Moving to a new apartment - tips

Every modern person has to move at least once in his life. There can be many reasons for this action - creating a new family, changing jobs, getting an education, the desire to completely change lives, etc. In this article we will tell you how to make moving to a new apartment easier and more relaxed - tips, rules for organizing the process, Features of transportation of furniture you will find in this article.

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Popular rituals

Change of residence is a fairly serious life experience, and therefore you should prepare for such an event in advance. To get accustomed to the new place as easily and well as possible, you should familiarize yourself with some of the nuances in advance.

Moving to a new apartment consists of several important stages:

  1. Gathering and loading things in the old place.
  2. Moving with vehicles.
  3. Unpacking and placing things in a new place.

Each of these stages can be accompanied by certain rituals, most of which are not without common sense. Some of the customs cause sincere bewilderment, but it is worth exploring them, at least to raise your own mood.

Before moving

There are several popular customs and rituals that are recommended before the change of residence:

  1. On the eve of the change of living space, fans of Feng Shui teachings recommend baking a pie, loaf, cake or other type of baking in a shape reminiscent of a house. You can choose the recipe for your own taste. Eat this culinary treat immediately before leaving the old house. With this ritual, you take the essence of the house with you, and accordingly - simplify the process of adaptation in a new place.
  2. Fill a glass or ceramic vessel with salt and carry it around the old house. At this point, you should remember all the positive and negative emotions that connect you to this place. Leave the salt to stand in a dark place for a while. At sunset, take the vessel to the uninhabited territory, bury its contents and leave the place without turning around. Be sure to wash your hands at home under running

In a new place

There are also a number of useful and quite pleasant rituals that are recommended to be performed upon arrival in a new apartment. The most popular of them are the following:

  1. Housewarming is one of the most popular and pleasant customs. This ritual not only gives a lot of positive emotions and memories, but also helps to get to know the neighbors and get used to the new apartment.
  2. If someone lived in your room before you, then it is very important to rid him of the accumulated negative energy. To do this, it is recommended to carry out a general cleaning immediately after moving, which involves thorough mopping and dusting in all, even the most inaccessible places.
  3. So that prosperity and happiness reigned in the house, a horseshoe can be hung over the front door. This accessory should be placed with its horns down.

Important! In order for the new apartment to be famous for hospitality, the cat must go in first at its door. At the same time, it is very important that someone comes into the apartment on their own, for this it is enough to bring it to the front door.

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Practical tips for moving to a new apartment

One of the most labor-intensive processes when moving is the transportation of things.For your convenience, we have put together a number of practical tips for moving to another apartment:

  1. To save your own efforts and time, create a detailed action plan in advance for yourself, specifying the sequence of their implementation.
  2. Take care in advance of choosing a transport for transporting things. If you don’t have your own car, select the shipping company whose services you plan to use.
  3. Pack all transported items. First you need to collect unbreakable, sufficiently dimensional objects, for example, books and things. Sign the packing boxes and seal them with tape. Small items and utensils should be packed last, because they will need to be wrapped in several layers of paper.
  4. Put all documents in a certain easily accessible place, for example, in a backpack or handbag that you do not plan to release from your hands.

Important! A responsible approach to moving and early planning of actions will help to minimize the risk of losses, both in a number of things and in relation to your nerves.

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Unpacking Procedure

When the car with your belongings is in the territory of the new house, it seems that all the torment and trouble of the move were left behind, but it’s too early to relax. In the near future you will find not only unloading things, but also their arrangement in a new place.

Unpack things in the following sequence:

  1. First of all, boxes that interfere with the removal of furniture are removed from the machine.
  2. The furniture is immediately brought into the house, installed in its proper place and unpacked.
  3. Now it's time for boxes of fragile items - household appliances, indoor plants, chandeliers, etc.
  4. Send all unnecessary packing materials and boxes to the scrap.
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Stock footage

In this article, we shared with you recommendations and advice on moving to a new apartment, and therefore we hope that you will quickly and easily cope with a responsible task, and further life in a new place will work out in the best way.

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