Mice repeller

Mice and rats are by no means the most harmless creatures, but some of the worst pests that can cause significant damage to your property and spread many infectious diseases. There are many different ways to deal with rodents. The most common today are mouse and rat repellers. How they work, how truly effective they are, you will learn from this article.
to contents ↑How to learn about rats in the house?
Initially, consider the main signs that rats live in your house. This is clearly evidenced by:
- cracked food packaging;
- dangling wires, holes in the floor, walls;
- strong specific smell;
- the so-called “treadmills", that is, the tracks of rats;
- the presence of dead rodents.
to contents ↑Important! Rats are most active at night, and excellent vision allows them to see well in the dark, respectively - to navigate in space no worse than during the day.
Ultrasonic repellers. Principle of operation
One of the most effective means of controlling these pests is the ultrasonic mouse repeller. It is he who prefers an increasing number of owners of private houses and industrial premises, when there is a problem of the appearance of rodents. The main reason is relative safety for humans with optimal efficiency.
Ultrasonic waves emitted from devices are reflected from solid materials, coatings, such as wood or glass, are absorbed by soft materials (curtains, carpets, etc.). These waves act on rodents, which makes them leave the territory.
to contents ↑Important! Ultrasonic repellers of rats and mice work from the electric network, and also have a fairly large supply of energy. Devices with an autonomous power supply can be placed in holes, in basements or in storage rooms.
Ultrasonic repellers. Benefits
Unfortunately, poisons, baits, traps for rats and mice are no longer so effective. Rodents learned to ignore such means, recognize poisons, and not respond to baits. That is why people are less and less likely to turn to similar methods of exterminating pests.
The traditional methods of control were replaced by a newer, but already proven and well-proven - ultrasound against rats. This device has a lot of advantages, the most important of which is a high level of environmental friendliness, safety, unlike other means of protection against rodents.
Other benefits of mouse and rat ultrasound scares:
- Efficiency. Rats cannot recognize ultrasound and therefore cannot but respond to it. Due to the fact that the device periodically changes the frequency of radiation, mice will not be able to adapt to it.
- Security. The use of ultrasound against rats is completely safe for humans, as well as for pets such as cats and dogs. But it must be borne in mind that such pets as hamsters, guinea pigs or rabbits can suffer. Therefore, it is advisable to isolate them during the scaring procedure.
Important! Newborn cubs cannot hear the first 2 weeks of life, that is, ultrasound will not affect them.
- Convenience.The mouse repeller does not malfunction office, household appliances, equipment.
- Harmless to the most rodents. The device is absolutely harmless to the animals themselves, since ultrasound does not kill them, but simply makes them leave the territory.
Ultrasonic repellers. disadvantages
As already mentioned before, there are a lot of advantages in the rat and mouse repeller, but like any other device, it is not ideal. The negative sides of this device:
- Price. It will be cheaper to buy poison for rats or to put bait, because a good, high-quality mouse repeller will cost a considerable amount of money, but not sky-high. It is quite accessible for owners of private houses, not to mention those who have the opportunity to equip industrial enterprises and warehouses.
- Wrong location. Judging by the reviews of buyers of mouse repellers, he did not help everyone. Increasingly, due to improper device selection or its incorrect location. If the room that needs to be cleaned of rats is large enough, then it is worth buying several small repellers - this is much more effective. Information about the power of a particular model, the area of its impact can be found in the passport data for the device.
Important! Do not fix this device near the heating elements, the room should not have fleecy carpets, as they absorb ultrasound.
- Fakes. On the Internet, in stationary stores, you can often find Chinese versions of the device. They are much cheaper and run on batteries. But their minus is that they function much worse, moreover, only at positive temperature. When buying an ultrasonic mouse repeller, you should be extremely careful, because no one is protected from fakes.
- The duration of the process. The result of the ultrasonic repeller appears after about 2 weeks, and in some cases after 4.
- Limitedness. Ultrasound does not penetrate dense walls and other obstacles.
Varieties of rat and mouse repellers
At the moment, you can find a lot of devices that scare away rats, mice. The most basic among them are:
- directly ultrasonic repeller of mice and rats;
- electronic device;
- combined action device.
Their main difference is a different effect on rodents.
An ultrasonic device acts under the influence of sound waves. Electromagnetic waves affect the nervous, auditory systems of rats. The result is panic, fear, excessive aggression, irritability in pests. After a week you can notice the first signs of the device, the maximum effect is observed after a week.
The action of an electronic device to scare away rats and mice causes panic in rodents, they completely lose their orientation.
Important! After connecting such a device, initially the number of animals may increase. Rats will run out of hiding and hiccup a way out.
The combination of these two methods can be traced in the combined action device. This device is maximally improved and practically devoid of flaws. With constant use, you can forever forget about rats and mice.
to contents ↑Popular Tornado Repeller Models
Ultrasonic devices that help fight rodents have been on the market for more than a year. During this time, a small list of models has developed that have proven themselves quite well among consumers:
- Repeller of rats and mice “Tornado”. This series presents domestic models of the Tornado 400-M. The principle of operation of these devices is that several repellers are simultaneously located in the same building, they develop a rodent resistant reflex of danger. As a result of this, rats and mice leave the territory within 5-20 days. After their disappearance, the device should be turned on periodically so that the rodents do not return again.
- Tornado 200. These models operate on battery power and are used to protect garages.Tornado 300 and Tornado 400 models are installed in warehouses, workshops and production facilities.
- Rodent repeller “Tarfun”. This model is the latest development, can be used in residential premises, and in garages, and in warehouses. In its design there is a microcontroller that changes the frequency and duration of the signal during operation. Rodents will disappear within 15-35 days.
Other rodent devices
No less common models of rat and mouse repellers are also:
- "Electrocat". This device is used to control rodents in domestic conditions. It can be used for processing apartments or offices. The area of action of such a device is about 200 m2.
- GRAD A-1000 PRO. This is one of the latest models of repellers, it has taken all the best qualities of previous models. The device is very popular among buyers, as it is proved in practice very high efficiency. The cost of such a device is quite high, but the result is worth it!
- “Riddexplus”. This device is designed to scare away not only rodents, but also insects. The principle of operation is practically no different from previous devices, but the radiation diameter is about 150 m2. The device can be purchased at a fairly low price.
- “Reject Pest”. Like the previous version, Reject Pest scares away both rodents and harmful insects. It is absolutely safe for both humans and pets. Working with such a repeller is extremely simple - just plug it into a power outlet and after a while the pests will leave your house.
Folk methods of fighting rodents
If for some reason you do not want or cannot use ultrasound to fight mice and rats, then there are folk remedies against rodents. The simplest and most affordable of them:
- Get a cat. A good cat will always be an assistant in the fight against rats and mice. As a rule, one such guard is enough for an apartment.
- Fight with odors. If you do not like cats, then there is another method to save your house from rodents - some pungent smells. Rats will scare away the aroma of mint, bay leaf, ammonia and acetic acid.
What to do then? To start, remove all the corpses. And to remove the mouse smell, any disinfectant is suitable.
to contents ↑Important! If you do not do this from the very beginning, then the corpses will begin to decompose, which will subsequently cause a terrible smell and can provoke many infections.
Useful Tips
Each of the known methods of fighting rodents is good and has many pros and cons. Anyone can choose the one that suits him. The main thing is not to forget about the correct use of various tools and safety rules.
And remember - it’s better not to get a problem than to solve it later. So that unexpected guests like rats and mice never bother you, always keep your house or any other room clean: remove crumbs and small food debris, because it was because of them that the rodents settled in your place.
to contents ↑Stock footage
We hope that all the tips from this article will help you to forget about rats forever and never return to this problem!
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