Do it yourself fireplace

- What to use for fireplace decoration?
- Facing preparation
- Stitch Update
- Stucco decorative
- Do-it-yourself electric fireplace trim with drywall
- Fireplace decoration with natural or artificial stone
- Marble fireplace
- Do-it-yourself tiling of the fireplace
- Decorative tiles
- Wood fireplace mantel
- Flock coatings
- Stock footage
A fireplace that is designed to comply with all rules and regulations. for many years it will give owners warmth, comfort and decorate the overall interior. In order for such a design to be truly attractive and to be the main highlight of your home, it is necessary to complete the finish facing. We will tell you how to make your fireplace trim right, in the shortest possible time and with savings for the budget.
to contents ↑What to use for fireplace decoration?
Regardless of the type, each fireplace requires its own original frame, which must necessarily fit into the general interior of the room. For decorative finishing of these structures, most often used:
- marble;
- natural or artificial stone;
- textured plaster;
- tiles;
- tile;
- mosaic or tree.
to contents ↑Important! If you have not yet decided on the choice of finishing material for facing the fireplace with your own hands, then you should choose the one with which it will be easier to work with.
Facing preparation
Before you start decorating the fireplace, it is very important to carry out preparatory work. Thanks to them, the cladding process will be much faster, and the finishing material is securely fixed.
Regardless of what material you will work with, you will need such tools:
- Construction level (it is necessary for marking the surface and monitoring the evenness of the masonry);
- Notched trowel;
- Capacity for mixing solutions and formulations;
- Smooth spatulas of different sizes;
- Tile cutter;
- Rubber mallet;
- Rubber and metal grater;
- Construction pencil and ruler;
- Electric drill with different nozzles;
- Special inserts to ensure even seams;
- Rule
- Sander;
- Stitching;
- Sponge and soft rags;
- Metal brush;
- Knife for cleaning seams;
- Primer;
- Glue;
- Grout for joints;
- Heat resistant plaster mix.
Once all the tools and materials have been prepared, you can begin the preparatory work. The sequence of actions is as follows:
- Using a knife, deepen the seams by 12-15 millimeters.
- Clean the entire surface of the fireplace, including the seams of dust and small debris.
Important! If paint or whitewash has previously been applied to the surface of the fireplace, it must be removed with a metal brush.
- To improve the adhesion and better adhesion of the plaster, treat the surface of the structure and joints with a primer.
After that, you can already proceed directly to the decorative cladding. Next, we consider in more detail the possible types of decoration of the fireplace with your own hands.
to contents ↑Stitch Update
Sometimes it happens that after cleaning the masonry and opening its surface with a primer, the design has a fairly presentable and decent appearance. In this case, you can only update the joint repair material. To do this, you just need to dilute the heat-resistant solution and fill the joints using a construction syringe for these purposes.At the end, you just have to smooth the solution with the help of the joint and give the seams a more accurate shape.
to contents ↑Stucco decorative
This is the most budgetary and easiest option to execute, which is quite popular. This is due to the fact that plaster allows you to create many different decorative effects.
Important! For the final result to be even more original, you can paint the ready-mixed plaster solution with water-based paint of the desired shade.
In order to finish the fireplace with stucco with your own hands, you need to adhere to the following procedure:
- Make a mortar with plaster, add finely chopped fiberglass and salt to it.
- Clean the surface of the fireplace from dust and small debris.
- Close the seams to a centimeter depth.
Important! In order for the work to go faster and better, it is better to pre-melt the fireplace. Thus, the expansion of the material will occur, and you can close the seams tightly.
- Moisten the surface of the structure slightly, proceed with applying the plaster. This must be done using the spray method.
- After the first layer has dried, you can proceed to applying the finishing plaster. To do this, it is necessary to apply the solution to the surface and level it with a grater in a circular motion. If necessary - during operation, the fireplace can be sprayed with water.
to contents ↑Important! Pay attention to the fact that the thickness of the finish layer should not be more than 0.5 centimeters.
Do-it-yourself electric fireplace trim with drywall
In this case, the fastening takes place immediately on a pre-arranged frame.
Important! To ensure that the structure is stable, in the process of fastening vertical racks, pay attention to the fact that the joints of the sheets are neat.
The sequence of actions is as follows:
- Label the surface of the structure to further fix the profiles. The marking should be even and level.
- Next, in accordance with the marking, fix the frame racks. Secure with screws.
- Install horizontal frame elements between the uprights.
- Then proceed to the skin of the frame.
Important! For fixing drywall, use self-tapping screws and place them at a distance of 150 millimeters from each other.
- Moisten the tape in a gypsum mortar and seal the joints with it.
- Secure corners with metal corners.
That's all, you just have to decorate drywall with plaster or other material.
to contents ↑Fireplace decoration with natural or artificial stone
Decorative decoration with natural stone will be the best decor for fireplaces and will add luxury and sophistication to the interior. In addition, such coverage will last more than a dozen years.
Facing with natural stone must be carried out exclusively using special equipment. As for independent cladding without the use of special tools, in this case shell rock or limestone is most often used. In addition, in recent years, very often spend the facing of the fireplace with artificial stone with their own hands. Such a stone in appearance is absolutely identical to natural. You can buy it in the store or make it yourself.
Important! In order to make an artificial stone for decorative decoration, you need to mix the sifted sand with cement and dye of the desired color. Next, place the mixture in a silicone mold and wait for the complete solidification of the material.
Laying technologies are absolutely similar for both natural and artificial stone:
- Prepare the surface of the structure, remove dust and sand the brick.
- Use mastic or clay mortar to correct any bumps. Dry the surface completely.
Important! If the brickwork is uneven, then the clay mortar or mastic should be applied with a layer of more than 5 millimeters thick, and then leveled with a grinding wheel.
- Lay the stones on a horizontal surface in the order in which you will stack them. On the back, number.
- Preheat the fireplace to a temperature of 30-35 degrees.
- Cover the brick with a primer.
- Starting from the bottom row, lay the stone. To do this, apply glue to it and press firmly to the surface of the structure. Thus lay out the remaining rows.
- After the glue has dried, fill the seams with mortar and align with a spatula.
- Open the surface of the stone with varnish.
Marble fireplace
Such a decorative fireplace trim is a classic touch. This decoration method was used many centuries ago. To date, this tradition has not lost its relevance. Due to the fact that the color palette of this material is quite diverse, you can create masterpieces even at home.
The material itself is quite malleable, but it has high strength. Due to the fact that this stone has uneven geometry, it must first be folded first on a horizontal surface, depending on the shape and color, and then, using mastic, laid on the fireplace surface.
to contents ↑Do-it-yourself tiling of the fireplace
This is one of the most popular do-it-yourself decorative fireplace trim options. Most often, these types of tiles are used:
- Clinker;
- Majolica (pressed glazed elements printed on top);
- Terracotta (unglazed material);
- Porcelain tile.
The tile gained its popularity due to its wear resistance and resistance to various mechanical damage and high temperatures.
Important! When choosing a tile, always pay attention to the dimensions of the elements. Large ones are easy and quick to mount, but difficulties arise when fitting under niches and shelves. With a small tile, such problems will not arise, but you will have to spend much more time laying it.
In order to make a decorative finish of the fireplace with tiles, you must follow this sequence of actions:
- Clean the surface of dust and deepen the seams. If there is an old coating in the form of paint or decorative plaster, then it must also be removed.
Important! If you cannot remove the old finish, you can pull a metal mesh over it, fastening it with nails or self-tapping screws.
- Using glue, level the base and let it dry completely.
- Mark the surface of the structure.
- With a notched trowel on the back of the tile, apply the adhesive base and attach to the base. Gently tap with a rubber mallet.
Important! Tiles should begin to be laid from the bottom row.
- Remove the remaining glue without waiting for it to dry.
- Install 2 plastic crosses on the horizontal and vertical side of the tile. This is necessary so that the seams have the same size.
- Leave the finish to dry completely, for about a day.
- Scratch the seams with a mineral paste-like grout, and even them with a damp sponge.
- After the grout has dried, treat the seams with a dirt-repellent.
Decorative tiles
A fireplace with such a facing looks very elegant and original. For this decorative finish, both matte and glossy tiles with a variety of patterns are used.
Important! The main difference between tiles and tiles is the presence of rumps - a special box-shaped protrusion. Thanks to him, the tiles are fastened. In addition, they improve heat transfer due to the fact that they accumulate heat during the combustion process.
In order to make a decorative finish of the structure with tiles, you must adhere to the following procedure:
- Inspect and arrange all the elements in the sequence in which you will lay them on the surface of the fireplace.
- Using a grinder, adjust all the parts to one size and the shape you need.
- Fill the rump halfway with a mixture of brick debris and clay.
Important! It is always necessary to start laying out the tiles with corner elements.
- Insert a piece of metal wire into the rump, while making a slight bend up.
Important! To fasten the tile to the surface of the fireplace, use a wire with a diameter of 5 millimeters.
- Fill the rump full volume with a mixture of clay and brick debris.
- Lay the tile on the surface and press firmly. Hide the wire in the masonry seam.
- Next, lay out the remaining tiles according to the same principle.
to contents ↑Important! To connect the elements together, use P-staples.
Wood fireplace mantel
Mostly fireplace mantels are made from wood and decorative portals are also made. Most often, oak and mahogany are used for these purposes. Unfortunately, such a facing is quite expensive, therefore, MDF and fiberboard are considered a more budgetary option.
Important! When decorating with wood, be sure to first take care of fire safety. Therefore, all wooden parts must be treated with a special coating and protected to the maximum extent against sparks from the metal grill.
As a rule, such a construction cannot be completely finished with wood, since it looks rather rough. The most optimal option is the use of individual fragments. The process of decorating a fireplace with a tree consists of the following steps:
- Prepare the material for the frame on which decorative fragments will be attached. For this you can use wooden slats.
Important! If a natural stone or tile is already present in the decoration of the fireplace, you will need polypropylene plugs. They are necessary for unscrewing screws and other fasteners.
- Mark the surface of the fireplace.
- Using the drill bit, drill holes for fastening.
- Observing the markings, fasten the rails.
Important! All processes during the installation of the frame must be carried out exclusively with the help of a level.
- Using synthetic wood glue, attach wooden decorative elements to the finished frame.
to contents ↑Important! Please note that for the fireplace you need to choose a special synthetic glue with a high level of fire safety. For artificial or electric fireplaces, ordinary PVA is also suitable.
Flock coatings
Flocks is a fireproof and environmentally friendly coating. Due to the presence of acrylic flakes in the composition, you can get a surface that will simulate suede, stones and other materials. As for the color palette, it is so diverse that you can arrange a fireplace even in blue or yellow. In order to make a decorative cladding with such a coating, you need to apply glue to the entire surface of the fireplace and spray a flock over it with a spray gun. In the end, everything must be covered with a matte or glossy varnish.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Decorating the fireplace is absolutely easy. The most important thing is to choose the right material that fits perfectly into the overall interior of the room. And following our recommendations, the fireplace lining will turn into a creative process that will bring you only pleasure.
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