DIY aquarium lighting

Aquarium is one of the most impressive and brightest decorations of each interior. Unfortunately, it cannot do without additional lighting. This is due to the fact that daylight is simply not enough for its residents, even if the aquarium is placed by the window. In addition, a properly designed mini-pond will be an excellent source of additional illumination in the house. We will tell you how to make lighting for the aquarium with your own hands, so that it perfectly suits your water pets and harmoniously fits into the overall interior.
to contents ↑Why is light needed?
According to the laws of nature, an ecosystem forms in the water column, based on which there is a close relationship between aquatic plants, various microorganisms, and its other inhabitants. As for fish, this is the last link in this ecosystem, which also requires the presence of an additional light source for normal life. In addition, light plays a huge role in the development, activation of growth and reproduction of aquatic plants. This is due to the process of photosynthesis, during which plants process carbon dioxide, which is located in the water column. Thus, water is enriched with oxygen, which fish breathe. If there is not enough light, then the plants begin to fade and cease to multiply.
Important! Pay attention to the fact that green and purple aquatic plants in the aquarium do not absorb the entire spectrum, but part of the range.
In order to make a lamp for the aquarium with your own hands, it should be borne in mind that different types of lamps emit different spectral ranges. That is why it is very often used for additional lighting of the aquarium, a combination of them, rather than separately.
to contents ↑Important! In the cold season, with the help of additional illumination, the duration of daylight increases. But lighting the aquarium is not recommended for more than 10 hours, so the light should be turned off at night.
How to determine if there is enough light for the inhabitants of the aquarium?
The main sign of good illumination of the aquarium are plants of saturated green color, with various shades of yellow, purple and brown. Fish, in turn, are active and playful, and their scales will shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow.
Important! Due to the violation of the eco-balance, which depends on the purity of the water and proper lighting, the water begins to bloom and becomes dull green. Accordingly - the fish lack oxygen, they begin to actively grab air at the surface.
If after installing additional illumination after 2-3 months, the inhabitants of the aquarium feel comfortable, this means that the lighting was installed correctly.
to contents ↑Important! Sometimes, in order to enhance the effect, diodes of blue and green colors are added to the backlight. It is used solely for decorative purposes. Unfortunately, such lighting is often not recommended to be turned on, since it negatively affects the photosynthesis of plants and inhibits fish.
How to calculate the lighting power?
In order to make the aquarium illumination with your own hands, you must first calculate the lighting power, since the livelihoods of its inhabitants directly depend on this:
- The standard is the total power of all LED lamps about 1 W, but the amount of water should be in the range of 20 liters-2 tons.
Important! 0.2 W LEDs are mainly used to illuminate the aquarium.
- As for a more accurate determination of the number of lamps, there are quite complex calculation formulas. For example, an aquarium with a volume of 200 liters will need an LED strip with the number of paws of 30 pieces or individual point LEDs of about 25-40 pieces and a power of 3 watts.
- In practice, the ratio of 0.5 W per 1 liter of water is considered the most correct. But it, unfortunately, is not accurate, since the higher the walls of the aquarium, the more difficult it is to illuminate the water column at the bottom. In addition, you can visually define this parameter. Plants should be lit evenly and to the bottom.
to contents ↑Important! Please note that the spectral range of lighting with LED lamps is of great importance for the inhabitants of the aquarium. This is due to the fact that they use a purple-blue and orange hue. Therefore, combining fluorescent lamps and LED lighting, you can get a full-fledged backlight that will be comfortable for all residents.
Choosing aquarium lighting
Most often, the following types of lighting devices are used to illuminate indoor mini-ponds.
Halogen lamps
They are quite economical, shine brightly, while emitting a little heat. Such lamps are made on the basis of mercury, so they are rarely used for lighting aquariums. But as an alternative to incandescent lamps, halogen ones will be quite appropriate.
Conventional incandescent lamp
It gives a yellow spectrum that is acceptable to the inhabitants of the pond. Unfortunately, this spectrum is not enough for tall aquarium plants. As for leafy ones, under such lighting they gradually fade and turn pale.
Important! If the incandescent lamp shines too brightly, then the water begins to bloom.
Such illumination additionally heats water and glass, thereby creating discomfort for the fish. Therefore, an incandescent lamp is not recommended to be used as an independent lighting device, but it is better to combine it with others, for example, fluorescent ones.
They are quite durable and economical. Due to the fact that the light from such lamps is scattered, the lighting spectrum also becomes wider. The aquarium needs a standard proportion of 0.5 W / liter, and several additional bulbs are placed along the entire length of the aquarium.
Important! For the Dutch type of aquarium, with the presence of lush vegetation, choose incandescent lamps with a capacity of 1800 K and 1200 K.
LED bulbs
This is the best option. This is due to the fact that they are economical, while not warming the water. Making LED lights in the aquarium with your own hands is easy. The scattering will be more uniform, due to which the lamps do not harm plants and do not cause discomfort in fish.
Important! Due to the large assortment of different colors, you will have the opportunity to combine and create a variety of design effects.
LED Strip Light
It is mainly used as an additional element for lighting an aquarium. Due to the lack of spectral range, LED strip should be combined with other lighting devices.
to contents ↑How to install lighting for an aquarium?
- It is best to set the lights on top and near the front wall of the aquarium.
- In addition, it looks very organic when home ponds are mounted in cabinet furniture, and the lid for feeding fish is placed on top.
- Also, the original solution will be special whatnots, which are made of a profile with backlighting in front.
- Quite often, special cabinets are used as a stand, where the backlight is made in the form of a cover.
Important! If the lighting is mounted above the aquarium in a cabinet, then it should be covered with glass for the duration of the installation so that nothing gets into the water and does not bother the fish and other aquatic inhabitants.
To optimize the consumption of electricity, a special thermal relay is placed on the heaters, and an electric timer is placed on the lighting, due to which they turn on and off the light without additional human intervention.
to contents ↑Important! When installing the aquarium lighting with your own hands, it is very important to consider the origin of its inhabitants. For example, tropical fish need warm water and long-term lighting.
How to make a LED lamp for the aquarium with your own hands?
You can make your own LED lamp for a home mini-pond in two ways.
Method number 1
This is the simplest option in which you can equip a lighting cover equipped with special bulbs. To do this, it is necessary to fix a white LED strip around the perimeter. Due to this, you will get the optimal spectrum and uniform illumination.
Important! For these purposes, it is best to use a plastic-dipped self-adhesive LED strip.
Such lighting is often used for decorative purposes. Unfortunately, it cannot be used as an independent source of lighting for the aquarium.
Method number 2
It consists in collecting full-fledged LED lighting for an aquarium of sufficient strength without connecting additional generators and sophisticated equipment.
Important! For an aquarium of 200-300 liters, 120 watts is considered sufficient power. This implies 40 spotlights of 3 watts each at 270 lumens. As a result, you get quite bright and full coverage.
The cost of this design varies, depending on the quality and price position of the LEDs and power supplies.
For self-installation of this backlight, you will need the following materials and tools:
- A set of LED lamps;
- 100 mm wide gutter plastic;
- Power supply 12 volt;
Important! You can use a computer power supply to make the lights for the aquarium.
- Soft wire with a diameter of 1.5 mm;
- 6 computer coolers;
- 40 pieces of seats for LEDs;
- Mill for machining holes with a diameter of 48 millimeters.
The sequence of actions is as follows:
- Cut 2 gutters equal to the length of the aquarium.
- Drill holes in a checkerboard pattern with a frequency of 1 meter 20 pieces.
- Insert the LED lamps into the finished holes, fix them.
- Connect all the lights to the power supply.
to contents ↑Important! Computer coolers are installed in the presence of large vapors and high heating of the lighting cover.
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In order for the inhabitants of the aquarium to delight you daily with their beauty and activity, it is very important to provide them with proper care, which includes well-installed lighting. Putting into practice the advice of our experts, you can correctly calculate the required number of lighting fixtures and their power, and your small home pond will become not only the main highlight of the interior, but also a favorite place for the whole family to gather.
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