Sheep wool - blanket

Being in a state of sleep, a person spends about a third of his life, but whether his sleep will be quiet or restless, largely depends on the correct selected irreplaceable bedding: a comfortable bed, a soft soft blanket and bedding. The choice of blankets should be given no less time than the selection of a comfortable, safe for health, mattress of necessary rigidity. In this article, we decide what is still better - camel or sheep’s wool, the blanket of which is on sale in an equal number of models.

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Choosing the right blanket for a great night's sleep

In stores you can find a large number of warm blankets with a variety of fillers - sheep and camel wool, cashmere, synthetics, bamboo, foam rubber and others. And each of these blankets will find a lover who will be completely right, because there is no one type of filler suitable for all people. But in order to have no understanding from the beginning which of this assortment is better, you just need to find out what distinguishes a sheep’s blanket from other analogues.

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Sheep Blankets - Basic Material Concepts

These blankets have a number of advantages, but there are also disadvantages, and they should be taken into account. The main features that sheep wool has, a blanket from it, are as follows:

  1. A blanket made of sheep’s wool is 2 times heavier than a product of a similar size, but woven from camel fluff. Despite this, it costs a lot less.
  2. A blanket made of sheep's skin can keep its original shape for a long time, and all thanks to its natural curled wool structure.
  3. The main advantage of a fleece blanket is its excellent thermal insulation. Such products are incredibly warm.

Important! What else you need to know before buying a sheep’s blanket is that it is impossible to wash it yourself. Even setting the delicate washing mode, it will be impossible to do this - it will immediately become rude and unsuitable for further use.

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Camel Wool Blanket

A blanket made of camel hair is very light, soft and, importantly, warm. Sleeps under it perfectly at absolutely any time of the year. Such a product breathes quite well and absorbs moisture perfectly.

The filler for camel wool blankets is notable for its heterogeneity, because it consists of hard hair and a soft down pad. Thanks to this, you can warm up under such a blanket in just a few minutes.

Important! Camel blankets differ in quality and softness, because so much depends on the age of the camel from which the wool was collected. In older adults it is coarse, in young ones it is thin and also soft. The older the camel will be, the more prickly the blanket will be from its wool, but such products are just a real find for those people who are prone to arthritis and arthrosis.

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Universal features of fine wool

Sheepskin has warmed man for a long time. Centuries-old selection has led to the emergence of unique merino sheep, famous for their surprisingly soft, durable wool.Huge herds of these amazing animals graze on Australian pastures, surrounded by farmers' care and a warm continental climate.

When the wool of these sheep becomes especially long and thin, and this in the spring, it is sheared, but exclusively from the withers of each animal. Wool is carefully sorted and collected. From it subsequently, blankets, and not only those that are excellent in their properties, are obtained.

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The structure and advantages of a sheep’s blanket

Fairly long downy fibers have natural curls that cling to each other, thereby forming a three-dimensional structure of a million air-filled pockets. Thus, elastic and soft natural batting is obtained, which in no case forms lumps and never gets off.

It is thanks to these structural features that the following irreplaceable qualities of sheep blankets are explained:

Thermal stability

From the course of physics, we know that air is characterized by its low thermal conductivity, it heats up very well and retains heat. A blanket made of sheepskin creates aura around a person that matches the temperature of his own body. It does not allow overheating in the summer, but also does not allow freezing in the winter.3101233


A blanket can absorb a huge amount of moisture, about 30% of its weight - this is about 15 times more than synthetic materials. With all this, it remains warm and dry to the touch.

Important! The product easily gives up all the accumulated moisture from the outside.

Internal aeration

Sheep blanket is incredibly airy and light. This is perhaps the most breathable of all currently known materials.

Important! The fire safety of the fabric is explained by the fact that there is absorbed water inside the fibers. In addition, each wool is covered with a special horn substance. In order for the fleece to burn, a higher temperature is necessary than for other natural fabrics.


The creation of a special aura also explains the healing properties of this material:

  • Merino products that give and maintain dry heat for a long time are indispensable for radiculitis, diseases of the joints and spine, bronchitis.
  • Woolen fibers in themselves contain animal wax - lanolin, it is used by pharmaceutical as well as cosmetic companies in order to create antibacterial creams and ointments. During heating, the microdoses of this therapeutic substance penetrate the human blood and heal it.
  • During the night, this blanket saturates the body tissues with necessary oxygen, which by itself improves metabolism, prevents skin aging, and removes puffiness.

Important! We can safely say that a sheep’s blanket is the most comfortable remedy against cellulite. In addition, it relaxes muscle tissue, which has a beneficial effect on the muscles of the heart, restoration of blood circulation, and a decrease in heart rate.


Sheepskin products are not electrified, do not accumulate dust, so this is the most suitable material for cots.


Inside the fine-mesh structure, there is a constant movement of air. This cleans the product from dust as well as sweat.

Hypoallergenic properties

A special processing of the material is explained by the fact that villi do not come out of the blanket from the sheepskin. Therefore, cases of allergy to sheepskin are extremely rare.

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Comparative analysis of products from different manufacturers

To understand what kind of sheep’s wool is used, which brand’s blanket will be of better quality, one must focus on the capabilities, reliability of a particular manufacturer. We offer you a brief overview of the most popular brands today:

AlViTek is a factory near Moscow that produces quilts from camel hair and down. The assortment includes both lightweight and warm models.One of the collections, for which there is a constant demand of consumers, is called “GOBI”.

  1. Aelita - quilts, ordinary and lightweight, enlarged in cotton covers, are produced in the city of textiles and “brides” - Ivanovo.
  2. Sahara - made from camel fluff and Karakum - camel hair. These are the most famous products that were produced by the Trinity Worsted Factory.
  3. Fleece is another of the well-known Russian manufacturers. Mark Karakum is a blanket with natural colors, which, undoubtedly, is a positive sign of quality.
  4. Dargez (Dargez) - a production line of stitched blankets, which are made of camel hair, fluff, presented in two collections at once: “Camel” - for children, “Sahara” - for adults.
  5. Lezheboka - the company produces quilts from the wool of a Mongolian camel.
  6. Tailak is a brand of all-season blankets of excellent quality with appropriate decorative elements, as well as constant healing properties.
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Now you have an understanding of whether it is worth buying a sheep’s blanket, how much it will be convenient, comfortable for you. Create yourself ideal conditions for relaxation, then every day you will be full of energy, strength, and a joyful mood will not keep you waiting.

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