Smells of sweat

Wet armpits with an unpleasant odor are the cause of many problems that affect both women and men. It can be difficult to choose clothes that do not leave wet traces. In addition, you smell bad not only you, but also those around you. Sweat itself does not have any smell, but it is a fertile environment for the reproduction of bacteria. The unpleasant amber is nothing but the waste products of these same bacteria. So, we will figure out what to do if the clothes smell strongly later.

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Causes of bad smell

Before you act, if any clothes smell later, you need to understand where this stench comes from. There may be several reasons - both quite harmless and serious:

  • Diet. For example, if you are a big fan of garlic and onions, then the smell from you will be appropriate.
  • Sometimes the reason that a person smells strongly of sweat is the use of medications. These are certain types of antidepressants, penicillin, as well as medicines that are used to treat malignant neoplasms and glaucoma.
  • The body can smell unpleasantly and from the excessive use of alcoholic beverages. However, the “beer” smell of sweat does not necessarily give out a lover of a foamy drink. Sometimes it appears in people suffering from fungal diseases.
  • The smell of acetone from the armpits indicates an increased level of sugar in the blood, and the characteristic aroma of cat urine signals a kidney disease.

Important! If you feel that the smell of your sweat has changed, it is advisable to consult a doctor. The specialist will promptly diagnose and prescribe adequate treatment.

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Get rid of excessive sweating at home

If you have no health problems, but excessive sweating annoys you, you can try to reduce the intensity of perspiration and reduce unpleasant odors.

It smells then - what to do? Some useful tips

If you smell strongly of sweat afterwards, and what to do, you still don’t know, try first to instill good habits:

  • Wear clothing made from natural fibers. Synthetics do not allow air to pass through, and accordingly, sweating intensifies. In addition, synthetic fabrics literally “preserve” unpleasant odors.
  • Bacteria are the source of an unpleasant odor, so keep your body clean. If you suffer from excessive sweating, carry wet wipes with you and wipe the armpit area after 2-3 hours. This is especially true for the hot season.
  • Baths with sea salt. Take baths twice a week with the addition of sea salt and a few drops of fragrant oil (orange, lavender). You will notice that you smell much worse later.
  • Using special pads under clothing. The pad absorbs both liquid and odor. At the same time, clothes remain dry and clean.
  • Do not forget to remove hair growing in the armpit area in time.
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Pharmaceutical preparations for the smell of sweat:

  • An injection remedy called “Dysport”. This drug blocks the sebaceous and sweat glands. Within six months, you can forget about excessive sweating. The best time for injection is spring. Sweating will not bother you in the summer heat.
  • Get the drug “Urotropin” at the pharmacy. It not only helps to get rid of the smell of sweat, but also eliminates pathogenic fungi. It is enough to rub their skin overnight, and rinse with antibacterial soap in the morning. A similar effect gives a solution of boric acid.
  • Get Teymurov paste in the pharmacy. This is a safe, effective, and inexpensive means to rub into areas of heavy sweating.
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The fight against the smell of sweat folk remedies

If you follow hygiene very carefully, because you know that it smells bad of you later, but you are not ready for expensive injections, try using available folk remedies. Most of them help to cope with the problem in a very short time:

  • Mix 2 teaspoons of baking soda with 5-6 drops of lemon juice. Rub the mixture into the armpits.
  • Grate raw potatoes and attach to armpits.
  • Mix 0.1 L of water, a teaspoon of ethyl alcohol and 3 tablespoons of vanilla extract. Apply this homemade deodorant to your body or clothing using a spray gun.
  • People who smell of sweat are helped by wiping the armpit area with water, in which a little rosemary oil or tea tree oil is added.
  • A mixture of decoction of oak bark and lemon juice is a natural antiperspirant that reduces perspiration.
  • Wash with tar soap. Although it has a somewhat peculiar smell, it has a good disinfecting effect. Coniferous soap helps neutralize the smell of sweat.
  • Rubbing the armpits with lemon juice, lime or apple cider vinegar is good for unpleasant odors.
  • Review your diet. The introduction of chlorophyll into the body reduces the secretion of sweat glands. You can use both nutritional supplements and conventional foods - green leafy vegetables, spinach, cabbage.
  • Since stress is one of the causes of severe perspiration, it is recommended that you drink mint, valerian, or lemon balm in case of intense excitement.

As you can see, there are a lot of answers to the question, “it smells afterwards - what should I do?”

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Deodorant and antiperspirant: are there any differences?

Many mistakenly put an equal sign between these means. It's a delusion:

  • Deodorant eliminates the source of bad smell - bacteria. It has a disinfecting effect.
  • Antiperspirant is designed to reduce sweat. Salts of zinc and aluminum, which are contained in the composition of antiperspirants, help to reduce the secretion of sweat glands. Sweating is reduced by half.

Important! Aluminum salts can be harmful to health, therefore it is preferable to use antiperspirants with zinc salts.

But it is undesirable to use antiperspirants in the hot season, as this can cause heat stroke.

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If none of the above remedies helps to combat the unpleasant odor of sweat, consult a specialist. You may need thorough hormone therapy to eliminate the unpleasant phenomenon or other, more serious measures for the treatment of diseases, the symptom of which was too intense smell of sweat.

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