Wood concrete stairs

Concrete is the most popular material for the construction of stairs of any design: screw, mid-flight, half-turn, attached. In combination with metal fittings, it gives a high level of strength, does not respond to excessive moisture in the air and other atmospheric influences. However, the concrete staircase itself looks incomplete; there is no question of its aesthetics. That is why it is necessary to carry out finishing work, and best of all, natural wood will help. Wood concrete staircase finish gives the staircase an elegant look.

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Wood benefits

Cladding concrete stairs with wood is popular not only because of its spectacular appearance. Even for professionals, it is not always possible to bring out a perfectly even concrete surface - roughnesses remain, the height and depth of the steps are not the same, which means that the staircase has far from the best look.

Wood has several other important advantages:

  • On sale you will find a large assortment of breeds, which automatically implies a wide range of prices.
  • Panels made of this material can be easily and quickly mounted; wood staircases are available to everyone.
  • This material has a long service life and protects concrete from destruction.
  • Wood is a fairly lightweight material, which is important for low-rise construction.
  • It can be painted in any color, which allows you to adapt to completely different interior styles.
  • Wood has excellent sound-absorbing properties, respectively - muffles the sounds of steps.
  • This material is the most environmentally friendly today, in addition, it creates a unique atmosphere of warmth and comfort in any home.

The concrete staircase sheathing with wood, of course, has disadvantages:

  • Such a ladder is best not to be subjected to strong mechanical stress. Steps can simply crack from such loads.
  • Wood, as everyone knows, does not like water. Moisture resistance is small. If constant humidity is allowed, then the stairs quickly dry up and crack.
  • The choice of material must be approached wisely. If the wood used when decorating the stairs with wood was not well dried by the manufacturer, then it will give a strong deformation during use.

Important! Alternatives may also be considered. But experts still do not recommend them:

  • Laminate for such work needs to be chosen only of good quality. And as you know, quality cannot be cheap. As a result, buying a laminate will cost the same as buying a wood.
  • Experts do not recommend the use of plywood. When it is pressed in production, not very environmentally friendly adhesives and impregnations are used, which can give a pungent odor. Plywood is best suited as a wood backing.
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Wood selection

To finish the stairs with wood, various types of wood are used. It takes into account its main property - hardness:

  • Oak is the most popular finishing material. It is very hard and has increased strength, although it is affordable. Also, this type of wood gives the buyer the right to choose the right shade. Perhaps this is the best option for those who seek to make the staircase presentable externally, reliable and durable.
  • Larch can also be attributed to the leaders among finishing materials.It costs two times cheaper than oak, but at the same time it is not inferior to it in characteristics. It is just as strong and durable as the finish looks spectacular.
  • Ash is considered to be the most durable breed, in this regard, it even surpasses oak. With the assortment, everything is also in order - you can choose a beautiful shade with amazing drawings and patterns. Prices will also please buyers.
  • Beech is another natural material that deserves attention. Wood has a homogeneous structure, pleasant shades, low cost and excellent quality.

Important! Coniferous species and linden are not at all suitable for decorating a staircase with wood. They have a beautiful appearance, but they are too soft for flooring. Such a finish, if it pleases the eye, will not last long.

Often, exotic species of trees are used for cladding concrete stairs with wood. But if you are not ready to spend too much money, but at the same time want to get a beautiful product, opt for more affordable material.

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Wood concrete stairs

The whole process of arranging the finished concrete base to make it attractive can be divided into several stages.

Necessary materials

To decorate a concrete staircase with wood, you will need a standard set of construction and carpentry tools:

  • chisels, jigsaws and planers;
  • concrete bucket and putty knives;
  • level, tape measure and pencil;
  • screwdriver and puncher;
  • wood hacksaw.

Important! In addition, you will need mounting foam, gypsum putty, a sheet of plywood, wood chips and various fasteners.



  • First, measure the height of each step. If the differences are minor, then there is nothing to worry about. If the difference in measurements is palpable, then you will most likely have to do the formwork and fill the surface with liquid cement. This is the only way to level the surface before finishing the concrete staircase with wood with your own hands.
  • In order to make the formwork, we use a edged board or plywood. But it must be thick enough, at least 10 mm, otherwise - the material will not withstand the pressure of heavy concrete. The formwork must be set accurately, in accordance with the level and accurate measurements. Its edge should be flush with the future stage.
  • When the surface has become smooth, we make it perfectly clean. We remove dirt and dust. Then you need to treat your future staircase with a special primer. This will make the adhesion of the surface with glue more reliable and durable.

Important! Do not forget to read the instructions before starting work. The primer may be ready to work, or you may have purchased a concentrate - diluting it with water, you must observe strict proportions.

  • Doing the concrete stairs with wood with your own hands should not be done immediately on the cement base. We first process it with mastic. After we stack the plywood sheets. The base of this material should perform the leveling function, so lay out the sheets by level. If necessary, make a backing in places that fail, using slivers or rails. For greater strength, experienced craftsmen recommend the use of quick-mount dowels.

Important! Sheets of plywood coated with glue must be allowed to dry completely. This can take up to a day. Only then can we proceed to the next step.

Main stage

Now we will consider how to do the sheathing of a concrete staircase with a tree with our own hands. Provided that the previous step is completed correctly, the assembly of the finish layer will pass very quickly:

  • One of the options for attaching the steps is their laying on the kosour. To get a unique design on the frame, you need to supplement it with side pads.
  • You can also think of another way of fastening - even at the stage of pouring formwork. In this case, it is necessary to lay metal pins in concrete. They will become the main for the installation of steps, after the cement hardens, they will be securely fixed.
  • You can take into service and the easiest way to mount - with the help of "liquid nails." After putting the anointed part in place, it is better to press it down on top with something heavy and fix this position for a while to ensure reliable fastening. You can also use a nail mount or self-tapping screw.
  • Mounting steps on a metal base is quite popular with professional masters. Here the same technique is used as when installing profiles for drywall. Soft beams that seem at first glance provide a solid and stable fit. And the formed cavity can be laid with insulation so that the cold from the concrete does not pass to the front coating. It is also possible to lay in the frame the “warm floor” system.

Important! As for risers, they can be attached directly to concrete or on the frame. They can also be nailed to the steps above them above and below. With the right work you will receive a beautifully designed staircase that will hide the unsightly appearance of gray concrete and give the house an atmosphere of comfort and coziness.


Installation of fences

When decorating a concrete staircase with wood, different types of fences are used with their own hands - both by type and style. First you need to decide on the style of the fence - classic or modern:

  • If you want to use a classic railing when planking a concrete staircase with wood, then in this case, as a rule, a wooden railing is used - forged or wooden poles with cast balusters.
  • If you want a fence in a modern style, most likely, stainless steel fences, wooden with glass or wooden in a modern style, are suitable.

The railing is based on vertical racks called balusters. They are installed on the outer edge of the steps and can have the most diverse form:

  • Balusters can not be mounted at every stage. Then the space between them should be filled with inclined or cross-shaped decorative elements. The gap between balusters, fixed through two or three steps, can be filled with carved wood shields or decorative glass.
  • If you planned to install them at each stage, then the distance between them should be within 150-200 mm. For the safety of young children in the house, it is best to keep the minimum value. But in any case, it is necessary to firmly fix the position of the balusters on the stairs.

Important! Handrails, handrails, extreme and rotary support racks together form a single rigid frame:

  • Its strength should withstand the load when supporting an adult weighing 100-120 kg.
  • The height of the railing is calculated so that, together with the handrail, it is not less than 900 and more than 1000 mm. Then walking up the stairs will be not only safe, but also convenient.
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Sheathing a concrete staircase with a tree of her own is such a task for every man. You just need to know what materials and tools to choose, and during work to carefully and step by step follow all instructions from professionals.

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