Poison for rats

Rats are very resourceful and inventive rodents. And given the fact that they adapt well to life and can easily settle in any residential building - the question arises: what poison is more effective for rats?

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Harm from rodents

If you have mice or rats in your home, start taking appropriate measures to get rid of them as soon as possible. These rodents carry many dangerous diseases, respectively, their proximity is extremely undesirable for humans in principle. Rats, like many other rodents, breed quite quickly, and therefore, they pose a great threat to pets.

Important! Rodents that live on the earth at the moment can carry up to 30 types of various diseases.

The rat is a carrier of infectious diseases. 9 of them are fatal to humans, namely they provoke:

  • typhus;
  • plague;
  • apseudotuberculosis;
  • fever
  • icteric leptospirosis;
  • cryptosporidiosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diphtheria;
  • skin diseases.

Important! The rat you are trying to catch can bite you and infect one of the listed pathogens. But you can also become infected with these diseases without direct contact with carriers. There are times when it is enough to contact with objects and products that have damaged rodents.

Based on this, the question of a humane attitude to rodents is losing relevance. Seeing spoiled food stocks, a broken cable or damage to your car, you will not want to give rodents a single chance. There is only one obsessive thought - how to poison rats at home and what poison for rats will be really effective?

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Determine the appropriate way to control rodents

There are a lot of ways to deal with nasty rodents. The use of a particular method is determined by a number of factors:


  • the availability of funds and devices, equipment;
  • security
  • the purpose of the premises;
  • validity periods;
  • scale of the rat invasion.

Important! Despite the fact that mice and rats belong to a number of rodents, fighting rats is much more difficult. It is these pests that are distinguished by high intelligence and may well bypass the bait if they feel an outgoing threat or have already seen the result of the experience of their relatives with any device or substance. Therefore, far from any poison for rats will be applicable in this or that case.

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The main types of poisons

There are many different suggestions on how to poison rats. All poisons are divided into several subspecies, which differ from each other by the mechanism of action, dosage and method of application. Consider the classification in more detail.

Inorganic poison

Such substances are based on compounds of zinc, calcium, aluminum and other metals, as well as lead and waist salts. Poisons themselves against rats have a rather “rude” effect and a very large dosage is required to get rid of the animal.

Important! They are used a little, as they cause increased harm to the environment. In most cases, they are used only against persistent rodents, which already have immunity against other types of poison from rats. Examples of such substances are: “Ratid-1”, “STOP Mouse”.

Organic matter

In such means of control as organic poisons for rats, a finer mechanism of action, due to which the dose is significantly reduced.They are not so harmful to the environment. It is this type of poison for rats that is most prevalent in the market.

Among organic things, it is especially worth highlighting anticoagulants. Their mechanism of action is that when a rodent enters the body, they block blood coagulation and after a few days the pest dies.

Important! This poison for rats has an undeniable advantage, they do not understand that death came from the poison, therefore they do not bypass it after the death of the first individual.

Many of the anticoagulants contain bromine atoms in their molecule. Examples of such substances include: “Tsunami”, “Ratindan”, “The Nutcracker”.

In addition to anticoagulants, there are other poisons for rats that differ in the mechanism of action - one of them is “Rat”. It causes respiratory arrest.

Important! The disadvantage of such substances is that pests quickly develop immunity to them.

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Choose poison

The abundance of various drugs of poison from rats causes mild confusion in many people. Questions arise: What to choose? What poison is more effective for rats? It is worth considering in more detail each of them.

Shop Poisons:

  1. "Tsunami". An effective tool, but not dangerous for humans and pets. The active substance in this case is bromadialion, but it also contains: antioxidant, attractant, bitrex and dye. Causes hemorrhages and bleeding. This poison is produced for rats in the form of tablets, ready for use.
  2. "Ratindan." Very toxic. Danger - for both humans and animals. Therefore, if you chose this method, it is better to temporarily get out of the bullying place. The active substance is diphecanin. Available in powder form, which is later mixed with bait.
  3. The Nutcracker is a ready-made poison bait for rats. It is a dense, dense mass of green. The composition includes the active component of brodifacum. This poison reduces blood coagulation, which causes hemorrhages and suffocation.
  4. "Storm". The active ingredient is floflocumafen. This tool has a mummifying effect and has a cumulative effect (it tends to accumulate).
  5. “Rat Death No. 1.” The active substance is brodifacum. It is an anticoagulant. The death of rodents occurs within a week after injury. It has the appearance of a dense mass.
  6. “Hunter Anti-Rodent.” The release is made in the form of edible briquettes. They are made from flour and cheese mass. The active substance is brodifacum. Like the previous poison from rats, it is an anticoagulant.
  7. "Alto". Available in several forms. The active ingredient is brodifacum. It is one of the most effective means.

Folk remedies

In addition to branded poisons against rats, there are also proven homemade products. The most effective:


  1. A mixture of alabaster and chopped cereals or flour. Pour the substance into a bowl and place water nearby. If the animal eats and drinks it all with water, soon the mixture will freeze in the stomach and cause death.
  2. Mixtures of gypsum and flour with milk or cement with the same ingredients have the same mechanism of action.
  3. Mix lime with sugar. Such a composition in the stomach heats up, which will lead to the death of the pest.
  4. Mix 1 to 1 sugar flour and baking soda. Soda, when interacting with gastric juice, will release carbon dioxide. And since rats do not know how to burp gases, they simply die from increased gas formation.

Important! Any of these mixtures can be dangerous for pets.

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How to poison rodents?

Now that we know how to poison rats, we need to figure out how to do it right. There are several rules:

  1. If you use a spray or aerosol, everyone must leave the room during bullying.
  2. Use a protective suit and gloves.
  3. Follow the instructions that are given for the selected type of poison.
  4. Do not place poison from rats on the floor, only on film or in plastic containers.
  5. Place funds on rodent roads.
  6. From the places where the grass goes, remove everything edible. Otherwise, there is a risk of poisoning yourself.
  7. Remove corpses immediately, pets can eat them or they will start to decompose, which is also an unpleasant sight.
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Now in your arsenal there is acquired knowledge on how and how to poison rats. You can choose the most suitable tool for your case and go on the pest warpath. We hope you come out of it as a winner!

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