Air freshener

How nice it is to go home when it smells of some kind of aroma. In this case, it doesn’t even matter if it’s the scent of vanilla, citrus or cinnamon. The smell is chosen by personal preference. But you must admit, there is nothing better when a lemon loop is floating around the house or smells of aromatic coffee. Today we’ll talk about a home air freshener: what it is and how to make it yourself.
to contents ↑Varieties of air fragrances
Having visited any supermarket, you will see how many different models of air fresheners are presented.
The most popular air fragrances:
- sprays in small spray cans;
- flavored toilet blocks;
- crystals with a pleasant smell;
- automatic aerosols.
Let's talk in more detail about each type
Flavored sprays in cans appeared the very first in the modern market. Other models are already more advanced. Using such devices is very simple - I pressed the button, and everything is fine. Such aerosols are most used in the bathroom.
Important! Air fresheners in cylinders are recognized as the most harmful in the whole world. Below we will describe all the negative qualities of this flavor.
Toilet blocks
World manufacturers present a wide range of toilet units. So, you can buy a fragrance in the form of balls, soap, gel filler in a square container and in the form of cubes.
Using these fresheners is also quite easy. The design is mounted on the toilet and it is located under the rim. After each flushing, the toilet cleans and the aroma spreads throughout the bathroom.
Important! The main disadvantage of this freshener is that the main substance should never be touched. However, a small number of people will want to open the unit and touch the substance.
Crystals with a pleasant aroma
The essence of this home air freshener is that the scented sticker is attached to a glass case, which in its design resembles a rectangular crystal. This fragrance is installed in any part of the house.
Important! The disadvantages include a sharp, specific smell, which is harmful to human health. That is why such fresheners can only be installed in rooms with excellent ventilation. For example, in the bathroom.
Automatic spray guns
An innovation that has appeared on our market is automatic air fragrances that are installed on the wall and sprayed at regular intervals.
to contents ↑Important! Each person can set the spraying interval. It can only be at night or in the afternoon, before coming home from work or at another scheduled time.
Harm of industrial air fresheners
More than eight years ago, scientists from around the world began researching all air fresheners. During the experiments, it turned out that 80% of all products in this category contain a harmful substance called phthalates. This component is used in construction, in the manufacture of adhesive solutions.
Important! Its main feature is that it adversely affects the reproductive system, that is, it can cause deformation of organs, which is very harmful for people, in particular for children.
Another negative factor of industrial aerosols is that they do not eliminate unpleasant odors, but only with the help of chemical compounds mask it.
Important! All substances that are sprayed in the air, when you press the air freshener, accumulate in our body. As a result, they adversely affect the state of internal organs, especially the kidneys, liver, brain, lungs.
Based on these negative data, more and more people prefer to make fragrances for their home on their own. This is because you know that the ingredients are completely safe and will not do you any harm.
to contents ↑DIY bathroom fresheners
Toilet air freshener is one of the most popular and common aerosols. We all understand that here without this device is quite difficult to do. But let's talk in more detail about homemade flavoring.
All odors that are present in the toilet have a saturated environment. That is why the toilet air freshener should be made of materials that can mask and completely eliminate the original aroma. In the fight against unpleasant molecules, essential oil will help us.
Important! The shops selling essential oils have a wide selection of different flavors. For the toilet, select more saturated and your favorite smells.
The easiest freshener
In order to make an air freshener with your own hands from essential oils, it is enough:
- drip the product onto a cotton pad;
- put it inside a small glass jar;
- Put near the heater, for example, a battery.
Important! When heated, the oil begins to evaporate into the air and aroma will stand out. From time to time, the fleece should be re-applied with ethereal liquid.
Essential oil spray
You can also make an aerosol with an automatic spray. To do this, you need an aerosol container, essential oil and water:
- Pour liquid into the spray bottle.
- Add flavor, shake and spread throughout the room.
You will now have an enchanting smell throughout the house.
to contents ↑Important! Essential oils can be absorbed into plastic, so when creating an automatic aerosol, give preference to glass bottles.
Making a gel-based air freshener
Gel-based home air freshener is the type of fragrance that is most popular with modern housewives.
Important! The basis of this “aerosol” is food gelatin, which can be bought at any store.
We make a gel air freshener:
- According to the instructions, we breed a pack of gelatin. For this purpose, it is worth giving preference to a package of 25 grams, and take 250 ml of liquid.
- Stir the gelatin in the water very well so that there is not a single lump.
- Add one teaspoon of glycerin to the mixture. Due to this component, your aroma mixture will not harden and subsequently dry.
- Add a couple of drops of essential oil - coniferous aromas and lavender are great.
- Add half a teaspoon of cinnamon.
- Add any dye if desired.
Important! You will get a moderately thick mixture, which must be stored inside a glass container open in the toilet.
Toilet Cleaner - Cubes
Surely, you saw on sale cubes for a tank that refresh the bathroom and at the same time clean the toilet. Now we will tell you how to do this, because in their structure, these are ordinary gel cubes.
To create gel cubes for the toilet, you need to do the following:
- Soak 15 grams of edible gelatine in one bowl.
- In another container, mix a tablespoon of table salt, a few drops of essential oil and half a glass of vinegar.
- Add a few drops of any color to the second bowl.
- Mix the two mixes.
- Put inside the ice container.
- Freeze.
- If necessary, throw one or two pieces into the tank.
to contents ↑Important! When using such cubes, each time you flush, you will have a gorgeous aroma, and the vinegar in the composition cleans the walls of the toilet.
Making soap freshener
Another variety of do-it-yourself air freshener is the creation of a fragrance based on children's solid soap.
Important! Such a flavor can only be used in special blocks that are mounted on the wall of the toilet.
To create a soapy air freshener you will need:
- vinegar;
- soda;
- baby soap;
- essential oil;
- glycerol;
- pure water.
Stages of making do-it-yourself air freshener from essential oils based on soap:
- Rub a piece of baby soap on a fine grater.
- Add vinegar and a little soda.
- The whole mixture will begin to hiss - do not worry, pour in the essential oil.
Important! For this purpose, use a little more flavoring to make the smell strong and pungent. In the finished product, the aroma will slightly decrease.
- Add some water. The consistency of the entire mass should be thick and uniform.
- Fill in the used empty block and allow to solidify.
to contents ↑Important! Flavored soap will be washed off gradually, it will last for a long time. With this use, microbes will die, the aroma will be wonderful. Another plus - this tool is very economical.
Baking Soda Flavors
When creating a toilet air freshener, it is worth considering the option of making baking soda. At the end of the process, these will be tablets that have disinfecting properties and can be used anywhere in the house.
To create such a fragrance you will need:
- one glass (250 ml) of soda;
- ¼ cup of citric acid;
- a teaspoon of vinegar;
- a few drops of essential oil;
- a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide.
To prepare the flavor:
- Mix all the ingredients into one mass.
- Spread on parchment paper in small portions - in size they should resemble large tablets.
to contents ↑Important! After a couple of hours, the solid flavor will be ready and can be used. To do this: put the “pills” all over the room and drop a few into the drain tank.
The most economical air freshener
For just a penny, you can create a real air freshener. Enough for this:
- Buy the cheapest toothpaste with a strong mint flavor.
- After that, pierce it in different places and place it in the drain tank.
to contents ↑Important! When washing off, the aroma will fall into the holes and wash out the paste from there. As a result of this, your bathroom will smell like menthol.
Stock footage
Create your own air freshener yourself from essential oils, and be sure that this tool is environmentally friendly. Moreover, all flavorings of this kind are several times cheaper in price than harmful analogues.
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