DIY folding bed

In any home, there is a piece of furniture that takes up the most space, of course, this is a bed. It is especially difficult for owners of small-sized apartments, so many of them prefer folding sofas. But in fact, in fact, no sofa is able to fully replace a comfortable spacious bed. It was for such cases that folding mechanisms were developed. Today we’ll talk about how to make a folding bed with your own hands.

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Do you need such furniture?

The lack of living space is a problem for many modern families. In small rooms it is necessary to place the entire set of furniture, which is not indispensable in everyday life. A do-it-yourself folding bed made at home will help to save living space and improve sleep quality. Of course, it is easier to visit the nearest furniture store and buy it there, but why spend the extra money, because you can do everything yourself? The work process does not involve any special difficulties, it is enough to be able to handle a specific tool, and the necessary components and accessories can be purchased on the market or in a specialized store. Like any other piece of furniture, this bed has its pros and cons.



  • Save time, hostess forces and free space. The upholstery when assembled does not accumulate dust.
  • Aesthetics. A large berth is perfectly masked when assembled under a dresser or wardrobe.


  • Difficulty in transporting to another place.
  • You will have to spend your free time and effort on manufacturing.
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What are folding beds?

Basically, such furniture is placed in cabinets, because it is intended to save free space. Before we consider how to make a folding bed with your own hands, drawings and diagrams, you should understand what similar designs are:

  1. Vertical beds. As a rule, place them in special niches in the wall. If desired, furniture can be hidden with colorful original murals. Such models are suitable for everyone, regardless of weight, height, age. They can be single or double.
  2. Horizontal models. This design assumes that near the wall instead of the headboard there will be a left or right side of the bed.

Important! More often, such options are used in children's rooms, because kids do not need too much space for sleep. This model is much easier to open than vertical.

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What materials are needed to work?

Before you make a folding bed with your own hands, buy all the necessary materials. Below we give an example list, which you can change depending on the current situation.

You will need:

  • For the manufacture of the frame, a wooden bar with a section of 40 to 40.
  • For crossbeams edged boards.
  • For the manufacture of sidewalls and backs furniture panels.
  • Plywood sheets.
  • Legs.
  • To attach the bed to the wall of the loop.
  • Mattress.
  • Folding mechanism.
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Main components

A special role is played by the mechanism for a folding bed with their own hands, as well as the mattress. In fact, such a piece of furniture is able to accept almost any kind of mattress, but it is better, of course, to purchase an orthopedic model.The mechanism for raising and lowering the structure, of course, is its most important component. The quality of this detail determines how easy and easy it is for you to hide the bed in a niche.

Important! If you give preference to the high version, then it will almost independently occupy its original position.

At the moment, there are three options for folding mechanisms:

  • Mechanical.
  • On gas shock absorbers.
  • On the springs.
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Self-assembly of a folding bed

If you plan a folding bed with your own hands, then if it is rationally placed, you can save a lot of space in the daytime, because it will practically not take up space.

For assembly, you will need a frame, a lifting mechanism, a bed. Make the bed according to this step-by-step diagram:

  • We start with the frame. It can be made in the form of a cabinet or any other piece of furniture that matches the design of the room.

Important! When choosing material for the box, remember that you will have to lift it after the main structure. And the wall to which you decide to attach the product must be concrete, able to withstand such a huge load.

  • Attach the box to the wall using the repeat axes and the top horizontal of the structure. The thickness of the walls located vertically should be 2.5 cm, and those that horizontally - 1.5-2.5 cm.
  • The frame will consist of a plinth and a thrust shelf. The back wall can not be done. If you consider that it is necessary in your case, then use chipboard plates.
  • Attach all parts with self-tapping screws, and they should be located at a distance of 25 cm from each other. Slide the back wall to the box until it is secured. It must be installed on a level floor.
  • Calculate the dimensions of the body, taking into account the dimensions of the mattress, the bed itself, the thickness of the back.
  • Take two side boards, a headboard and two backs to make a bed. Fasten the mattress to the bed with strong straps. The remaining parts can be mounted with mounting angles.
  • Connect the bed to the box using the lifting mechanism.

Important! It is better to give preference to a gas spring version of the factory production, so that you can fix the bed in the wall with your own hands in any position.

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Stock footage

Now you know how to make a folding bed with your own hands., therefore, it remains only to carefully study the recommendations and schemes. As a box, you can use the base from the old bed, thereby you will save a lot of time and effort.


