • Try to apply light makeup with a minimal amount of tinting agents.
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Determine your skin type and proper care

The key to beautiful and healthy skin is the correct determination of its type, respectively - well-chosen cosmetics. The skin can be of the following types:

  • Normal This type is quite rare and mainly characteristic of children. It is characterized by a straight face, the absence of various rashes and oily sheen.
  • Dry. This type is visible from afar, since such skin is rather thin, various peeling often appear on it. Dry skin should be intensely moisturized with special cosmetics.
  • Oily.It looks rather dense and has pronounced enlarged pores. This type of skin often has an unhealthy oily sheen and various rashes.
  • Combined. This type is characteristic in that it combines areas of dry and oily skin. Its main features are enlarged pores in the T-zone and the periodic appearance of comedones and black dots.

Important! Pay attention to the fact that sometimes cosmetics can also cause allergic reactions. To avoid this, before applying a new cream or lotion, first test it on a small area of ​​the skin.

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The main stages of skin care

Regardless of type, the skin care process should include the following steps.


You need to clean the skin in the morning and evening.

Important! Morning cleansing will prepare your skin for applying makeup, and in the evening - for further procedures.

During this stage, dead flakes of the stratum corneum, excess sebum, makeup residues, dirt and residual bacteria waste products are removed.

Important! When washing, regardless of skin type, the use of soap should be avoided, as it causes dryness and irritation. Today, there are many different mousses, gels and foams that do not violate the acidity of the skin and do an excellent job with their cleansing function.


After the face has been cleaned, it must be wiped with a tonic or lotion. Additional skin toning moisturizes its surface and removes impurities, has an anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect, normalizes acidity, and tightens pores.

Moisturizing and nutrition

The basic rules for skin care include such procedures:

  • Day cream should be applied in the morning, both before applying makeup, and without it. Thus, a film forms on the surface of the skin, which protects it from the effects of various meteorological environmental factors.

Important! The use of a day cream prevents the loss of moisture from the surface of the skin and helps to maintain its moisture.

  • For evening care, a night cream should be used. For daily application, it is not suitable, since it is too oily. It must be applied 1-2 hours before bedtime. If the cream is not absorbed, then the excess should be wet with a dry cloth.

Important! Night cream should not be applied to the skin around the eyes, as it is too “heavy” for this area.

In addition, an additional 1-2 times a week should carry out auxiliary procedures - peeling with a scrub, applying masks. A scrub will help you remove dead cells, and a mask will perfectly moisturize, rejuvenate, relieve inflammation and nourish your skin.

Important! To achieve the best effect, try to use cosmetics of the same brand.


Personal hygiene

Adhering to the basic rules of skin care should not forget about personal hygiene. Indeed, very often, if a pimple pops up on our face, we are in a hurry to squeeze it out right away. This should not be done, especially with unwashed hands, since they have a large number of microbes, bacteria. Therefore, starting any manipulations, you should definitely wash your hands, and treat the area of ​​inflammation with an antiseptic.

Important! Pay attention to the fact that squeezing a pimple, you do not eliminate all the pus to the end, but simply injure the skin. Subsequently, scars appear on the surface, which are rather difficult to remove or mask.

Apply makeup correctly

Sometimes applying makeup, many of us break the basic rules, as a result, the skin suffers. For example, during the day, every woman adjusts her makeup, and for a perfectly even tone, she puts a new layer of tinting agent over the old one. This can not be done, since such actions lead to blockage of the pores, their further expansion and the appearance of black dots.

Important! If you have oily skin type, it is better to replace the powder with matting wipes to correct makeup.In addition to removing oily sheen, you also get a caring effect.

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Skin Care May Be Budget

In order to adhere to the rules of skin care, you do not have to purchase expensive cosmetics. You can get salon care at home, using the products that are in your refrigerator.

We bring to your attention several proven options that will help save money and keep your skin always in good shape:

  • You can remove makeup using vegetable oil. To do this, apply it to a cotton pad, wipe the face.

Important! Try to choose an oil that, in addition to removing impurities, will also have a caring effect, such as olive or almond.

  • If the water in your water supply is hard, it can be softened for washing. To do this, boil the required amount with the addition of lemon juice, glycerin.
  • From a decoction of parsley and cucumber juice, you can make ice cubes, which have an excellent property of narrowing pores.
  • If the room where you are air is dry, then your skin requires additional hydration in the form of spraying with thermal water. An excellent budget analogue will be spraying with mineral water.
  • For additional rejuvenation, the fight against excess wrinkles, honey nourishing masks should be done in the evening.

Important! Pay attention to the fact that honey is an allergenic product, so if you are prone to various allergic reactions, it should be replaced with olive oil.

  • Various fruit masks, for example, banana, have excellent caring effects. To do this, use a blender to beat the banana in mashed potatoes, then apply it on a previously cleaned face, leave it for 15 minutes.

Important! An ordinary baby cream can make an effective care product. To do this, add a few drops of vitamin A and E.

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As you can see, the rules for facial skin care are quite simple and will not take you too much time and effort. But if you follow them, you will get healthy and radiant skin, without rashes and peeling. And beauty is the main weapon of every woman.

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