Do-it-yourself metal stove for a bath - drawings

A good bath is a tool for wellness and relaxation. It is doubly great if the bathhouse is available in the country or in a personal plot. For a home steam room, the best option is an electric-heated stove. In summer cottages, metal bath stoves have worked well. Such devices are available for sale, they can be made to order from the masters or independently. We will consider in this article how to make a furnace for a bathhouse with your own hands from metal - drawings and an operation algorithm.

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The advantages of metal bath stoves include:

  • The ability to fit the product into the interior as it is convenient for the owner.
  • Light weight, strength. This makes it possible to transport the device even in the car trunk.
  • The design of the furnace makes it possible to improve it with minimal material and money.

With what does the manufacture of a metal furnace for a bathhouse with your own hands begin - drawings and design. It is necessary to determine the size and geometry of the product, choose the place where it will stand. In this case, it is necessary, first of all, to take into account our own ideas about the convenience and need for heating (it is clear that this is not to the detriment of safety). Drawings can be downloaded from the Internet, improving them to fit your needs.

Important! Product performance is determined from such considerations: 1 cubic meter of steam room - 1 kg of wood fuel.

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How to make a bath stove?

No special grades of metal are needed for this. Only ordinary sheet metal and pipes will be required. The design is thought out and uncomplicated, so assembling it with your own hands is quite real.

Important! A metal bath stove can easily heat a fifteen-cubic steam room.


The product consists of such parts:

  • At the bottom of the case there is a firebox for 15 kg of firewood.
  • Kamenka with a hole for laying a stone and water supply.
  • Hot water tank. Water is heated through the chimney wall. The top removable lid makes it easy to maintain and clean the tank. Water can be added through the top or by means of a special tap built into the boiler wall.

Important! The heater and the water tank are separated by a soot storage chamber. It is necessary to provide this camera with a closing window in order to periodically clean the soot accumulated there.


Before starting work, check the integrity of the pipes. It is important that there are no cracks on them, so that they are not deformed. Using a sandblasting machine, clean the pipes from rust and oxide layer.

Important! If there is no sandblasting machine, you can use a special brush for metal. Do not use phosphoric acid-based chemicals for cleaning.

Materials for work

So you will need:

  • Metal sheet 5 mm thick, with dimensions 600x3500 mm.
  • Welding equipment.
  • Tap for draining water.
  • Accessories for the manufacture of an opening door.

In addition, metal pipes will be needed:

  • A piece of 1.0 m with a diameter of 108 mm - for the removal of gases from the furnace.
  • 4 segments with a diameter of 60 mm - for heating the heater.

Important! The advantage of the proposed design is its safety. The biggest risk in the operation of bath stoves is carbon monoxide poisoning. In this model, this risk is minimized, since there will be few seams.


Operating procedure:

  • Size the pipe.
  • Cut six circles from a sheet metal with a diameter of 500 mm.

Important! An angle grinder or gas welding can be used for this. Two of these six circles will go to the top and bottom of the bottom of the firebox.

  • Mark the location of the top of the firebox. Using chalk, mark the location of the heater, furnace door and blower.

Important! Cut holes with the utmost accuracy using a “grinder”. Rectangular pieces of metal sheet will go to the manufacture of doors.

  • Weld to the hinge doors.
  • In a metal circle, designed for the upper part of the furnace, cut 4 holes with diameters of 6 cm, weld pieces of pipes designed to heat the heater.
  • Place a round billet for the stove on the ends of the flame tubes and weld. It turned out two metal circles, interconnected by 4 pipes.
  • Place the furnace body vertically, set the resulting workpiece inward. Using electric welding, weld the top of the round firebox into place. Welding should be of the best quality.
  • Turn the stove over. In the same way, weld the round upper bottom of the intermediate chamber.
  • Weld the grates and the bottom of the water tank. For the manufacture of grates, one of the round billets can be used by drilling 10 mm holes in it at a distance of 1.5-2.0 cm.

Important! There is a more preferable option: buying a finished cast iron grate with suitable sizes. For fastening grates use bolts and metal strips.

  • Make the top cover for the hot water tank so that it can be easily removed. For its fastening, you can use the clips. Seal the chimney with a special ring.
  • The final stage of manufacturing - hanging doors on a heater, blew and firebox. A window intended for cleaning soot in the intermediate chamber is preferably secured with bolts with a gasket.

Finishing and installation

For staining, the best option is an organosilicon paint that can withstand high (up to 250 degrees) temperatures. For painting walls, paints with a powder aluminum base are best suited.

Important! Install the oven on a fireproof base. To avoid burns, it is advisable to use a removable casing made of insulating material.

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Everything is ready! Now you have a detailed step-by-step algorithm for creating a do-it-yourself metal stove for a bathhouse. Use it, having previously thought everything through, making a detailed drawing, then the result of the work will be good.

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